Partition Bennet: A hunts up, A Briefe Discovrse Of pour true (but neglected) vse of Charact’ring pour Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, et Diminution en Measurable Musicke, against pour Common pratique et Custome of these Times.
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partitions de musique de la renaissance
Partition Bennet: A hunts up, A Briefe Discovrse Of pour true (but neglected) vse of Charact’ring pour Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, et Diminution en Measurable Musicke, against pour Common pratique et Custome of these Times.
Thomas Ravenscroft
2 pages
Partition Bennet: pour pour Hearne et Ducke, A Briefe Discovrse Of pour true (but neglected) vse of Charact’ring pour Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, et Diminution en Measurable Musicke, against pour Common pratique et Custome of these Times.
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partitions de musique de la renaissance
Partition Bennet: pour pour Hearne et Ducke, A Briefe Discovrse Of pour true (but neglected) vse of Charact’ring pour Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, et Diminution en Measurable Musicke, against pour Common pratique et Custome of these Times.
Thomas Ravenscroft
3 pages
Partition Bennet: pour Elues Daunce, A Briefe Discovrse Of pour true (but neglected) vse of Charact’ring pour Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, et Diminution en Measurable Musicke, against pour Common pratique et Custome of these Times.
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partitions de musique de la renaissance
Partition Bennet: pour Elues Daunce, A Briefe Discovrse Of pour true (but neglected) vse of Charact’ring pour Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, et Diminution en Measurable Musicke, against pour Common pratique et Custome of these Times.
Thomas Ravenscroft
2 pages
Partition Of Ale, A Briefe Discovrse Of pour true (but neglected) vse of Charact’ring pour Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, et Diminution en Measurable Musicke, against pour Common pratique et Custome of these Times.
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partitions de musique de la renaissance
Partition Of Ale, A Briefe Discovrse Of pour true (but neglected) vse of Charact’ring pour Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, et Diminution en Measurable Musicke, against pour Common pratique et Custome of these Times.
Thomas Ravenscroft
2 pages
Partition Kramme: Introduction to pour Enamouring section of A Briefe Discourse, A Briefe Discovrse Of pour true (but neglected) vse of Charact’ring pour Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, et Diminution en Measurable Musicke, against pour Common pratique et Custome of these Times.
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partitions de musique de la renaissance
Partition Kramme: Introduction to pour Enamouring section of A Briefe Discourse, A Briefe Discovrse Of pour true (but neglected) vse of Charact’ring pour Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, et Diminution en Measurable Musicke, against pour Common pratique et Custome of these Times.
Thomas Ravenscroft
8 pages
Partition Farnaby: I lift mine eyes to Sion hill (Psalm 121), pour Whole Booke of Psalmes
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partition parties complètes, pour Whole Booke of Psalmes, “The Whole booke of psalms : with the hymnes euangelicall, and songs spirituall / composed into 4. parts by sundry authors, to such seuerall tunes, as haue beene, and are vsually sung in England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Italy, France, and the Nether-lands, neuer as yet before in one volumne published ; also, 1. A briefe abstract of the prayse, efficacie, and vertue of the psalmes, 2. That all clarkes of churches, and the auditory, may know what tune each proper psalme may be sung vnto ; newly corrected and enlarged by Tho. Rauenscroft”
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partitions de musique de la renaissance
Partition parties complètes, pour Whole Booke of Psalmes, “The Whole booke of psalms : with the hymnes euangelicall, and songs spirituall / composed into 4. parts by sundry authors, to such seuerall tunes, as haue beene, and are vsually sung in England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Italy, France, and the Nether-lands, neuer as yet before in one volumne published ; also, 1. A briefe abstract of the prayse, efficacie, and vertue of the psalmes, 2. That all clarkes of churches, and the auditory, may know what tune each proper psalme may be sung vnto ; newly corrected and enlarged by Tho. Rauenscroft”
Thomas Ravenscroft
146 pages
Partition Farnaby: Such as en God pour Lord doe trust (Psalm 125), pour Whole Booke of Psalmes
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partition Kirbye: Lord en thy wrath reprove me not (Psalm 6), pour Whole Booke of Psalmes
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partition Bennet: O Lord how joyful is pour king (Psalm 21), pour Whole Booke of Psalmes
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partition Tomkins: Lord Plead My Cause against My Foes (Psalm 35), pour Whole Booke of Psalmes
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partition Like as pour Hart doth Breath et Bray (Psalm 42), pour Whole Booke of Psalmes
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partition Blankes: Our eares haue heard our fathers tell (Psalm 44), pour Whole Booke of Psalmes
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partition Tomkins: Ye people all avec one accord (Psalm 47), pour Whole Booke of Psalmes
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partition My Lord my God en all distresse image (Psalm 71), pour Whole Booke of Psalmes
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partition Lord give thy judgements to pour King (Psalm 72), pour Whole Booke of Psalmes
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partition Stubbs: Unto thee God will we give thanks (Psalm 75), pour Whole Booke of Psalmes
Thomas Ravenscroft
Partition Allison: avec my voyce to God doe cry (Psalm 77), pour Whole Booke of Psalmes
Thomas Ravenscroft