Intraperitoneal injection of thalidomide attenuates bone cancer pain and decreases spinal tumor necrosis factor-α expression in a mouse model
Gu Xiaoping, Zheng Yaguo, Ren Bingxu, Zhang Rui, Mei Fengmei, Zhang Juan, Ma Zhengliang, Ma
Optimization of adefovir therapy in chronic hepatitis B according to baseline predictors and on-treatment HBV DNA: a 5-Year prospective study
Lu Hui, Geng Da, Shen Fei, Lu Bing, Ma, Lima, Jing Zhang
Functional and radiological evaluations of high-energy tibial plateau fractures treated with doublebuttress plate fixation
Yu Z, Zheng L, Zhang Y, Li J, Ma B, Ma
Shadow removal with background difference method based on shadow position and edges attributes
Zhu Shiping, Guo Zhichao, Ma, Lima
Proteomic analysis of a disease-resistance-enhanced lesion mimic mutant spotted leaf 5 in rice
Chen Xifeng, Fu Shufang, Zhang Pinghua, Gu Zhimin, Liu Jianzhong, Qian Qian, Ma Bojun, Ma
Modeling left ventricular diastolic dysfunction: classification and key indicators
Luo Chuan, Ramachandran Deepa, Ware, Ma, Clark
Fever of unknown origin in China: evaluation of 918 cases during a ten-year-period of study
Meng Qing-Yi, Ma Jing-Ling, Ma
Genetic marking and characterization of Tac2-expressing neurons in the central and peripheral nervous system
Mar Lynn, Yang Fu-Chia, Ma Qiufu, Ma
Efficient production of polymer-grade L-lactic acid from corn stover hydrolyzate by thermophilic Bacillus sp. strain XZL4
Xue Zhangwei, Wang Limin, Ju Jiansong, Yu Bo, Xu Ping, Ma Yanhe, Ma
On positive periodic solutions of second-order difference equations with attractive-repulsive singularities
Lu Yanqiong, Ma Ruyun, Ma
Rapamycin sensitizes T-ALL cells to dexamethasone-induced apoptosis
Gu Ling, Zhou Chenyan, Liu Huajun, Gao Ju, Li Qiang, Mu Dezhi, Ma Zhigui, Ma
Manipulation of the carbon storage regulator system for metabolite remodeling and biofuel production in Escherichia coli
Mckee, Rutherford, Chivian, Baidoo, Juminaga Darmawi, Kuo Dwight, Benke, Arkin, Petzold, Keasling, Chhabra, Ma, Dietrich, Adam S
Efficient inhibition of lung cancer in murine model by plasmid-encoding VEGF short hairpin RNA in combination with low-dose DDP
Zhang Shuang, Chen Xiang, Zhang Na, Jiang Yu, Zhao Xia, Deng, Ma, Wang Wei, Cao, Yang Yang, Wei
Increased shedding of HU177 correlates with worse prognosis in primary melanoma
Mazumdar Madhu, Krich Daniel, Liebes Leonard, Brooks, Osman Iman, Ma, Hamilton, Rose, Shapiro, Berman, Christos
Mind the information gap: fertility rate and use of cesarean delivery and tocolytic hospitalizations in Taiwan
Lee, Ma, Norton
Existence of solutions for a differential inclusion problem with singular coefficients involving the p(x)-Laplacian
Dai Guowei, Ma Ruyun, Ma Qiaozhen, Ma
MiR-10a is aberrantly overexpressed in Nucleophosmin1mutated acute myeloid leukaemia and its suppression induces cell death
Bryant Adam, Jayaswal Vivek, Yang Yee, Lutherborrow Mark, Ma, Palma
Inhibitory activity of 9-phenylcyclohepta[d]pyrimidinedione derivatives against different strains of HIV-1 as non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Huang Yang, Wang Xiaowei, Yu Xiaoling, Yuan Lin, Guo Ying, Xu Weisi, Liu Tiejun, Liu Junyi, Shao Yiming, Ma Liying, Ma
Inhibitory activity of 9-phenylcyclohepta[d]pyrimidinedione derivatives against different strains of HIV-1 as non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Huang Yang, Wang Xiaowei, Yu Xiaoling, Yuan Lin, Guo Ying, Xu Weisi, Liu Tiejun, Liu Junyi, Shao Yiming, Ma Liying, Ma
6 pages
Methamphetamine-induced changes in the striatal dopamine pathway in μ-opioid receptor knockout mice
Shen Xine, Tien Lu-Tai, Roman Richard, Ma Tangeng, Park, Ma
Hepatocyte growth factor regulates HLX1 gene expression to modulate HTR-8/SVneo trophoblast cells
Liu Hai-Ying, Jia Xue-Qin, Gao Ling-Xue, Ma Yu-Yan, Ma