HANDBOUNDAT THEUNIVERSITY OFTORONTO PRESSTSANSKRIT GRAMMARFOR BEGINNERS,INROMANDEVANAGARl AND LETTERS THROUGHOUT,BYF. MAX MtiLLER, M.A.,THE FRENCHFOREIGN MEMBER OF INSTITTTTB,ETC.AND ACCENTUATED.REVISEDSECOND EDITION,LONDON:CO.ANDGREEN,LONGMANS,1870.AND E. PICKARDE. B.T. GARDNER,- HALL,COMBE, M.A.,TO TH.E UNIVERSITY.PRINTERSPREFACETO THE FIRST EDITION.J.HE which is intended for ispresent grammar, chiefly beginners,believed to contain all the information that a student of Sanskritis to want the first two or three of hislikely during years reading.Rules to the of the Vedas have beenreferring language entirelyfor it not desirable that the difficulties of that ancientisexcluded,should be one who has not mastereddialect approached by any fullythe of the Sanskrit such as it was fixed Paninigrammar ordinary byand his successors. All allusions to forms in Greek, Latin,cognateor have likewise been however inter-Gothic, because,suppressed,toand useful the advanced are tostudent, depriveesting they aptof that clear firm ofthe and thebeginner grasp grammatical systemto the of ancient which alone can form aIndia,languagepeculiarfoundation for the both of Sanskrit and ofsolid study ComparativePhilology.The two which I have in view while com-principal objects keptthis have been clearness and correctness. Withposing grammar,to chiefmodel has been the ofclearness, ;regard my grammar Boppof If Iwith to the Colebrooke.correctness, mayregard ...