BCrititalanfr0n Srritxtris 0f (jplfrMUNDER THE EDITORSHIP OFTHE REV. CHARLES AUGUSTUS D.D.BRIGGS,andProfessor of Theological Encyclopedia SymbolicsUnion New York Seminary,THE REV. SAMUEL ROLLES D.D.DRIVER,Regius Professor ofHebrew, OxfordTHE REV. ALFRED D.D.PLUMMER, M.A.,Late Master Durhamof University College,InternationalTheCritical Commentaryof the Old andOn the Holy ScripturesNew TestamentsEDITORS' PREFACEare now before the Commentaries,public manyof awritten British and American divines, popularbyTHEREBibleor homiletical character. The Cambridge forand Privatethe Handbooks Bible Classes Students,Schools, forTheThe CommentarySpeaker's Commentary, Popular (Schaff),1theirThe s and other similar haveseries,Bible,Expositornot enter into theand But dospecial place theyimportance.such series offield of Critical Biblical scholarship occupied byHandbuch zumCommentaries as the Kurzgefasstes exegetischesA. T. De Wette's zum;N. T. Kommentar Keil and;; Meyer's Kritisch-exegetischerDelitzsch's Biblischer Commentar uber das A. T. ; Lange'sHandkommentarBibelwerk Nowack's;Theologisch-homiletischeszum N. T. SeveralA. T. Holtzmann's Handkommentar zum;of these have been and in some casesedited,translated, enlargedand for the others are in;adapted, English-speaking publicof translation. But series Britishnoprocess bycorrespondingor American divines has hitherto been The haswayproduced.been Commentaries Ellicott,prepared by special Cheyne,byand ...