Journalists, history and historians. The ups and downs of a professional identity - article ; n°2 ; vol.2, pg 205-221
Yves Lavoinne
On and off the air at France Culture. Introducing the listener and forms of engagement in speech - article ; n°1 ; vol.5, pg 85-111
Hervé Glevarec
The imaginery in Televised Talk. Permanence, change and conflict - article ; n°1 ; vol.4, pg 9-34
Guy Lochard, Jean-Claude Soulages
Victim or Victor? Mythologisation by the Local Press of King Mihaï's visit to Romania - article ; n°1 ; vol.5, pg 73-84
Mihai Coman
The Global Programme. The creation of a unique TV programme by means of 'zapping' - article ; n°1 ; vol.1, pg 39-51
Gisèle Bertrand, Pierre-Alain Mercier, Chantal Chantaldegournay
Games and players in the electronic age. Tools for analysing the use of video games by adults and children - article ; n°2 ; vol.4, pg 299-331
Jean-Paul Lafrance
The age of events. The spume of history - or an information master-frame? - article ; n°1 ; vol.5, pg 9-25
Érik Neveu, Louis Quere
Structuring a communication space on the Internet. Newsgroups, web sites and email - article ; n°2 ; vol.7, pg 183-222
Julia Velkovska, Valérie Baudouin
Opinion: The economy of likelihood. An introduction to a praxeological approach to public opinion - article ; n°1 ; vol.1, pg 139-162
Louis Quere
The role of the State in the Belgian telecommunications sector in the nineteenth century - article ; n°1 ; vol.2, pg 91-111
Jean-Pierre Vercruysse, Pascal Verhoest
New communications services. Design and development - the case of electronic mail - article ; n°1 ; vol.2, pg 135-150
Pierre-Jean Benghozi
Scenarios of crisis. Social construction of intimacy through a thousand TV film projects - article ; n°1 ; vol.3, pg 93-110
Sabine Chalvon-Demersay
Social science and co-operating machines: a bibliographic approach to CSCW - article ; n°2 ; vol.6, pg 129-166
Dominique Cardon
The affair of the memory of water. Towards a sociology of scientific communication - article ; n°2 ; vol.2, pg 183-204
Alain Kaufmann
Various levels of context analysis in the ergonomic study of cooperative work - article ; n°2 ; vol.6, pg 167-193
Bernard Pavard, Laurent Karsenty