Neuroprotective effect of an angiotensin receptor type 2 agonist following cerebral ischemia in vitro and in vivo
Lee Seyoung, Brait, Arumugam, Kim Hyun, Widdop, Drummond, Sobey, Jones, Evans
Liver fatty acid composition in mice with or without nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Wang Xin, Cao Yuzhen, Fu Yunwei, Guo Guifang, Zhang Xiuying, Zhang
Conditional expression of human β-hexosaminidase in the neurons of Sandhoff disease rescues mice from neurodegeneration but not neuroinflammation
Kyrkanides Stephanos, Brouxhon, Tallents, Olschowka, O’Banion, O’Banion M, Miller
Male mice retain a metabolic memory of improved glucose tolerance induced during adult onset, short-term dietary restriction
Cameron, Miwa Satomi, Walker Cornelia, Von
Genomic profile of Toll-like receptor pathways in traumatically brain-injured mice: effect of exogenous progesterone
Hua Fang, Wang Jun, Ishrat Tauheed, Wei Wenjing, Atif Fahim, Sayeed Iqbal, Stein
Donor lung derived myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells differentially regulate T cell proliferation and cytokine production
Blum, Benson, Suzuki Hidemi, Lott Jeremy, Fisher Amanda, Walline Crystal, Heidler, Brutkiewicz Randy, Wilkes
PPARα downregulates airway inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide in the mouse
Lagente Vincent, Auwerx Johan, Frossard Nelly, Pons Françoise, Delayre-Orthez Carine, Becker Julien, Guenon Isabelle, Pons
The mechanism of mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) in a mouse model of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Yaba Aylin, Demir, Demir Necdet
Analysis of response to 20 generations of selection for body composition in mice: fit to infinitesimal model assumptions
Martinez Victor, Bünger Lutz, Hill
DNA methylation at the Igf2/H19 imprinting control region is associated with cerebellum mass in outbred mice
Pidsley Ruth, Fernandes Cathy, Viana Joana, Paya-Cano, Liu Lin, Schalkwyk, Mill, Mill Jonathan, Smith
Intracortical injection of endothelin-1 induces cortical infarcts in mice: effect of neuronal expression of an adenosine transporter
Soylu Hanifi, Zhang Dali, Buist Richard, Martin Melanie, Albensi, Parkinson
Epitope of titin A-band-specific monoclonal antibody Tit1 5 H1.1 is highly conserved in several Fn3 domains of the titin molecule. Centriole staining in human, mouse and zebrafish cells
Mikelsaar Aavo-Valdur, Sünter Alar, Mikelsaar Ruth, Toomik Peeter, Kõiveer Anu, Mikelsaar Imre, Juronen, Juronen Erkki
Epitope of titin A-band-specific monoclonal antibody Tit1 5 H1.1 is highly conserved in several Fn3 domains of the titin molecule. Centriole staining in human, mouse and zebrafish cells
Mikelsaar Aavo-Valdur, Sünter Alar, Mikelsaar Ruth, Toomik Peeter, Kõiveer Anu, Mikelsaar Imre, Juronen, Juronen Erkki
10 pages
The effect of fast created inbreeding on litter size and body weights in mice
Holt Marte, Meuwissen Theo, Vangen, Vangen Odd