PRESENTEDTOTHE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTOBYCATALOGUEOFDRAWINGS BY BRITISH ARTISTSANDORIGINARTISTS OF FOREIGNWORKING INGREAT BRITAIN,PRESERVED IN THEAND DRAWINGSDEPARTMENT OF PRINTSIN THEBEITISH MUSEUM.BYLAUEENCE B.A.,BINYON,ASSISTANT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS.VOL. III.BY ORDER OF THEPRINTED TRUSTEES.SOLD AT THE BEITISH MUSEUM;AND BYAND 39 PATERNOSTER Eow BERNARD 15 PICCADILLYLONGMANS Co., ; ;QUARITCH,13 BEDFORDASHER AND COVENT GARDENCO., STREET, ;KEGAN TRUBNER AND PATERNOSTER CHARING CROSSPAUL, TRENCH, Co., HOUSE, KOAD;AND HENRY OXFORD UNIVERSITY AMEN LONDON.PRESS, CORNER,FROWDE,1902.[All rights reserved.']LONDON :PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES ANDSONS, LIMITED,DUKE STAMFORD AND GREAT WINDMILLSTREET, STREET, S.E., W.STREET,PREFACE.the volume of the official ofTHE third, Catalogue drawingspresent, beingin Great has beenartists and artistsBritish Britain,Foreign workingbyvolumes Mr. Laurence Assistant inlike the former by Binyon,preparedPrints and It includes the letters I tothe of Drawings.Departmentin thecontains namesandR, many diversely distinguishedaccordinglythem some of the eminence.of British andart, highestamong veryhistoryin the so far as the means at itsEndeavour is made department,alwayswill to secure an of theallow, adequate representation productionsdisposalnative artists so that of the handiwork ofof recently deceased; alongsidethe older such asmasters, Kneller, Lawrence, Morland, Miiller, Reynolds,and the ...