Mán Melá Theatre CompanyVoices of Partition1947–2007The Challenge and the LegacyImage: Margaret Bourke-White, Time Life, 1947A major project marking the 60th Anniversary of the Partitionof British India including Theatre Performance, CommunityWorkshops, Presentations and Oral History, and a Panjabi playUmraan Langian Phabbaan Bhar : A Lifetime on Tiptoesby Mazhar Tirmazi World premiere Edinburgh Festival August 2007Patrons: John McDonnell MP and Ranjit Sondhi CBE2 Why Voices of Partition?Mán Melá Theatre Company launches Voices of Partition to mark the 60thAnniversary of the Partition of British India and its horrific aftermath, whichcontinues to resonate in people’s lives today.The project seeks to share people’s experiences through theatre and personalstories to encourage mutual understanding with the aim of bringing abouthealing, forgiveness and reconciliation for future generations."I was born in Lyalpur A message from our Patron, Ranjit Sondhi, CBE, April 2007:(now in Pakistan), Iwitnessed the whole “The Partition of India and Pakistan was one of the most cataclysmic eventsepisode of Partition with of the last century. The futures of countless families, including my own, weremy own eyes. People altered forever. The fragility of civil society was grotesquely exposed, but solost their land and whole were individual stories of courage and fortitude. However, there are many thatfamilies were destroyed, are yet to be told, indeed must be told, ...