The key of libberty, shewing the causes why a free government has always failed, and a remidy against it;
William Manning, Samuel Eliot Morison
Transactions of conference held March 9 to 13, 1914, at Liberty buildings, Liverpool
Liverpool Town Planning And Housing Exhibition (1914), S. D Adshead
Labour difficulties and suggested solutions; a manual for technical students, cashiers, foremen, departmental or works managers and employers
W. J. (William Joseph) Deeley
Livelihood and poverty; a study in the economic conditions of working-class households in Northampton, Warrington, Stanley and Reading
Bowley Arthur Lyon 1869-, Alexander Robert Burnett-Hurst
Narrative of the condition of the manufacturing population; and the proceedings of government which led to the state trails in Scotland, for administering unlawful oaths, and the suspension of the habeas corpus act, in 1817, with a detailed account of the system of espionage adopted at that period, in Glasgow and its neighborhood. Also, a summary of similar proceedings, in other parts of the country, to the execution of Thistlewood and others, for high treason, in 1820
Alex. B. (Alexander Bailey) Richmond
Narrative of the condition of the manufacturing population; and the proceedings of government which led to the state trails in Scotland, for administering unlawful oaths, and the suspension of the habeas corpus act, in 1817, with a detailed account of the system of espionage adopted at that period, in Glasgow and its neighborhood. Also, a summary of similar proceedings, in other parts of the country, to the execution of Thistlewood and others, for high treason, in 1820
Alex. B. (Alexander Bailey) Richmond
208 pages
Labour difficulties and suggested solutions; a manual for technical students, cashiers, foremen, departmental or works managers and employers
W. J. (William Joseph) Deeley
Programa de acção comunitária a médio prazo para uma integração económica e social dos grupos menos favorecidos
Directorate-General For Translation European Commission
Communautair actieprogramma op middellange termijn voor de economische en maatschappelijke integratie van kansarme groepen
Directorate-General For Translation European Commission
Medium-term Community action programme to foster the economic and social integration of the least privileged groups
Directorate-General For Translation European Commission
The way out; has man a right to sell his labor in the open market for any price he pleases? No. If he does so, does it concern anybody besides himself? Yes
Smith David Wilmot B. 1842