Short term effects of different omega-3 fatty acid formulation on lipid metabolism in mice fed high or low fat diet
Tang Xiao, Li Zhao-Jie, Xu Jie, Xue Yong, Li Jin-Zhang, Wang Jing-Feng, Yanagita Teruyoshi, Xue Chang-Hu, Wang Yu-Ming, Wang
HBV inhibits apoB production via the suppression of MTP expression
Wang Fu-Bing, Zhu Cheng-Liang, Liu Xinghui, Gao Guo-Sheng, Gao
Messenger RNA levels and transcription rates of hepatic lipogenesis genes in genetically lean and fat chickens
Daval Stéphanie, Lagarrigue Sandrine, Douaire, Douaire Madeleine
Trace glucose and lipid metabolism in high androgen and high-fat diet induced polycystic ovary syndrome rats
Yi Chen, Zhai Hua-Ling, Wu Hui, Weng Pan, Xia Fang-Zhen, Lu Ying-Li, Lu, Hui Xu
In ovo leptin administration affects hepatic lipid metabolism and microRNA expression in newly hatched broiler chickens
Hu Yan, Zhang Rui, Zhang Yanhong, Grossmann Roland, Zhao, Zhao Ruqian, Li Jing
Positive association of the hepatic lipase gene polymorphism c.514C > T with estrogen replacement therapy response
Pulchinelli Alvaro, Massad, Andriolo Adagmar, Guerreiro, Haidar, De
Different gene expression profiles in normo- and dyslipidemic men after fish oil supplementation: results from a randomized controlled trial
Simone Schmidt, Stahl Frank, Mutz Kai-Oliver, Scheper Thomas, Hahn Andreas, Schuchardt
Autonomic nervous system and lipid metabolism: findings in anxious-depressive spectrum and eating disorders
Pistorio Elisabetta, Luca Maria, Luca Antonina, Messina Vincenzo, Calandra, Calandra Carmela
Apolipoprotein ε4 polymorphism does not modify the association between body mass index and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol: a cross-sectional cohort study
North, Rahilly-Tierney, Arnett, Pankow, Ellison, Gaziano, Djoussé, Djoussé Luc, Hunt
Strain specific transcriptional response in Mycobacterium tuberculosisinfected macrophages
Kaplan Gilla, Koo Mi-Sun, Subbian Selvakumar, Kaplan
Low fatness, reduced fat intake and adequate plasmatic concentrations of LDL-cholesterol are associated with high bone mineral density in women: a cross-sectional study with control group
Sarkis, Martini, Szejnfeld, Pinheiro
Effects of physical training with different intensities of effort on lipid metabolism in rats submitted to the neonatal application of alloxan
Ribeiro Carla, Cambri Lucieli, Dalia Rodrigo, Botezelli José, Sponton, De