Leukotrienes inhibit early stages of HIV-1 infection in monocyte-derived microglia-like cells
Bertin Jonathan, Barat Corinne, Bélanger Dave, Tremblay
Streptozotocin-Induced Early Thermal Hyperalgesia is independent of Glycemic State of Rats: Role of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1(TRPV1) and Inflammatory mediators
Bishnoi Mahendra, Bosgraaf, Abooj Mruvil, Zhong Linlin, Premkumar
Secreted phospholipase A2-IIA-induced a phenotype of activated microglia in BV-2 cells requires epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation and proHB-EGF shedding
Martín Rubén, Cordova Claudia, Nieto
IFN-gamma signaling in the central nervous system controls the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis independently of the localization and composition of inflammatory foci
Lee Eunyoung, Chanamara Sarah, Pleasure David, Soulika
The NALP3 inflammasome is involved in neurotoxic prion peptide-induced microglial activation
Shi Fushan, Yang Lifeng, Kouadir Mohammed, Wang Jihong, Zhou Xiangmei, Yin Xiaomin, Zhao, Zhao Deming, Yang Yang
Heterotrimeric G protein-dependent WNT-5A signaling to ERK1/2 mediates distinct aspects of microglia proinflammatory transformation
Halleskog Carina, Dijksterhuis Jacomijn, Kilander, Becerril-Ortega Javier, Villaescusa Juan, Lindgren Eva, Arenas Ernest, Schulte, Schulte Gunnar
Heterotrimeric G protein-dependent WNT-5A signaling to ERK1/2 mediates distinct aspects of microglia proinflammatory transformation
Halleskog Carina, Dijksterhuis Jacomijn, Kilander, Becerril-Ortega Javier, Villaescusa Juan, Lindgren Eva, Arenas Ernest, Schulte, Schulte Gunnar
15 pages
CX3CL1 (fractalkine) and CX3CR1 expression in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: kinetics and cellular origin
Sunnemark Dan, Eltayeb Sana, Nilsson Maria, Wallström Erik, Lassmann Hans, Olsson Tomas, Berg Anna-Lena, Ericsson-Dahlstrand, Ericsson-Dahlstrand Anders
CX3CL1 (fractalkine) and CX3CR1 expression in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: kinetics and cellular origin
Sunnemark Dan, Eltayeb Sana, Nilsson Maria, Wallström Erik, Lassmann Hans, Olsson Tomas, Berg Anna-Lena, Ericsson-Dahlstrand, Ericsson-Dahlstrand Anders
14 pages
Serum response factor modulates neuron survival during peripheral axon injury
Stern Sina, Sinske Daniela, Knöll, Knöll Bernd
Differential expression of major histocompatibility complex class I in developmental glioneuronal lesions
Prabowo, Iyer, Anink, Spliet, Aronica, Aronica Eleonora, Van
Naloxone inhibits immune cell function by suppressing superoxide production through a direct interaction with gp91phoxsubunit of NADPH oxidase
Wang Qingshan, Zhou Hui, Gao Huiming, Chen Shih-Heng, Chu Chun-Hsien, Wilson Belinda, Hong, Hong Jau-Shyong
Interaction of HmC1q with leech microglial cells: involvement of C1qBP-related molecule in the induction of cell chemotaxis
Tahtouh Muriel, Garçon-Bocquet Annelise, Croq Françoise, Vizioli Jacopo, Sautière Pierre-Eric, Van, Salzet Michel, Nagnan-Le, Pestel Joël, Lefebvre Christophe, Lefebvre
Interaction of HmC1q with leech microglial cells: involvement of C1qBP-related molecule in the induction of cell chemotaxis
Tahtouh Muriel, Garçon-Bocquet Annelise, Croq Françoise, Vizioli Jacopo, Sautière Pierre-Eric, Van, Salzet Michel, Nagnan-Le, Pestel Joël, Lefebvre Christophe, Lefebvre
14 pages
Distinct degree of radiculopathy at different levels of peripheral nerve injury
Takiguchi Noboru, Yoshida Munehito, Taniguchi Wataru, Hashizume Hiroshi, Yamada Hiroshi, Miyazaki Nobuyuki, Nishio Naoko, Nakatsuka, Nakatsuka Terumasa
Time-dependent effects of hypothermia on microglial activation and migration
Seo Jung-Wan, Kim Jong-Heon, Kim Jae-Hong, Seo Minchul, Han Hyung, Park Jaechan, Suk Kyoungho, Suk
