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Symphony of Tears
for mezzo soprano, boy soprano, choir and orchestra
Windsor EditionsSymphony of Tears
music and text by Jeff Manookian
with select passages from the Armenian liturgy
religion and circumstance.
The alien whispers of war.
Der voghormia.• mezzo soprano • • choir •
Political tricks pit men against men,– vocalise – A thousand requiems,
we sing unto the many who were slain.
• boy soprano • And we must also grieve
brother against brother.Where is the grave of my father? their unborn generations.
The heartbreak of wasteful pain:
fear and separation,• choir • A nation first to embrace God’s Son,
humiliation and death.– vocalise – was the first to suffer
Der voghormia.
Tears flow from our eyes
like blood from wounds the wrath of Hell’s children.2.PRAISE
as our women are marched into rivers of rage But their memory and tradition survive.
to drown in torrents of grief. And their blood still flows within us.• mezzo soprano •
Our men are bound by animosity
Park ee partzoons Asdoodzo, yev hergir
and shot in the head like animals, Eden has not lost its fragrant flower.khaghaghutiun ee martig hajootyun. Yev their naked bodies thrown into the mud Its precious seedorhnootyun kez ee partzoons; orhnyal yes Der
to rot and bloat, or to be eaten by dogs. has spread across the earth.Asdvadz mer; Orhnemk uzkez yev kovemk Der voghormia. And we shall sing to those who liveuzkez. Khosdovanimk Der uzkez yev yergir Our children are held hostage to hate
of Armenia.bakanemk kez; parravoremk uzkez;
and serve as slaves to another god Give them strength, oh God, we cry.kohanamk Der uzken vasun medzi parratz or as soldiers in an unholy war. Grant them life ...kotz. Der takavor soorpt yergnayin; Asdvadz
Horror upon horror, Armenia.yev Hayr amenagal. Yev hamenayn jam
unceasing hopelessness!
orhnemk uzkez, Der, yev kovemuk zanoon O, cruel awakening No blade is sharp enoughsoorp ko havidyan yev havidyans havidenitz.
that should so harshly blind us to cut the vision from our mind.Amen.
with the piercing light of inhuman truth! No man is strong enough(Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
Der voghormia.peace, good will among men, and praise be to to crush the spirit from our body.
Our future is torn from us!thee in the highest. Blessed art Thou, O Lord No flame is hot enough
Our nation is buried!our God. We bless thee and we praise Thee. to burn the sorrow from our heart.
Our villages burned!We acknowledge Thee Lord, and we worship No bullet is fast enough
Thee, O Lord, for thy great glory. O Lord king, O, cruel awakening! to escape the light of truth.the Holy One of heaven, God and Father O, piercing light of truth!
Almighty. And at all times we bless Thee, O
Hated unto death,Lord, and we praise thy holy name forever, and
our distant fathers’ names and storiesunto the ages of ages. Amen.)
5.LULLABY still live dauntless in our mind and heart.
Consumed by the memory,
• mezzo soprano • • boy soprano • we wet their graves with our tears.
Oh, sleep, sleep my baby.
Your mother’s arms are around you. We cannot hate the past.• choir •
And the stars and moon But we must dance their danceWhere is the grave of my father?
will keep you from harm and sing their song.So many bodies in the shadow of Ararat
as they travel the night.
lie charred as hate’s kindling.
Oh, can you still hear, I still hear, A thousand requiems,Did his corpse find peace in the dirt?
my son, I st we sing a thousand requiems.Or did his ashen limbs scatter across the
the lullaby the lullaby
I would sing to you? you would sing to me.
by God’s omniscient breath?
7.PRAYERWho conceived of bringing this Hell into
Oh, sleep, sleep my baby.Eden?
Your mother’s arms were around you. • mezzo soprano •A serpent consumed everyone.
And the world was safe The world was safe
This is not the life to understand. Der Asdvadz mer, voro paroghootyunud
on those moonlit nights. ankunin eh yev parkud anhasaneli voro
on those moonlit nights voghormootyunud anchap eh, yev• mezzo soprano •
My son, your voice so rich with love.
Tad ara intz, Asdvadz yev irav ara intz ee kuhtootyoonud anpav, doo ust arad
my song would sing you to sleep.tadasdini imoom. Hazkeh vor voch eh soorp martasirutyanud koom nayatz ee
And the stars and moon jhoghovoortus ko yev ee dajarus ays soorp.ee marto meghavoreh nenkavoreh, purgya zis.
would keep you from harm
Too, Asdvadz huzorich im yes Unter moratzar Yev ara unt mez yev unt aghotagitzus mer
as they did travel the night.zis, unter durdoom kunam yes ee neghel aradabes zoghormutyoon ko yev uzkututyoon.
My son, You needed only (O Lord our God, whose power is unsearchabletushnamvo imoh.
I sang to you the stars shimmering flicker and the glory inscrutable, whose mercy is(Do judgment for me, O God; and do justice to
my lullaby. to accompany your immeasurable and compassion inexhaustible,me in my cause. From the unholy generation;
Now it’s my heavenly song. heavenly song. do Thou according to thy abundant love offrom the sinful and deceitful man deliver me.
man, look down upon this thy people and thisMy dreams were filled My dreams were filledThou art, O God, the giver of my strength, why
holy temple and make abundant thy mercy andhast Thou forgotten me? Why go I so heavily with music with music
with thy pity unto us and unto them that praywhile my enemy opresseth me?) and visions of goodness.
with us.)
and visions of goodness.
Demons would flee
• choir •
hearing your protective melody.
4.“1915“ Amen.
Oh, sleep, sleep my baby.
My heart will always be with you ...• choir • • boy soprano •
Why am I left behind?Der voghormia. Where is the Grave of my father?
(Lord have mercy.) Watching you sleep
O, cruel awakening for the very last time
that should so harshly blind us I could hear your lullaby,
your lullaby to me.with the piercing light of bitter truth!
copyright © 2000 by Windsor Editions
Der voghormia. all rights reserved
Such evil surrounds us:
suspicion and hate,SYMPHONY OF TEARS
AMaestoso (q»∞™ ) U U U5 ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑Piccolo & 4
U U U5 ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑Flutes 1 & 2 & 4
U U U5 ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑Oboes 1& 2 & 4
con abbandonoU Uj j5 ˙ # œ∑ ∑ ∑ œ b œ Œ œ œ Œ œ œ A œ œ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑English Horn & 4 œ . ˙ . œœ ˙ . œ . œ# œ œ œ n œ
U U U5 ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑Bb Clarinets 1 & 2 & 4
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U U U5 ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑Tenors V 4
U U U? 5 ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑Basses 4
U U U5 ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑Boy Soprano & 4
U U U5 ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑Mezzo-Soprano & 4
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