GRAMMARAOFUMBRIANANDOSCANOF INSCRIPTIONSA COLLECTIONWITHAND A GLOSSARYBYPH.D.DARLINGCARL BUCK,COMPARATIVEAND INDO-EUROPEANOF SANSKRITPROFESSOROF CHICAGOIN THE UNIVERSITYPHILOLOGYU.S.A.BOSTON,& PUBLISHERSGINN COMPANY,Cbe &t&en*tim19041904COPYRIGHT,BY CABL DARLING BUCKALL RIGHTS RESERVEDPREFACEis an to furnish in a vol-THE work singlefollowing attemptwhat is most essential for the ofume of moderate compass studyIn of the of thethe and Umbrian dialects.Oscan spite meagrenesslike and andas with Greek Latin,languagesmaterial, comparedare stillin of the of detail which unsolved,spite many questionsunderstood. Andmain features of these two dialects are wellthewithrelation to Latin that some themsuch is their acquaintancenot to the but to the studentis alone,important, Indo-Europeanistin a less to the student of theof the Latin and, degree,language,of In order that a ofandhistory antiquities Italy. knowledgemore it is not that wethe dialects should become general, enoughas Italic withhave now such excellent works Conway's Dialects,its full of the and von Planta'sexisting material,presentationexhaustive Grammatik der Oskisch-Umbrischen Dialekte. Thefullness of v. Planta's the conscientious oftreatment, weighingand the liberal citation of all add to itsauthorities,possibilities,work of but the bulk of 1372value as a reference, resulting pagesone who can devote amount ofis to deter a moderatelikely onlythere is hastime to the That need of a ...