Correlates of serum lipoprotein (A) in children and adolescents in the United States. The third National Health Nutrition and Examination Survey (NHANES-III)
Obisesan, Aliyu, Adediran, Bond Vernon, Rotimi, Maxwell
Gender and race influence metabolic benefits of fitness in children: a cross-sectional study
Carrel, Eickhoff, Allen, Curtis
Evaluation of health related quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome patients
Jamali Raika, Jamali Arsia, Poorrahnama Maryam, Omidi Abdollah, Jamali Bardia, Moslemi Neda, Ansari Reza, Dolatshahi Shahab, Ebrahimi
Prothrombotic gene variants as risk factors of acute myocardial infarction in young women
Tomaiuolo Rossella, Bellia Chiara, Caruso Antonietta, Quaranta Sandro, Noto Davide, Cefalù, Zarrilli Federica, Castaldo Giuseppe, Averna, Ciaccio Marcello, Di
Can financial insecurity and condescending treatment explain the higher prevalence of poor self-rated health in women than in men? A population-based cross-sectional study in Sweden
Molarius Anu, Granström Fredrik, Feldman Inna, Blomqvist Marina, Pettersson Helena, Elo Sirkka, Elo
Can financial insecurity and condescending treatment explain the higher prevalence of poor self-rated health in women than in men? A population-based cross-sectional study in Sweden
Molarius Anu, Granström Fredrik, Feldman Inna, Blomqvist Marina, Pettersson Helena, Elo Sirkka, Elo
7 pages
Gender differential on characteristics and outcome of leprosy patients admitted to a long-term care rural hospital in South-Eastern Ethiopia
Gutiérrez, Martínez-Martín Miguel, Reyes Francisco, Lemma Deriba, Belinchón Isabel, Gutiérrez Félix, Ramos
Predicting gender differences as latent variables: summed scores, and individual item responses: a methods case study
Pietrobon Ricardo, Taylor Marcus, Guller Ulrich, Higgins, Carey, Carey Timothy, Jacobs
Gender differences in recreational and transport cycling: a cross-sectional mixed-methods comparison of cycling patterns, motivators, and constraints
Heesch, Sahlqvist Shannon, Garrard, Garrard Jan
Health-related quality of life among adolescents with allergy-like conditions – with emphasis on food hypersensitivity
Marklund Birgitta, Ahlstedt Staffan, Nordström, Nordström Gun
Reproductive health for refugees by refugees in Guinea IV: Peer education and HIV knowledge, attitudes, and reported practices
Woodward Aniek, Howard Natasha, Souare Yaya, Kollie Sarah, Borchert, Borchert Matthias, Von
HIV or HIV-Therapy? Causal attributions of symptoms and their impact on treatment decisions among women and men with HIV
Kremer H, Sonnenberg-Schwan U, Arendt G, Brockmeyer Nh, Potthoff A, Graefe K, Lorenzen T, Starke W, Walker Ua, The, Ulmera
Changes in 10-12 year old's fruit and vegetable intake in Norway from 2001 to 2008 in relation to gender and socioeconomic status - a comparison of two cross-sectional groups
Hilsen Marit, Klepp Knut-Inge, Bere, Bere Elling, Van
Measurement equivalence of the CES-D 8 in the general population in Belgium: a gender perspective
Van, Levecque K, Bracke, Bracke P
Effects of protein intake and gender on body composition changes: a randomized clinical weight loss trial
Mojtahedi, Thorpe, Kris-Etherton, Layman, Evans, Valentine
The socio-economic distribution of health-related occupational stressors among wage-earners in a Post-Fordist labour market
Vanroelen C, Levecque K, Louckx, Louckx F