Partition violon 2, Seasonal Impressions, String Quartet No.1, A minor








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Pratiquez les partitions de la musique Seasonal Impressions violon 2, quatuors, fruit du travail de Nachbaur, Fred , A minor. La partition moderne célèbre écrite pour les instruments suivants: viole de gambe, 2 violons, violoncelle
La partition enchaine une sélection de mouvements: 4 mouvements: A Summer Sonnet Autumn Spirits Winter Chill Vernal Renewal et l'on retrouve ce genre de musique classée dans les genres quatuors, pour 4 musiciens, pour 2 violons, viole de gambe, violoncelle, partitions pour violoncelle, partitions corde ensemble, partitions pour violon, partitions pour viole de gambe
Visualisez encore d'autres musique pour viole de gambe, 2 violons, violoncelle sur YouScribe, dans la catégorie Partitions de musique variée.
Date composition: 1996()
Edition: Fred Nachbaur
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Paternité, pas de modification



String Quartet No. 1
in A Minor
for two violins, viola and cello
Violin II Part
"Seasonal Impressions"
in four movements
Copyright 1996, 1998 by Fred Nachbaur
Dogstar Music, SOCAN
All rights reserved
Free (non-commercial) distribution allowed and encouraged.
For performance or other commercial use, contact mailto: fnachbaur@netscape.netQUARTET No. 1 in A MINOR: "SEASONAL IMPRESSIONS"
Copyright © 1996, 1998 by Fred Nachbaur. All rights reserved.
This work is being released for free non-commercial distribution.
For performance or other commercial use, please contact me at:
Written as a tribute to Franz Schubert. Originally composed in 1996, using Cubasis Audio. Some
material taken from previously-written original songs. Re-sequenced and re-scored in 1998 using
NoteWorthy Composer, with minor rewrites in various places. NWC source now available at
Werner Icking Music Archive.
Each movement in this Quartet represents one of the seasons, starting with summer and ending with
spring. However, it is intended to be "program music" in only a general sense, as implied by its subtitle.
However, at the risk of ruining your own impressions, here are some of the images I envisioned when
writing this piece.
First Movement: A Summer Sonnet
First theme: two sides of hot, humid weather; comfort/discomfort, etc. Second theme: holidays, carnival
atmosphere, return home. Third theme (Mazurka): socialising, relaxation, seque into minor variant
suggesting wistfulness, lost opportunities. Segue into "rain" theme, gentle and warm summer rains, mild
storms. Cadenza: warm winds, changing situations. Finale: reprise of first theme.
Second Movement: Autumn Spirits
Theme and variations: changing colours, shortening days. "Fugal storm": wind, rain, thunder and
lightning. "Danse Macabre": Hallowe'en goblins taking themselves more seriously than anyone else does.
Segue to "End of Storm" section. Leads into a short fanfare announcing the celebration of Thanksgiving.
"Song of Thanks": a reverent expression of gratitude, resolving into a "Country Dance" (in the same
melody). Finale: reprise of "raindrops" theme.
Third Movement: Winter Chill
This gloomy little movement was based on a song, the lyrics to which were so depressing I have long
since discarded them. However, the song form persists (verse, chorus, bridge, verse, chorus). So does
its chilly sense of desperation over lost love.
Intro: a poignant reharmonisation of a well-known Christmas tune. "Verse" section (Scherzo): typical
scherzo rhythm, but the joke isn't very funny. Darkness and chill of winter approaching. "Chorus" section
(Andante): pain of loss, hope for the future. "Bridge" section: biting snowstorms, bitterness over
perceived betrayal. Ends on a single icy pizzicato. Finale: riturnello.
Fourth Movement: Vernal Renewal
Lighthearted romp at the arrival of spring. First theme: Animals and nature awakening from winter
hibernation. Second theme: a canon in Dorian mode launches into a jig-like dance theme; I had visions
of Celtic characters breaking out of their winter cabins, fiddles in hand. (Human aspect of end of
hibernation). Return to animals/nature theme, which grows uneasy, then falls quiet as the rains approach.
Gentle, invigorating rain (pizzicato sequence). "Sonata Buffa" (The April Fool) in which I had images of a
foolish group of amateurs hacking out a Mozart-esque theme while the Fool interferes. Things smooth
out for a bit, then get progressively worse. When all falls apart, violist shoots the Fool with a cap gun.
Attempted (and failed!) restart, all turn beseechingly to the cellist, who stubbornly resumes the
