ARGENTINALEGENDAND HISTORYANDLAGUARD1A LAGUARDIATHE HISPANIC SERIESTHE OFUNDER EDITORSHIPD. PH.D.FITZ-GERALD,JOHNPROFESSOR OF UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISSPANISH,MEMBER OF THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICACORRESPONDIENTE DE LAS REALES ACADEMIASDE LA HISTORIA DE Y DEESPANOLA, MADRID,BUENAS LETRAS DE BARCELONAARGENTINALEGEND AND HISTORYBlasco susIbdnez, Argentina y grandezasDE SAN MARTINJOSEARGENTINALEGEND AND HISTORYSELECTED ANDREADINGS EDITEDBYG. B.GARIBALDI A.M.LAGUARDIA,ANDCINCINATO G. B. A.B.OF THE UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMYH. SANBORN & CO.BENJ.CHICAGO NEW YORK BOSTONCOPYRIGHT, 1919,BY H. SANBORN & CO.BENJ.Xormooti& Smith Co.J. 8. Co. BerwickGushingU.S.A.Norwood, Mass.,AINOSTRI GENITORIPREFACEIN this the editors offer materialbook, readingwhich will the student some idea of thegiveof of her of herArgentina, great men,historysince the dawn ofdevelopment independence,inand of her wonderful as shownpossibilities,Blasco Ibanez's Con Rumbo a la Esperanza.beenThe choice of material has necessarilywithin that limited thebutrestricted, field,editors have selected what was andrepresentativeand best to the in view.purposetypical adaptedThe book has been to suit the needs ofarrangedschool orthird-year high work, second-year collegeIt was taken for that theSpanish. grantedstudent would be familiar with the underlyingof beforeprinciples Spanish grammar taking upthis andbook; yet, grammatical explanationshave been wherever were ...