;CATALOGUEHEBREW BOOKSLIBRARYTHE BRITISH MUSEUM.BYTRINTED ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES.SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUMAND BYCO., PATERNOSTER ROW; B. M. PICKERING, 196, PICCADILLYLONGMAN &A. ASHER & CO., 20, UNTER DEN LINDEN, BERLIN.AND1867.:zV7<6LONDONr-.ivren nv ratramm, lea and oo.,''""- 'ice, nam n ciPREFACE.in the followingThe collection of Hebrew books, described catalogue,upwards of bound volumes, and comprises worksconsists of 10,100learning.in all branches of Hebrew and Rabbinical It has grownfrom small beginnings. In 1759, when theMuseum was first openedEditio Princeps of the Talmud was the only Hebrewto the public, the_in the librarywork it contained, and this was included ro) al presentedto the Museum by King George II. In the same year Mr. SolomonDa Costa, a Jewish merchant, who had immigrated from Holland, pre-180 volumes, containingsented a collection of the most valuable worksofRabbinical literature. During the succeeding 89 years, the Hebrewbooks had increased to about 600. In however,1848, 4,420 volumeswere purchased from the famous collection of Mr. H. J. Michael, ofHamburg. This acquisition at once raised the Museum collection ofHebrew books to be one of importance, and gave an impetus to thisbranch of the library, which has been constantly maintained to thepresent time, and has resulted in making the national collection ofHebrew books the largest in the world. While this catalogue waspassing through the press, Messrs. ...