Toxicity after radiochemotherapy for glioblastoma using temozolomide - a retrospective evaluation
Niewald Marcus, Berdel Christian, Fleckenstein Jochen, Licht Norbert, Ketter Ralf, Rübe Christian, Rübe
Specific knockdown of uPA/uPAR attenuates invasion in glioblastoma cells and xenografts by inhibition of cleavage and trafficking of Notch -1 receptor
Raghu Hari, Dinh, Gujrati Meena, Rao, Gondi
Zerumbone suppresses IKKα, Akt, and FOXO1 activation, resulting in apoptosis of GBM 8401 cells
Weng Hsing-Yu, Hsu Ming-Jen, Wang Ching-Chung, Chen Bing-Chang, Hong Chuang-Ye, Chen Mei-Chieh, Chiu Wen-Ta, Lin, Lin Chien-Huang
Molecular mechanism of cytotoxicity induced by Hsp90-targeted Antp-TPR hybrid peptide in glioblastoma cells
Horibe Tomohisa, Torisawa Aya, Kohno Masayuki, Kawakami, Kawakami Koji
Radioresistance of human glioma spheroids and expression of HSP70, p53 and EGFr
Fedrigo, Grivicich Ivana, Schunemann, Chemale, Santos Daiane, Jacovas Thais, Boschetti, Jotz, Filho Aroldo, Ad
Protein and phosphoprotein levels in glioma and adenocarcinoma cell lines grown in normoxia and hypoxia in monolayer and three-dimensional cultures
Levin, Panchabhai Sonali, Shen Li, Baggerly
High level of miR-221/222 confers increased cell invasion and poor prognosis in glioma
Zhang Chunzhi, Zhang Junxia, Hao Jianwei, Shi Zhendong, Wang Yingyi, Han Lei, Yu Shizhu, You Yongping, Jiang Tao, Wang Jinhuan, Liu Meili, Pu Peiyu, Kang Chunsheng
Accurate state estimation from uncertain data and models: an application of data assimilation to mathematical models of human brain tumors
Kostelich, Kuang Yang, Mcdaniel, Martirosyan, Preul, Moore
Effect of pretreatment clinical factors on overall survival in glioblastoma multiforme: a Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) population analysis
Thumma, Fairbanks, Lamoreaux, Mackay, Demakas, Cooke, Elaimy, Hanson, Lee
MiRNA expression patterns predict survival in glioblastoma
Niyazi Maximilian, Zehentmayr Franz, Niemöller, Eigenbrod Sabina, Kretzschmar Hans, Osthoff Klaus-Schulze, Atkinson Mike, Mörtl Simone, Belka, Belka Claus, Tonn Jörg-Christian
Patterns of failure after multimodal treatments for high-grade glioma: effectiveness of MIB-1 labeling index
Uehara Kazuyuki, Sasayama Takashi, Miyawaki Daisuke, Nishimura Hideki, Yoshida Kenji, Okamoto Yoshiaki, Mukumoto Naritoshi, Akasaka Hiroaki, Nishihara Masamitsu, Fujii Osamu, Soejima Toshinori, Sugimura Kazuro, Kohmura Eiji, Sasaki Ryohei
Patterns of failure after multimodal treatments for high-grade glioma: effectiveness of MIB-1 labeling index
Uehara Kazuyuki, Sasayama Takashi, Miyawaki Daisuke, Nishimura Hideki, Yoshida Kenji, Okamoto Yoshiaki, Mukumoto Naritoshi, Akasaka Hiroaki, Nishihara Masamitsu, Fujii Osamu, Soejima Toshinori, Sugimura Kazuro, Kohmura Eiji, Sasaki Ryohei
11 pages
Galectin-1, a gene preferentially expressed at the tumor margin, promotes glioblastoma cell invasion
Toussaint L, Nilson, Goble, Ballman, James C, Lefranc Florence, Kiss Robert, Uhm
Dexamethasone protected human glioblastoma U87MG cells from temozolomide induced apoptosis by maintaining Bax:Bcl-2 ratio and preventing proteolytic activities
Das Arabinda, Banik, Patel, Ray
Evaluation of early imaging response criteria in glioblastoma multiforme
Gladwish Adam, Koh Eng-Siew, Hoisak Jeremy, Lockwood Gina, Millar Barbara-Ann, Mason Warren, Yu Eugene, Laperriere, Ménard, Menard Cynthia
MGMTpromoter methylation in gliomas-assessment by pyrosequencing and quantitative methylation-specific PCR
Håvik Annette, Brandal Petter, Honne Hilde, Dahlback Hanne-Sofie, Scheie David, Hektoen Merete, Meling Torstein, Helseth Eirik, Heim Sverre, Lothe, Lind Guro
MGMTpromoter methylation in gliomas-assessment by pyrosequencing and quantitative methylation-specific PCR
Håvik Annette, Brandal Petter, Honne Hilde, Dahlback Hanne-Sofie, Scheie David, Hektoen Merete, Meling Torstein, Helseth Eirik, Heim Sverre, Lothe, Lind Guro
13 pages
Low levels of Human Cytomegalovirus Infection in Glioblastoma multiforme associates with patient survival; -a case-control study
Rahbar Afsar, Stragliotto Giuseppe, Orrego Abiel, Peredo Inti, Taher Chato, Willems Jan, Söderberg-Naucler, Söderberg-Naucler Cecilia
Low levels of Human Cytomegalovirus Infection in Glioblastoma multiforme associates with patient survival; -a case-control study
Rahbar Afsar, Stragliotto Giuseppe, Orrego Abiel, Peredo Inti, Taher Chato, Willems Jan, Söderberg-Naucler, Söderberg-Naucler Cecilia
7 pages
MicroRNA profile of polyunsaturated fatty acid treated glioma cells reveal apoptosis-specific expression changes
Faragó Nóra, Fehér, Kitajka Klára, Puskás, Das