Plasma levels of vitamin e and carotenoids are decreased in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (nash)
Erhardt A, Stahl W, Sies H, Lirussi F, Donner A, Häussinger, Häussinger D
Onion peel extracts ameliorate hyperglycemia and insulin resistance in high fat diet/streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Lim Yeni, Moon, Kwon, Kwon Oran, Kim, Jung
Oxidative damage and inflammation in obese diabetic Emirati subjects supplemented with antioxidants and B-vitamins: a randomized placebo-controlled trail
Gariballa Salah, Afandi Bachar, Abuhaltem Mamoun, Yassin Javed, Habib Hosam, Ibrahim Wissam, Ibrahim
Effect of fruit and vegetable concentrates on endothelial function in metabolic syndrome: A randomized controlled trial
Ali Ather, Yazaki Yuka, Njike, Ma Yingying, Katz
Effect of Lovastatin on Lipid peroxidation and total antioxidant concentrations in hemodialysis patients
Argani Hassan, Ghorbani Amir, Rashtchizade Nadereh, Rahbaninobar, Rahbaninobar Mohammad
Antioxidant supplementation for the prevention of post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Gu Wan-Jie, Wei Chun-Yin, Yin Rui-Xing, Yin
Synthesis of lipophilic tyrosyl esters derivatives and assessment of their antimicrobial and antileishmania activities
Aissa Imen, Sghair Rabiaa, Laouini Dhafer, Sayadi Sami, Gargouri, Gargouri Youssef, Mohamed Bouaziz
Impact of short-term dietary modification on postprandial oxidative stress
Bloomer, Trepanowski, Kabir, Alleman, Dessoulavy
Study of Perilla L. species and varieties cultivation, phytochemical composition and biological effect ; Perilės (Perilla L.) rūšių ir varietetų auginimo, fitocheminės sudėties ir biologinio poveikio tyrimas
Improvement of genetic stability in lymphocytes from Fanconi anemia patients through the combined effect of α-lipoic acid and N-acetylcysteine
Ponte Filipa, Sousa Rosa, Fernandes Ana, Gonçalves Cristina, Barbot José, Carvalho Félix, Porto, Porto Beatriz
Potential role of the interaction between equine estrogens, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in the prevention of coronary heart and neurodegenerative diseases in postmenopausal women
Perrella Joel, Berco Mauricio, Cecutti Anthony, Gerulath Alan, Bhavnani
Potential role of the interaction between equine estrogens, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in the prevention of coronary heart and neurodegenerative diseases in postmenopausal women
Perrella Joel, Berco Mauricio, Cecutti Anthony, Gerulath Alan, Bhavnani
10 pages
Short term supplementation of dietary antioxidants selectively regulates the inflammatory responses during early cutaneous wound healing in diabetic mice
Park Na-Young, Lim Yunsook, Lim
Brachial Artery Flow-mediated Dilation Following Exercise with Augmented Oscillatory and Retrograde Shear Rate
Johnson, Mather, Newcomer, Mickleborough, Wallace
Actividad antioxidante de activit, una formulación herbomineral, en daños renales y cardiacos inducidos experimentalmente (Antioxidant activity of activit, a herbomineral formulation, in experimentally induced cardiac and renal damage)
Pallavi A
Efectos farmacológicos y nutricionales de los extractos de Curcuma longa L. y de los cucuminoides. (Pharmacological and nutritional effects of Curcuma longa L. extracts and curcuminoids)
Environmental effects shape the maternal transfer of carotenoids and vitamin E to the yolk
Müller Wendt, Vergauwen Jonas, Eens Marcel, Blount
Acute reduction of serum 8-iso-PGF2-alpha and advanced oxidation protein products in vivoby a polyphenol-rich beverage; a pilot clinical study with phytochemical and in vitroantioxidant characterization
Nemzer, Hammond Linda, Disilvestro Robert, Hunter, Pietrzkowski, Pietrzkowski Zbigniew, Rodriguez
Acute reduction of serum 8-iso-PGF2-alpha and advanced oxidation protein products in vivoby a polyphenol-rich beverage; a pilot clinical study with phytochemical and in vitroantioxidant characterization
Nemzer, Hammond Linda, Disilvestro Robert, Hunter, Pietrzkowski, Pietrzkowski Zbigniew, Rodriguez
11 pages
Vitamin and antioxidant rich diet increases MLH1 promoter DNA methylation in DMT2 subjects
Switzeny, Müllner Elisabeth, Wagner Karl-Heinz, Brath Helmut, Aumüller Eva, Haslberger
Efectos del extracto de té verde sobre los daños oxidativos inducidos por cisplatino en riñones y testículos de ratas.(Effect of green tea extract on cisplatin induced oxidative damage on kidney and testes of rats.)
Leena P
Factors influencing heterogeneity of radiation-induced DNA-damage measured by the alkaline comet assay
Seidel Clemens, Lautenschläger Christine, Dunst Jürgen, Müller Arndt-Christian, Muller
The effect of cocoa supplementation on hepatic steatosis, reactive oxygen species and LFABP in a rat model of NASH
Janevski Mile, Antonas, Sullivan-Gunn, Mcglynn, Lewandowski