Devastating Nuclear Accidents throughout History: Causes and Results - Science Book for Kids 9-12 | Children's Science & Nature Books
Baby Professor
Attrezzature per irradiazioni sperimentali esistenti presso il reattore ad alto flusso HFR ed i laboratori del Centro comune di ricerche nucleari di Petten della Comunità europea dell'energia atomica e del Reactor Centrum Nederland
Directorate-General For Translation European Commission
Sciences formelles
Attrezzature per irradiazioni sperimentali esistenti presso il reattore ad alto flusso HFR ed i laboratori del Centro comune di ricerche nucleari di Petten della Comunità europea dell'energia atomica e del Reactor Centrum Nederland
Directorate-General For Translation European Commission
52 pages
Irradiation experiments in the HFR and the laboratories of the research establishment of Euratom and the Reactor Centrum Nederland at Petten
Directorate-General For Translation European Commission
Restrained shrinkage experiments on coated particle fuel compacts in the temperature range 600 - 1200° C
European Commission Joint Research Centre
Possibilités d'irradiations expérimentales dans le réacteur à haut flux HFR et les laboratoires du Centre commun de recherches nucléaires de Petten de la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique et du Reactor Centrum Nederland
Directorate-General For Translation European Commission
Sciences formelles
Possibilités d'irradiations expérimentales dans le réacteur à haut flux HFR et les laboratoires du Centre commun de recherches nucléaires de Petten de la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique et du Reactor Centrum Nederland
Directorate-General For Translation European Commission
52 pages
Preliminary characterization and selection of candidate montmorillonite material
Directorate-General For Research And Innovation
Development of the industrial manufacturing processes and field validation of the buffer material concept
Directorate-General For Research And Innovation
Preliminary characterization and selection of candidate saponite material
Directorate-General For Research And Innovation
Mogelijkheden tot het verrichten van bestralingsexperimenten in de HFR en de laboratoria van de Inrichting voor Gemeenschappelijk Onderzoek op het gebied van de kernenergie van Euratom en het Reactor Centrum Nederland te Petten
Directorate-General For Translation European Commission
Sciences formelles
Mogelijkheden tot het verrichten van bestralingsexperimenten in de HFR en de laboratoria van de Inrichting voor Gemeenschappelijk Onderzoek op het gebied van de kernenergie van Euratom en het Reactor Centrum Nederland te Petten
Directorate-General For Translation European Commission
52 pages
Möglichkeiten zur Durchführung von Bestrahlungsexperimenten im HFR und in den Laboratorien der Gemeinsamen Kernforschungsstelle Petten der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft und des Reaktorzentrums Niederlande
Directorate-General For Translation European Commission
Sciences formelles
Möglichkeiten zur Durchführung von Bestrahlungsexperimenten im HFR und in den Laboratorien der Gemeinsamen Kernforschungsstelle Petten der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft und des Reaktorzentrums Niederlande
Directorate-General For Translation European Commission
52 pages
Interaction between U02 kernel and pyrocarbon coating in irradiated and unirradiated HTR fuel particles
European Commission Joint Research Centre