Bodyke; a chapter in the history of Irish landlordism. Reprinted with several additional chapters, from the Pall Mall Gazette
Henry Norman
Hebrew tribal economy and the jubilee as illustrated in Semitic and Indo-European village communities
Schaeffer Henry 1881-
Two select bibliographies of mediaeval historical study. With a pref. by Hubert Hall, and a description of the mediaeval historical classes at the London School of Economics
Margaret Findlay Moore
Farewell remarks of secretary of state William Jennings Bryan and state senator Lee C. Gates before the California Legislature of 1913
William Jennings Bryan
Proceedings of the joint committee appointed by the Society of Friends : constituting the yearly meetings of Genessee, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, for promoting the civilization and improving the condition of the Seneca Nation of Indians
New York Yearly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends (Hicksite : 1828-1955). Joint Committee On Indian Affairs
Proceedings of the joint committee appointed by the Society of Friends : constituting the yearly meetings of Genessee, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, for promoting the civilization and improving the condition of the Seneca Nation of Indians
New York Yearly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends (Hicksite : 1828-1955). Joint Committee On Indian Affairs
204 pages
De l'abolition des droits féodaux et seigneuriaux au Canada et sur le meilleur mode à employer pour accorder une juste indemnité aux seigneurs
Clément Dumisnil
La propriété foncière en Grèce jusqu'à la conqûete romaine. Ouvrage couronné par l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques (prix Bordin, 1890)
Paul Guiraud
Les comités des droits féodaux et de législation et l'abolition du régime seigneurial (1789-1793) documents
Sagnac Philippe 1868-, Pierre Caron
Development needs of the former Bennett freeze area : hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, special hearing
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee On Appropriations. Subcommittee On The Dept. Of The Interior And Related Agencies
Development needs of the former Bennett freeze area : hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, special hearing
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee On Appropriations. Subcommittee On The Dept. Of The Interior And Related Agencies
210 pages
The parliamentary history of the Irish land question, from 1829 to 1869: and the origin and results of the Ulster custom
R. Barry (Richard Barry) O'Brien
The land tax of India, according to the Moohummudan law:
Neil B. E. (Neil Benjamin Edmonstone) Baillie, Alamgir/U+0233/At Fatawi
The origin of property in land translated by Margaret Ashley. [Edited] with an introductory chapter on the English manor by W.J. Ashley
1830-1889 Fustel De Coulanges
Pièces et documents relatifs à la tenure seigneuriale : demandés par une adresse de l'Assemblée législative, 1851
Canada. Parliament. Legislative Assembly