Prenatal stress causes alterations in the morphology of microglia and the inflammatory response of the hippocampus of adult female mice
Diz-Chaves Yolanda, Pernía Olga, Carrero Paloma, Garcia-Segura
Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist knockout mice show enhanced microglial activation and neuronal damage induced by intracerebroventricular infusion of human β-amyloid
Craft, Watterson, Hirsch Emmet, Van
Platelet-activating factor enhancement of calcium influx and interleukin-6 expression, but not production, in human microglia
Sattayaprasert Prasongchai, Choi, Chongthammakun Sukumal, Mclarnon
Liposomal clodronate selectively eliminates microglia from primary astrocyte cultures
Kumamaru Hiromi, Saiwai Hirokazu, Kobayakawa Kazu, Kubota Kensuke, Inoue Kazuhide, Iwamoto Yukihide, Okada, Okada Seiji, Van
The CCL2 synthesis inhibitor bindarit targets cells of the neurovascular unit, and suppresses experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Ge Shujun, Shrestha Bandana, Paul Debayon, Keating Carolyn, Cone Robert, Guglielmotti Angelo, Pachter
The contribution of spinal glial cells to chronic pain behaviour in the monosodium iodoacetate model of osteoarthritic pain
Sagar Devi, Burston, Hathway, Woodhams, Kendall, Scammell, Chapman, Chapman Victoria, Bennett, Pearson
Transient early neurotrophin release and delayed inflammatory cytokine release by microglia in response to PAR-2 stimulation
Chen Chen-Wen, Chen Qian-Bo, Ouyang Qing, Sun Ji-Hu, Liu Fang-Ting, Song Dian-Wen, Yuan, Yuan Hong-Bin
Minocycline corrects early, pre-plaque neuroinflammation and inhibits BACE-1 in a transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease-like amyloid pathology
Maria Ferretti, Allard Simon, Partridge Vanessa, Ducatenzeiler Adriana, Cuello
Early correlation of microglial activation with enhanced tumor necrosis factor-alpha and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 expression specifically within the entorhinal cortex of triple transgenic Alzheimer's disease mice
Janelsins, Mastrangelo, Oddo Salvatore, Laferla, Federoff, Bowers
Early correlation of microglial activation with enhanced tumor necrosis factor-alpha and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 expression specifically within the entorhinal cortex of triple transgenic Alzheimer's disease mice
Janelsins, Mastrangelo, Oddo Salvatore, Laferla, Federoff, Bowers
12 pages
Complement receptor-3 negatively regulates the phagocytosis of degenerated myelin through tyrosine kinase Syk and cofilin
Hadas Smadar, Spira Maya, Hanisch Uwe-Karsten, Reichert Fanny, Rotshenker, Rotshenker Shlomo
Cytokines and olfactory bulb microglia in response to bacterial challenge in the compromised primary olfactory pathway
Harris Julie, Chong Kim, Chapman Jamie, West, Chuah, Chuah Meng, Herbert
CD137 ligand activated microglia induces oligodendrocyte apoptosis via reactive oxygen species
Yeo Yee, Croxford J, Gasser Stephan, Ling Eng-Ang, Schwarz Herbert, Martinez, Schwarz
P2X7 signaling promotes microsphere embolism-triggered microglia activation by maintaining elevation of Fas ligand
Lu Ying-Mei, Tao Rong-Rong, Huang Ji-Yun, Li Li-Tao, Liao Mei-Hua, Li Xiao-Ming, Fukunaga Kohji, Hong Ze-Hui, Han, Han Feng
Microglia use multiple mechanisms to mediate interactions with vitronectin; non-essential roles for the highly-expressed αvβ3 and αvβ5 integrins
Welser-Alves, Boroujerdi Amin, Tigges Ulrich, Milner Richard, Milner
Prevention of methamphetamine-induced microglial cell death by TNF-α and IL-6 through activation of the JAK-STAT pathway
Coelho-Santos Vanessa, Gonçalves Joana, Fontes-Ribeiro Carlos, Silva Ana, Silva
Acetate supplementation reduces microglia activation and brain interleukin-1β levels in a rat model of Lyme neuroborreliosis
Brissette, Houdek, Floden, Rosenberger