S,,NiHW. 0VTO?,OHIO*=BULLETINSSHOWINGOFTITLES BOOKSADDED TO THEBOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARYETC.BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES,VIII.VOL.NUMBERS TOAUGUST, 1887, MAY, 188976-79.BOSTONofrtier trusteestfjefogROCKWELL & CITY PRINTERSCHURCHILL,1889saiv.?INDEX TO IN VOL. VIII.NOTES, ETC.,BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY.Page Page....Allston Station William H. .....Delivery 528 Foster, 324Barton Gifts to the ....Catalogue 528 Library 324, 528Hall service . . . .Bates William W. of .evening 528 Greenough, , Resignation 214of . .S.Bowditch, J. Ingersoll, Bequest 528 Morrison, John 324Bowditch ..... New . . .Library 55 Library Building. 324,528Bulletins out of Bust of ....print 324 O'Brien, Hugh, 324from books New of . .Contagion 528 Pamphlets, arrangement 528Electric Patent Removal to Lower Hall .books,lighting 528 528Precautions ....Fire, 528againstSUBJECTS.PageAltfranzosische Bibliothek . . . .116 Oeffentliche in derVortrage gehaltenAmerican Local Schweiz. Band .... 149, 402History 7-9Sessional for98, 180, 304, 462 (Completion) Parliamentary Papers, 1884-5,and 212Continental 1886Congress, Bibliography of,*P. L. sd . .. ,}S1774-89. (By Ford.) .320 Pennsylvania, Geological surveyDeutsche Zeit- und Neue wissen-Streit-Fragen. Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher2 . . . schaftlicher Neuei,Folge. Jahrgang 236,355 Vortrage. Folge.text . . . Serie . . . . .18, 1,2. 43, 416Early English society 357 ....Vasco da...... Schoener'sGama, (1523) 277163 globeadditionsGottschall's Der ...