Dynamic measurement of pennation angle of gastrocnemius muscles during contractions based on ultrasound imaging
Zhou Yongjin, Li Ji-Zhou, Zhou Guangquan, Zheng Yong-Ping, Zheng
Signaling network prediction by the Ontology Fingerprint enhanced Bayesian network
Qin Tingting, Tsoi, Sims, Lu Xinghua, Zheng W, Zheng
E-cadherin and β-catenin expression in early stage cervical carcinoma: a tissue microarray study of 147 cases
Fadare Oluwole, Reddy Harini, Wang Jun, Hileeto Denise, Zheng Wenxin, Zheng, Schwartz
Evidence for Vpr-dependent HIV-1 Replication in Human CD4+ CEM.NKR T-Cells
Dang Ying, Zhou Jiajun, Tao Zhou, Zheng Yong-Hui, Baker, Zheng
Role of hepatitis B virus X protein in regulating LIM and SH3 protein 1 (LASP-1) expression to mediate proliferation and migration of hepatoma cells
Tang Renxian, Kong Fanyun, Hu Lina, You Hongjuan, Zhang Peng, Du Weidong, Zheng Kuiyang, Zheng
A proteomic approach to analyzing responses of Arabidopsis thalianaroot cells to different gravitational conditions using an agravitropic mutant, pin2and its wild type
Tan Chao, Zhang Yue, Qi Bin, Xu Guoxin, Zheng Huiqiong, Zheng, Hui Wang
Blow-up for an evolution p-laplace system with nonlocal sources and inner absorptions
Zhang Yan, Liu Dengming, Mu Chunlai, Zheng Pan, Zheng
Tea consumption and risk of bladder cancer: a meta-analysis
Qin Jie, Xie Bo, Mao Qiqi, Kong Debo, Lin Yiwei, Zheng Xiangyi, Zheng
MicroRNA array and microarray evaluation of endometrial receptivity in patients with high serum progesterone levels on the day of hCG administration
Qiao Jie, Wang Lina, Zhen Xiumei, Liu Ping, Zheng Xiaoying, Zheng, Lili, Lĭ Róng
Genotyping of TRIM5locus in northern pig-tailed macaques (Macaca leonina), a primate species susceptible to Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 infection
Kuang Yi-Qun, Tang Xia, Liu Feng-Liang, Jiang Xue-Long, Zhang Ya-Ping, Gao Guangxia, Zheng Yong-Tang, Zheng
Genotyping of TRIM5locus in northern pig-tailed macaques (Macaca leonina), a primate species susceptible to Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 infection
Kuang Yi-Qun, Tang Xia, Liu Feng-Liang, Jiang Xue-Long, Zhang Ya-Ping, Gao Guangxia, Zheng Yong-Tang, Zheng
12 pages
Inhibition of AMPA receptor trafficking at hippocampal synapses by β-amyloid oligomers: the mitochondrial contribution
Rui Yanfang, Gu Jiaping, Yu Kuai, Hartzell, Zheng
Directed migration of human neural progenitor cells to interleukin-1β is promoted by chemokines stromal cell-derived factor-1 and monocyte chemotactic factor-1 in mouse brains
Wu Yumei, Chen Qiang, Peng Hui, Dou Huanyu, Zhou You, Huang Yunlong, Zheng