INTRODUCTION This application note provides some utility math routines for Microchip's PIC16C5X and PIC16CXXX series of bit microcontrollers The following math outlines are provided: 8x8 unsigned multiply 16x16 double precision multiply Fixed Point Division Table 16x16 double precision addition 16x16 double precision subtraction BCD Binary Coded Decimal to binary conversion
Amar Palacherla
Rapports de stage
INTRODUCTION This application note provides some utility math routines for Microchip's PIC16C5X and PIC16CXXX series of bit microcontrollers The following math outlines are provided: 8x8 unsigned multiply 16x16 double precision multiply Fixed Point Division Table 16x16 double precision addition 16x16 double precision subtraction BCD Binary Coded Decimal to binary conversion
Amar Palacherla
95 pages
INTRODUCTION This technical brief describes the creation of a USB device that can enumerate as a mouse or as a keyboard depending on which PS peripheral is plugged into it The Soft Detach provision of the PIC16C745 support firmware makes the creation of such a device possible Two earlier Briefs TB055 and TB056 describe in detail the implementation of a PS to USB mouse translator and a PS to USB key board translator respectively This brief will not discuss the translation of either of these devices Rather it focuses on the Soft Detach function and on modifying the descriptor jump table for a device with multiple sets of descriptors
Microchip Technology Inc.
Rapports de stage
INTRODUCTION This technical brief describes the creation of a USB device that can enumerate as a mouse or as a keyboard depending on which PS peripheral is plugged into it The Soft Detach provision of the PIC16C745 support firmware makes the creation of such a device possible Two earlier Briefs TB055 and TB056 describe in detail the implementation of a PS to USB mouse translator and a PS to USB key board translator respectively This brief will not discuss the translation of either of these devices Rather it focuses on the Soft Detach function and on modifying the descriptor jump table for a device with multiple sets of descriptors
Microchip Technology Inc.
8 pages
2Conferencia Web DIPEMI Análisis Estructural y Funcional Microcontroladores 27-04.2021- RDCE
Ruben Dario Cardenas Espinosa