Partition Volume 2 (F - L), Dictionary of Music et Musicians, Grove, George








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Visionnez les partitions de Dictionary of Music et Musicians Volume 2 (F - L), Dictionaries, de Grove, George. Partition de style de musique romantique.
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Rédacteur: John Alexander Fuller-Maitland (1856–1936)
Edition: London: Macmillan, 1910.
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LONDON: & CO., Ltd.
reservedAll rightsCopyright, 190f),
By the :\iacmillan company.
Set up and electrotyped. Published Febniari', ign6.
—J. S. Cashing .^ Co. I'.erwiL'k & Smith Co.
The names deceased writers are printed in italicsof
Aldrich, 'E, Esq., New York Times
E. Hebom-Alles, Esq.
G. E. P. Arkwright, Esq.
J. R. Sterndale-Bennett, Esq.
D. J. Blaiklet, Esq. .
J. C. Bridge, Esq., Mus.D.
Mrs. Walter Carr
Edward Chadfield, Esq.
William Ghafpell, Esq., F.S.A.
Alexis Chittt, Esq. .
M. GusTAVE Chouquet, Keeper theof
Musique, Paris
W. W. Cobbett, Esq. .
Arthur Duke Coleridge, Esq.
Frederick Corder, Esq.
Major 0. A. Crawford
W. R. Creighton, Esq.
William H. Cummings, Esq., Mus.D.,
E. Dannreutiier, Esq.
Herr Pa0L David
H. Walford Davies, Mus.D.Esq.,
E. J. Dent, Esq.
L. M'C. L. Dix, Esq. .
Clarence Eddy, Esq.
F. G. Edwards, Esq. .
H. Sutherland Edwards, Esq.
Thomas Elliston", Esq.
Edwin Evans, Esq.
GusTAVE Ferrari, Esq.
W. H. GRATTAN Flood, Esq. .
Rev. W. H. Frere .
Rev. F. W. Galpin .
Nicholas Esq., Mus.B.Gatty,
Dr. Franz Oehring, Vienna .LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS
Alfred Gibson, Esq. . A. G.
C. L. Graves, Esq. c. l. g.
J. 0. Grippith, Esq. . C. G.J.
Sir George Guove, C.B., D.C.L. G.
H. H"W. Hadow, Esq. . W. H.
H. V. Hamilton, Esq. H, V. H.
Mrs. Robert Harrison B. H.
Rev. Thomas Heluoue, Master the Children the Gha^iels Royal T. H.of of
JV. Henderson, Esq. . W. H.
Arthur F. Hill, Esq. A. r. H.
A. J. HiPKiNS, Esq., F.S.A. J. H.A.
H.Edward John Hopkins, Esq., Mus.D. Organist to the Tem])h E. J.
Rev. Canon T. R Hudson (now Pemberton) . T. r. H.
Francis Hueffer, Esq. F. H.
A. Hughes-Hughes, Esq. A. H.-H.
John Hullah, Esq., LL.D. J. H.
Duncan Hume, Esq. . D. H.
W. Hume, Esq. w.
h"William H. Husk, Esq. H. H.W.
F. H. Jenks, Esq., Boston, U.S.A. P. H. J.
M. Adolphe Jullien . A. J.
Frank Kid<on, Esq. . F. K.
Hermann Klein, Esq. H. K.
E. Krall, Esq. E. K.
H. E. Krehbiel, Esq., New York H. E. K.
M. Maurice Kufferath M. K.
Robin H. Lbgge, Esq. R. H. L.
Rev. Charles Mackeson, F.R.S. C. M.
Maclean, Mus.D.Charles Esq., (art, International Music Society C. M.
H. S. Macran, Esq. . H. M.S.
Herr A Maczewski, Kaiserslautern A. M.
Julian Marshall, Esq. J. M.
Mrs. Julian Marshall F. A. M.
Ru^^ell Mabtineau, Esq. R M.
Miss Louisa M. Middleton
. L. M. 31.
Rev. R. MilneJ. J. R. M.
Mrs. Newmarch R. N.
Miss Edith Oldham . E. O.
Rev. Sir Frederick A. Gore Ouseley, Bart., Mus.D., Professor o.
Music in the University of Oxford,
Sir C. Hubert H. Parry, Bart., C.V.O., Mus.D., Professor of Music in
Universitytlie of Oxford, Director of the Royal College H.of Music C. H. P.
Sidney H. Pardon, Esq. ..... H.S. P.
E. J. Payne, Esq. ...... E. J. P.
Pearson, Canon H.Rev. Hugh of IVindsor P.
E.Edward H. Pember, Esq., K.C. .... H. P.LIST OF CONTRIBUTOKS
(formerly Hudson)Rev. Canon T. P. Pemberton T.
Miss Phillimore ....
')Librarian to the Gesellsrhaft il/ltSi' WilliHerr C. Ferdixand Pohl, kfre
Victor be Poxtigny, E/:q.
Ebenezer Prout, Esq., Slus.D, Professor of Music in the University i
Dublin .
JV. PvLliKGBev.
Mus.D.F. G. Shinn, Esq.,
"\V. Barclay Squire, Esq.
Miss C. Stainer
J. F R. Stainer, Esq.
Sir Egbert P. Steivart, Mns. P., Professor Music i the I nirersifiiof
Duhlin .of
rViLLiAii H. Stoxe, Esq., M.JU.
A. Streatfeild, Esq.E.
Franklin Taylor, Esq.
TV. Thayer, Esq, United Stcates Consul, TriesteA.
Bertha Thomas .Miss
Troyte, Esq.C. A. W.
