Opportunities in Dam Planning and Management









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This Handbook offers 'how to' ideas to help infrastructure practitioners identify good practice improvements in communication, starting with the World Bank's own expanding portfolio of dam projects. In-depth case studies prepared for this Handbook show the considerable scope, value added, and many practical reasons to link governance, sustainability, and communication aspects at all stages of the project cycle. The Handbook reflects a philosophy of continuous improvement in development practices.
Improving communication in dam planning and management not only achieves consensus on imbedding anti-corruption measures in projects but also builds multi-stakeholder partnerships that are fundamental to advance the wider development effectiveness of large dams and creates synergy to combat poverty with sustainable infrastructure provision.
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21 juin 2011

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Opportunities in
A Communication Practitioner’s
Handbook for Large Water Infrastructure
Leonardo Mazzei
Lawrence J. M. Haas
. .© 2011 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank
1818 H Street NW
Washington DC 20433
Telephone: 202-473-1000
Internet: www.worldbank.org
All rights reserved
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This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development / The World Bank. The fi ndings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed
in this volume do not necessarily refl ect the views of the Executive Directors of The World
Bank or the governments they represent.
The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The
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do not imply any judgement on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of
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ISBN: 978-0-8213-8216-5
eISBN: 978-0-8213-8279-0
DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-8216-5
Cover photo: Leonardo Mazzei
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Mazzei, Leonardo, 1973-
Opportunities in dam planning and management: an infrastructure practitioner’s handbook
/ prepared by Leonardo Mazzei with Lawrence Haas and Donal T. O’Leary.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8213-8216-5 (alk. paper)—ISBN 978-0-8213-8279-0 (electronic : alk. paper)
1. Dams—Design and construction. 2. Infrastructure (Economics)—Decision making.
3. Project management. I. Haas, Lawrence J. M. II. O’Leary, Donal. III. Title.
TC540.M463 2010
Preface ix
About the Authors xiii
Abbreviations xv
Introduction 1
1 Advocacy and Awareness Raising 11
Bridging the Communication and Infrastructure Paradigms 12
Adopting a New Generation of Tools 15
Capturing Synergy from Governance, Sustainability,
and Communication 29
Adding Value for Relevant Groups of Stakeholders 31
Reinforcing the Advocacy Roles of World Bank TaskTeams 32
2 How to Adopt Good Practice 39
Starting with a Communication-Based Assessment 40
Applying Criteria to Benchmarking for Good Practice 42
Formulating Comprehensive Communication
Strategies 52
Improving Communication along the Project Cycle 57
Investing in Cation for Governance and Sustainability 70
3 Tools and Resources: Some Thumbnail Sketches 77
Communication Tools 78Anticorruption T89Sustainability T98
vvi Contents
A Berg Water Project 121
B Lesotho Highlands Water Project 133
Glossary 141
1.1 Featuring Communications and Governance in the
Hydro Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP) 21
2.1 What Is the Traditional Communication-Based
Assessment (CBA)? 40
2.2 The Multiple Expectations Associated with Dam Projects 47
2.3 Using Rules and Dialogue in the Project Governance
Structure to Empower Relevant Voices 48
2.4 Using Communication to Create Stakeholder Value at All
Project Stages 50
2.5 Tools for All Forms of Risk Reduction 51
2.6 Communication Strategy: Three Streams for the
BWP Implementation Phase 55
3.1 Social and Participatory Communication Analysis: Issues to Be
Covered by the CBA 81
3.2 IWRM Management Tool Classifi cation 101
