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Poids de l'ouvrage
17 Mo
Presented by Lady Dorothea
RugglesBrise to the National Library of Scotland,
in memory of her brother. Major Lord
George Stewart Murray, Black Watch,
dlled in action in France in 1914.
1927.28th Januarii
'^,ii»»- ^.<c^^ir
'^: ^(/(o . ' ycju^^y^^.'JuA(ly^^.
103[D OIT ; J . BUSTGLETry/7^-' r^./y^ f^yi^jj Oyh^^f^"^-'
m i
^ g^ lis
in tht- HoTjL^dand bave won the
klSlL in the HoVlajtid andhave vfsm the
For the clLT7.staJns liaye foug&t inthe Tiohr^Laad and. laicvewob the
^actorvT and tiivc -wdh the victory
^'jctoi-y and have -won the \'ictanr Loud
j J(^~ike War dr
victory- and harx? londwon llie vrctorj T.ond iht" Wf\i- dertorn.,Ms liom^And his Tjanner Tvas^^ on.M^. Let ttueblew liis
And beD.s lae mn^,And the :feast,lhe feaist earmass lac sang , flbe
STiiLg',Aad the bells be nmg,Aad. dieLet the mass l)e
snag, Aad tiemer_ii-isr. Let tke mass befeast ,the feast cat
sxm^.And ttemor-ri-ly Let the mass beeat
dieLcttjie mass he smL^,M^feast, the Iraat eat mccjx-lj
feast eatfeast eat mCr.riJv, diebells be nm^.And die £?ast,die
h?astfeast,the fi?Ast eat incj-^rL ly,thc})qUs 1)0 nm^.Ajid the ^
the feast- eat,iie feast eatmpr-ri-fy,bePs beEan^',AiLdthe feast^ — —
-pr - - w
j,^ p.^ ^ I I^
b J^TTFEgJ.J^J,^
meE-Ei_ly',Tiiexxi_ly, laer-xi
„ifinei-j?iJy,in£r^H-ly iiier_TL_lT
1 Ja:^:p=TO?^^^^i# r7 r
Towt OIL liigli^As&r as ie could, see I see a toli l&dSa.,asA ly"
Lsee bold Kmg!htrand Ijy^a
m$ '^^w-m
1 see a T)old Kui^M.aBdly
^^^ ^^
his Bod Cross , lie comes fronv Ae East Carai -try. Then
e: f—W
1^=5^^Mf-^ ^^^^
Ins RedCross lie comes firoui the
, East Conn.
lie froiiL ft.e East CcnaiL -trytis Red Cross, cornea
^ i
loud fee ^vaxder ^^\t hisliom,And calLd tilLlfce ivaslioarsej,
ee a bold Koiglit.addon his shield l)rigkt,Tie hearetiLa fUanin^
sec ahold^iighit.aadpii his shield hnghf ,he b^arcthi flammg'
^ ?^S ^^S^^^^^
' • ^—^ -——
ri 1 H
msee alxvld [vni^ght onaod his shieldhri^^i^e beaaethii fLancfai^Then, do^to th«,Lard of ^-Caslie came^^ fted Grosscross^
^^^z^^^i^i ^zM^^^m
loaidiit^lD jneet j^udTniteu ihe Red Cross Ein^the espied Fvi^t
Thfjnirtwdi^ome l>ete dear Red Ctoss
loviB^lie miiMdj. greet
^ ^^^^^^
Thoiirtrwelcame iere dear BedCcoss
^s^^=N=;^ ^^te;^ ^^^
tiipEcigtrdearSii^t for,^^fkDJi?s t^'ell to Hie Aad_
And the
g^T^'^^ ,-:^^gj ^^^fe ^^fe^ ^^
weHiaown And the£hi^. for tiiy fiitoes to me
mass shall lie stm^,And tbf IwHs shall he nmg, And Wllfeist right
ssass. sh.sjJlVe snii^ibiddie l>efl.s slialL'be tmi^,AndwsIIfea5tfl^t
I — m~-¥-— —.—.--!•if^)^ p-- f-f---•-hf -f- -f»—J
-*^-^5izr:z I^, ^H^fe&-[TfIril' \ ^-S^
miLSi skaTi, }>c sTjtt* .iValdiel)ells aSlallhecdli^,And weflfeastrijE^tini.'riify,tnery)lT/7iTu^r_tr_l:v.merrify^mcrri^Aiid we*Il feast xi<^t
^^t merrily, caex li Aj.inaTily,iaCTxily,Andwell feast merriiY,
A-t\^ riglit Tjierrily, metrilj, mer-ri -ly.rUy-.Tn^rrily veil feast
kolithe dx?vice I bear oa shield-liieRedCross Knight aiany l.^nd
we liaxre foq^t in. the Ho Land,and wcw won the virtotv; for witlt
valiajitmight,didmeChrLstams J&^ht,aiidmade die prond^;pagans Ay-5 ^P^^
ThjOUTt welcx>Tiije licre dear Red CrossEnigtit,wdeardear Mhi^hi comi?
