i"l& ^r T<*.TEv- W jfT-/;/,through ffle, ^ffin.iedComt^tee ^^ -^rM^ 6>/<7^ Countryto aid in the loss caused the Disastrous Firereplacing bythe 1890.of 14th,FebruaryVxM. TULLII CICEKONISDE NATURA DEORUMLIBRI TRESC. J. CLAY AND2LottHon: SON,CAMBELDGE UNIVEESITY PEESS WAEEHOUSE,AVE MAEIA LANE.CAMBRIDGE: DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO.LEIPZIG: F. A. BROCKHAUS.LLM. TULLII CICERONISDE NATUBA DEOEUMLIBBJ TEESWITH INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTARYM.A.JOSEPH B. MAYOK,TOGETHEB WITHA NEW COLLATION OF SEVERAL OF THE ENGLISH MSS.BY J. H. M.A.SWAINSON,FORMERLY OFFELLOW TRINITY CAMBRIDGE.COLLEGE,VOL. III.;(EambrtogeAT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS.1885aretranslation and[The rights of reproduction reserved.]:CTamfcrfogeANDC. J. M.A. SON,PRINTED BY CLAY,PRESS.AT THE UNIVERSITYPREFACE.IN a work which has cost meconcluding manyof it not be out of to statelabour,years may placeI first undertook it and what I have tried towhythat the entrance of ChrisBelievingaccomplish.into the world is the central fact of man stianitythe to all that and all that hashistory, key precededfollowed I have esteemed it to be theit, always highestoffice of classical to throw thescholarship light uponstate of and in the two nationsthought feeling greatof at the time of the birth of Christ. Itantiquityis as a contribution to such an that theinquirytreatise on the Nature of the Gods seems to me toa interest and value not because;possess uniquewas himself the ...