A.1 Berg Water Project: Its Genesis 122
A.2 Link ing Options Assessment to Communications,
Governance, and Sustainability 125
B.1 Lesotho Highlands Water Project (Phase I): Project Features 134
1 How to Get the Most from This Handbook: Entry Points 9
1.1 Stakeholders in the Public Sector Governance System for
Infrastructure 17
1.2 Old and New Sustainability Themes in Dam Planning and Management 20
1.3 Four Areas of Communication Practice Relevant to
Contemporary Dam Planning and Management 25
1.4 The Four-Phase Development Communication Process:
Activities and Outputs 26
1.5 Analytical Support for Communication Needed through
All Project Cycle Stages 26
1.6 Multiple Aspects of Governance Reform and Its Impact
on the Policy and Planning Context of Dam Projects 30
1.7 Synergy Starts by Linking Communication-Based
Assessment with Other Strategic and Technical Assessments 31 Contents vii
1.8 Community and Planners’ Perceptions of Current
Cy Roles and Preferred Community Infl uence
in Water Management Decisions 33
2.1 Benchmarking Communication Strategies within the
Four-Phase Development Communication Process 45
2.2 Plans and Subplans of Dam Projects That Need a
Communication Strategy 53
2.3 World Bank Project Cycle for Investment Lending 58
2.4 Communication and the Infrastructure Project Cycle
for Dam Projects 59
2.5 Mapping of Development Communication Interventions
and Products along the Bank Project Cycle 60
2.6 Mapping of Governance and Anticorruption (GAC)
Interventions and Products along the Bank Project Cycle 61
2.7 Mapping of Sustainability Interventions and Products
along the Bank Project Cycle 63
2.8 Workspace in the Macro and Project Identifi cation Stages 64
2.9 We in the Project Preparation Stage 66
2.10 Workspacroject Implementation Stage 67
2.11 We in the Project Evaluation Stage 68
2.12 Governance, Sustainability, and Communication
Interventions at All Stages of the Bank Project Cycle 69
2.13 Profi le of Communication Activity on Bank-supported
Projects in 2007 72
3.1 Components of a Communication Action Plan for
Dam Projects 84
3.2 New and Old Sustainability Themes in Dam Planning and Management 99
3.3 Communication and Social Accountability Tools Applied
to Budget Questions 103
3.4 Environmental Flow Assessments in Integrated Water
Resource Management 106
3.5 Performance at Commissioning 109
A.1 Berg River Dam and Supplement Scheme Near
Franschoek, South Africa 124
1.1 Corruption Exposures in Hydropower along the
Infrastructure Project Cycle 16
1.2 What Is the Diff erence between Thinking and Practice?
Preventing and Detecting Corruption in Dam Planning
and Management 19viii Contents
1.3 What Is the Diff erence between Thinking and Practice?
Enhancing the Sustainability of Dam Projects and
Balancing the Economic, Social, and Environmental
Performances in Context 24
1.4 How Each Communication Practice Helps to Advance
Governance and Sustainability Improvements in Dams 27
1.5 What Is the Diff erence between Thinking and Practice?
Modernizing Communication Practices in Dam Planning
and Management 28
1.6 Added Value of Communication: Project Management
and Stakeholder Perspectives 32
1.7 Why Fighting Corruption in Hydropower Is in the Interest
of All Stakeholders 34
2.1 A Communication-Based Assessment: A Quick Checklist 41
2.2 Some Dos and Don’ts in Starting a Communication-Based
Assessment (CBA) 43
2.3 S’ts on Benchmarking Good Practice
Communication on Dam Projects 52
2.4 Some Dos and Don’ts in Formulating a Comprehensive
Communication Strategy 56
2.5 S’ts in Improving Communication along
the Bank Project Cycle to Support Improving Governance
and Sustainability in Dam Projects 70
2.6 Relative Impact of Communication Improvements on
Project Budgets 71
2.7 Communication Budget, Project Preparation, and
Implementation Stages, Bumbuna Hydropower Project,
Postwar Sierra Leone 73
2.8 Representative Cost of Corruption Risk Assessment (CRA)
and Governance Improvement Plan (GIP) for a Water
Supply Dam 73
2.9 Representative Cost of Multistakeholder Workshop for
Three-Way Synergy from Governance, Sustainability,
and Communication 73
3.1 Steps in the Design of a Communic

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