Delayed expression of cell cycle proteins contributes to astroglial scar formation and chronic inflammation after rat spinal cord contusion
Wu Junfang, Pajoohesh-Ganji Ahdeah, Stoica, Dinizo Michael, Guanciale Kelsey, Faden
Induction of apoptosis and inhibition of cell growth by tbx5knockdown contribute to dysmorphogenesis in Zebrafish embryos
Lu Jenher, Tsai Tzuchun, Choo Sielin, Yeh Shuyu, Tang Renbing, Yang Anhang, Lee Hsinyu, Lu Jennkan, Lu
Kinetics of DNA methylation inheritance by the Dnmt1-including complexes during the cell cycle
Hervouet Eric, Nadaradjane Arulraj, Gueguen Marine, Vallette, Cartron, Cartron Pierre-François
Knockdown of the nucleosome binding protein 1 inhibits the growth and invasion of clear cell renal cell carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo
Ji Shi-Qi, Yao Lin, Zhang Xiao-Yu, Li Xue-Song, Zhou, Zhou Li-Qun
Adeno-associated virus type 2 infection activates caspase dependent and independent apoptosis in multiple breast cancer lines but not in normal mammary epithelial cells
Alam Samina, Bowser, Conway, Israr Mohd, Tandon Apurva, Meyers, Meyers Craig
Resveratrol enhances prostate cancer cell response to ionizing radiation. Modulation of the AMPK, Akt and mTOR pathways
Rashid Ayesha, Liu Caiqiong, Sanli Toran, Tsiani Evangelia, Singh Gurmit, Bristow, Dayes Ian, Lukka Himu, Wright James, Tsakiridis, Tsakiridis Theodoros
Resveratrol enhances prostate cancer cell response to ionizing radiation. Modulation of the AMPK, Akt and mTOR pathways
Rashid Ayesha, Liu Caiqiong, Sanli Toran, Tsiani Evangelia, Singh Gurmit, Bristow, Dayes Ian, Lukka Himu, Wright James, Tsakiridis, Tsakiridis Theodoros
12 pages
Targeting of MAPK-associated molecules identifies SON as a prime target to attenuate the proliferation and tumorigenicity of pancreatic cancer cells
Furukawa Toru, Tanji Etsuko, Kuboki Yuko, Hatori Takashi, Yamamoto Masakazu, Shimizu Kyoko, Shibata Noriyuki, Shiratori, Shiratori Keiko
Targeting of MAPK-associated molecules identifies SON as a prime target to attenuate the proliferation and tumorigenicity of pancreatic cancer cells
Furukawa Toru, Tanji Etsuko, Kuboki Yuko, Hatori Takashi, Yamamoto Masakazu, Shimizu Kyoko, Shibata Noriyuki, Shiratori, Shiratori Keiko
10 pages
PinX1 regulation of telomerase activity and apoptosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells
Lai Xiao-Fen, Shen Cong-Xiang, Wen Zhong, Qian Yu-Hong, Yu Chao-Sheng, Wang Jun-Qi, Zhong Ping-Neng, Wang Hai-Li, Wang
The role of β-adrenergic receptor signaling in the proliferation of hemangioma-derived endothelial cells
Ji Yi, Chen Siyuan, Xiao Xianmin, Zheng Shan, Xu Ting, Li Kai, Xu
Tetradecylthioacetic acid inhibits proliferation of human SW620 colon cancer cells - gene expression profiling implies endoplasmic reticulum stress
Lundemo, Pettersen, Berge Kjetil, Berge, Schønberg
Identification of new cell size control genes in S. cerevisiae
Dungrawala Huzefa, Hua Hui, Wright Jill, Abraham Lesley, Kasemsri Thivakorn, Mcdowell Anthony, Stilwell Jessica, Schneider
Hepatitis B virus induces G1 phase arrest by regulating cell cycle genes in HepG2.2.15 cells
Wang Tianzhen, Zhao Ran, Wu Yiqi, Kong Dan, Zhang Chong, Yu Zuxi, Chao Li, Jin Xiaoming, Lei Zhang, Di Wu, Jin