animals/nature theme. Riturnello. Finale: "May flowers."
Rev. 1a, December 1998Quartet #1 in Am - "Seasonal Impressions"
Fred Nachbaur
A Summer Sonnet
Violin II dkdk ek dk dkkkk
mf fmp cresc.decresc. mfcresc. mp
pk dk
fpmf decresc. cresc.mpmp
Arcoritard. 16 a tempo
Pizz. pkdk dk dkdk dk dk ek
f mf ffcresc.
dk dkdk ek dk dk
ff mf
30 a tempomolto rit.
mp f mpdecresc.decresc.
fp decresc.f pcresc.
fkkek kk fk
f mf mp mf decresc.decresc. mfcresc. ff
fkfk fk fk fk
decresc. cresc. mffp ff
ffpffp cresc.
Copyright © 1996, 1998 Fred Nachbaur. All Rights Reserved
Non-commercial free distribution allowed and encouraged, if unmodified.
z kzk 4 4 ak k fn 2 k 1 k fk k k k k k kk k k k fk k k fz z k k k kk k kA k k kkA
k akk k k k fk k k k fk k k k k kz k k k k k k k z k k k z fz z z k k k k k fzz z z z
4 4 aAAkz k k fk 2 k 1 k fAk k k k kzk k k k k k k fz z k k k k fz k kk kA A k k kkA
k akk k k fk k k fk k k k k k kz zk k k k k k k k k k fz z zk k k fzk k z zk z
Ck k k k kk f kk s ak fk k fk k k k p k k p oz zk k k k k k k fz zk k k k k fk y
k C Ck k dk kC C k k k k k k ak zkk k k k s szk k so p p p o os s
t t tt t tk d tz zk k az zkz k k k k k sn k s k kp s p p p s p p p p o ss s s sss s s
t tt tkk k k az z k k kk k k k k k kk k k k k k k k k k ks k k k kk k p p p ks sz z s
ACk k k k Ak Cs k k 4 ak k kk k k k sJ k k 2o o os2
64 dolceek ek ek dkdk
mfp mfp mfpmf mfp
ek nn
cresc. cresc. fp mpf decresc. mp
sp sp
so ok pk
ek ok pk sp sp
kk dj
94 Pizz.dkdj kk dk dk ek nk
mf fp cresc. fp mp mfdecresc. cresc.
101 Arco kfkk fj fk fk ek dk
mfmf cresc. ff cresc. ffdecresc.
108 marc. dolce kkek dj ek dkkfk fk fk
mf cresc. ffdecresc. mp
dk dk dk
fp mp f p mpmarc.
ffpmf fff
t azj n k k nzk o k k kzl l l k k k k kA z d
4 8 akk kn k k k n n n 2 k k 6zk k k k k k kz z zz A Ak k k k k k kz z z dk
t attt k kk k z kk kk k k dzk k j kzk kz
at pk k k k jk k k dk k k jzk k kkk
t atk k k k k kk k k k k jzk dk k kz
kk kk k ss s ak ss s s sk k s s se p p p p p p de k k k s dk j d k k k de dk e k d kk
tt tk t t t tt t t t zs k k as k k ks s k k k kp p s p s o o p p o p p p s ds s k ds s s dd
t t t tt tt t t t tz t tzk ak kk k k kk kk k s s k k k kz o o p p p o o p p p s p p o ds s s dz z ss dd
k kk k k kk k k k k kss s k kk k s s s s s s s s s s 4 as sk s s s s s s s ss s s s 3s p p o o p p p o o p p p o o p p p o dd dd
t t aj k k kzk k kk k k n kz z s k k dz k k dzk k k k kz ddA
t 8 ak k k ek k k k k j 6 ez zk j k k dk k k k d ez z k z edd3
133 Pizz.
mp mfpcresc. cresc.f
a tempo
140 ritard. Arcoaccel. molto rit.
f decresc.
dk dk ek dk
decresc.decresc. cresc. ff
Autumn SpiritsPizz.molto rit. 153
Andante Pizz.
f pf p cresc.
ok ok
dk k ek
p cresc. mf
180 33
f mf f mpcresc. cresc. decresc.
Pizz. Arco
dkfk ok
cresc. decresc.p mf
189 dk dk
mp mf
t tt t at t t tt t n fo o o o o o ok kk k k kk k k k k k kz k k k kzk e k k e kz k k I
t tt t ak fk k o o ok k k k kzk k k k kz z zk k k k k k z zk kz z z z z zk k z z z zkz zz z
ak k kk k k k k k kk k kn k k z k k k k fk k k k k kk k k k k kk kkk k kz k k
ak k k kk k k k k k k k kk k k k k k kk k k k k k k k k fk k k k z
t kk k k ak k kk k k k kzn k k k k k fzk k s k kk k k kk k k kz
k kk k zk k k k tk k k t azk k k k kzk z k k kk k k fs k o k os k k k kk k k z z z z zz z z
t t tt tz zt azk k kk k k k k k k k k k k k fk k k k k k o o o o k k k kz z z z z z z z z z z zk k kz z z z z z z z z z z zz z z
t a k aD k ksf n t k k kk k k k k k k k k k o k o kl kz z z z z z z z z z z k y
ak kk k kzk k k s k kk k k kk k k k k k kk k k k ks k k k k k k k
t ak kk k ko k k kk k l l k k kk k k k k k ke d
k akk k k kk k k k nzk k k kl k k kk k k kk k k dk k kk kk k k4
194 dkdk dk dk dk dk
3cresc. f mp cresc. f
Pizz. ritard. 199
dkdk ek
p fmp decresc. cresc.
Arco Fugal Storm
204 3 3 tenutoAndanteaccel.
dkkk kkk
209 Pizz. Arco
3 3dk dk dkfk fk
f cresc.f decresc. ff p
Pizz. Arco Pizz. Arco Pizz.
3 3 3 3 3 3
dk fk
f f f
ff ff fdecresc.
decresc. decresc. decresc.
218 Arco Pizz. Arco
3 33 3 po dk p
mf mp
decresc. decresc. Pizz. Arco
3 3dk dk ekdkfk fk
f cresc.f decresc. ff mp
Pizz. Arco Pizz.
Pizz. Arco 228 3 3 3 3
3 3
dk dk k k kkkkfk ek k k kkkk
f f f
ff ff ffdecresc.
decresc. decresc. decresc.Arco
232 Pizz. Arco
3 3 3 3 3 33
kkk kkkk kkkk
fff fff ff ff decresc.fdecresc. mf
236 Danse Macabre (Agitato)
3 oknn ek ek
cresc.ff p
ek ek fk sn ekfk
mf f ff mp cresc.
t tz zz z az z z zk k kk k k k kk k k fo o o o s k o o o o p s p s o okz z z z s sz z
k k k k k k k k k kz s sz 8 s s s s s az k s skk 6 fo o o o o p pz zz
z z zk k k kk k k k k k k k k k k zk k k k z As s s s s k as s s s s fp p p s
Ak k k k k k k kz A s kA kz zk s ak k ks s ks

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