P. G. L. Webb, Esq. .
H. A. Whitehead, Esq.
Mus.D.E. A^AUGHAN Williams, Esq.,
Mrs. Edmond Wodehouse
George Frederick Handel . Front spiecc
Cesar Fraxck .... 9t;
RoBKRT Franz 104
Etelka Cerster 100
Gewaxdiiau.^, LeirziTt 164
Michael Ivaxovicii Glixka . 180
Willirald, Kutek V(Ciiristoph N Gluck 184
Carl Goldmark 196
Charles Francois Gounod 208
Andre Ernest Moi>este (iREiuY 2.38
GriegEdvard Hagerup 242
GiuLiA Grisi .... 244
George Grove 246
Francois FRoinoNXAL El AS IL\.Li 274Jacques
Franz Joseph ILvydn 348
Louis Joseph Fekdinand IIekold 386
Joseph Jo.a.ciiim .534
Louise KELumiC 562Clara
588The Kneisel Quartet
Orlandus L,\ssus 638
LiLLi Lehmann . 606
734Jenny Find Liszt
Pauline Lucca 776DICTIONARY
The fourth note of the natural scale, with syllables oftheword 'piangendo,' as shown in the
for its key-signature.B'r> In French and example in the article Madkkjal. w. .s. u.
in solfaing, Fa. D is its relative minor. FABRI, AXNIE.A.LE Pio, Detto Baling, one
The F clef is the bass clef, the sign of which of the most excellent tenors of the 18th century,
is a corruption of that letter. (See Bass Clef was born at Bologna in 1697. Educated
musiand Clef.) cally by the famous Plstocchi, he became the
F minor has a signature of four Hats, and favourite of the Emperor Charles VI., and otherA[>
is its relative major. Princes sought to engage him in their service.
F is the final of the Lydian church mode, He was also a composer, and memljer of the
with for its dominant. Accademia Filarmonica of Bologna receivedC ;
FJI is in German Fis, in French Fa dit^sc. into that society in 1719, he was named its
PrinBeethoven has verymuch favoured tliese keys, cipe, or president, in 1725, 1729, 1745, 1747,
having two (Pastoral ami Englandleft Symphonies No. 8), and 1750. In 1729 he came to and
three String Quartets (tlie first and last, and sang, with Bernacchi, his fellow- pupil under
Kasoumowsky, No. two PF. Sonatas, op. 10, Pistocchi, in Handel's 'Tolemeo,' taking the1),
and op. etc., in F major ; Overture to part of Araspe, formerly sung by Boschi. AsNo. 2, 54,
' Egmont,' Sonata appassionata. Quartet, op. 95, the latter was a bass, the part Avas probably
in F minor. One of Beethoven's notes to Steiner transposed for Fabri for want of a bass to sing
it. In the same year he performed the tenor
' ' 'Lotario, Partenojieis signed part in ' as also in (1730),
and in 'I'oro' and a reprise of 'Rinaldo' (1731),
but we may mention all by the same master. Having been appointedFS is more rarely usetl ;
Haydn's Farewell Symphony ; a PF. Sonata to the Royal Clrapel at Lisbon a few years later,
Beethoven, for wdiich he had a he died there August 12, 1760. .J. M.(op. 78) by
cliarniing Romance FABRICIUS, \Vei!NER anpeculiar affection ; and a (1633-1679),
organist and composer of note, was born Aprilof Schumann's (op. 2S, No. ; also Chopin's2)
and Barcarole, op. 60. 10, 1633, at Itzehoe, Holstein. As a boy heImpromptu, op. 36,
abbreviation forforte. studied music under Iiis father, Albert Faljricius,/'is the usual
organist in Flensburg, and Paul Motli, theThe holes iu the belly of the violin are called
their shape. o. Cantor there. He went to the Gymnasium inthe holes fromf
system of Guido Hamburg, where Thomas Selle and HeinricliFA FICTUM. In the
He.rachor- Scheidemann were his teachers in nmsic.the third sound in the Ind'Arezzo, B;,
was called B mi and Br?, the 1650 he went to the Leipzig University, study-cluin natiirale, ;
Hexaclwrdxim inollc, B fa. ing philosophy, theology, and law in the latterfourth sound in the ;
fully 'Notar. wasfa could not be expressed with- he became a (lualified ' HeAnd, because B
sign (B rotimdvm) it was appointed Musik-Director ofthe Pauiinerkirche,out the accidental
For this Leipzig, in 1656, and in 1658 was also appointedFa fictum. [See Hexachord.]called
to tlie Nicolaikirche. Although hePolyphonic Composers applied the organistreason, the
note wlienevcr it tried for the post of Cantor to the Thoniaikircheterm Fa fictum to the Bb,
JIarch he was not elected. He wasintroduced, by means of the accidental sign, in 1658,was
one son survived him,at its natural pitch and, by married July 3, 1665, andinto a mode sung ;
represented the same Joliann Albert Faliricius. He died the E'-> which 9,analogy,
at Leipzig, forty-five years old, accordingtransposed modes. Tlie Fa 1679,interval in the
with characteristic effect, to the contemporar}^ account of him in Miisicais introduced,fictum
' Davidica, oder Darids Musik, hei der Leichhe-Gloria Patri ' of Tallis's five-part Re-in the
cles . . . Herrn JFcrneri FaJ)ricii . . .second syllable of the word stattuiKisponses, at the
Niralaiimexample of its employ- diircJi Jail. TJrlane, ad S. Ealesiaste.'withoi/i' and a fine
will he (See Manalshrffe fur iLusihjeschichte, 1875,of the transposed E':>ment in the form
' Eitner {(.Juellcn-Lcxikon) corrects tlieArcliadelt's JIadrigal, U p. 180.)found in Giaches
second and third 1 date of death, however, to April 9, 1679.bianco e dolee oigno,' at the

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