Thoa!rt welcome lieTc dear^Red.Cros5KJai^l,dearKTu.glit ccane
te£iiuJ r—r-^
i ifftnT r!r
vrelcome Kni^hlTh-oai't here dear Red Cross
m iPrr^ B i
fty arraour hy,And for ttie^ood tidiiig"s^u_do' st brln^ .^/V&*H1^
l^gr fflTjioiu? And. forthe^ood do' 51:% ^ twJiogs thou bring>WeTl
feast as merri^, iacr-ri.l)r. mer^ri _ Tor aH m xc^]j,
Casde shaE rejoice Thai
, we'\r wjirthe victory,dial we've wdiliJi^c
Casdff shaUxejoice That we'Te/wfoadit*
, victary.thal Tive'i?e won. the
Castbssiiallrejoiee. ThatAve've woa the victory.&at we've wotlthe
VIClovyami dif luass shallbe soii;i>',ajTd the beOs shall l)e cAnd diemass shaB_t^ STia^.aDd- lie
Tjells shallbe mng,axid the feast,the frast cat met_rLlT,aiuLThe
mass shall bo smi^.and die DeTls shall l)c ]aji^,aiifl diefeast the
shallmass te sang .aDd/tiaf hells shall be nin^^, ;tnd die Feast the
i ^ ^m
r nP re
s shallhe suae" , andthe, bells shad b(
feast eal nleri-ih/, ijie feast cat met rLly^TTncr_ri_ l^r, Tner_ri_l^
least eat memJ[y,dae fe^st mer-iLly, iner__Ti_fy, mer_ja_l5r.
feast eatmprnlv, dix> feast eat tp^et-cLly, imeJC-rLly-, roer_TL_ly.
Catch-fcr 5 louv.:
Poor JoTuurps dcadllirarliis Imell him.T3Tm,l)imiiiiiil)Giftelaell.
Th.e ben dothtonO rcuyMs sotilxalLeayii for e_v^ dw^U.Eiwdel.
letlie wan_der not
seen^Bv hedge xowr elms, chl IrillDclis greeiL;
5:5=g ^^^
-^-- J^j:J^4^-^'--fr, ^fc-7-T p gf
There th-C plou^matn. Tu\nT
m^r-H'-^ r r L^^^^i:^ i J J j
• ^"^rWf ri^r f r^
band., Whistles o'er the foxtowdland, There di£ ploughmap-peax ax
Tiaitd-, Whiglies oec die Jrirrawa laad.
^5^^ ^
rg^=—^^ I J
c c:jf rtjf tji^
And The milk maid sin^ cdi.
m F===F^^^f
Tiis scydie,And -ve.iyshepdierd reils hisblidse,Andihc mower ^^hetS cS(/.
^E^^ ^^^^^^P^^T^S^
IItalc, ti_djci' -die hawUioiii iu tlie d^e
=£[r-_u__/ V >
-And, e._Te—rv sltep--licjd tells Ids tj^le, TIa dci the
Or let dte m-errv JbeHs xin^ lottnd,
Andthe o.cimd. xe_]becks soTmrl And liejo.cnni Te-l)ec3osj
sound To maigr ayoiitliandmaaya
S i^
To jnaiy ayocaii anri mainr a maid dancing iadu? clie-quetd
_ danciugm the clic_qaer'd shadeTo many a Touth. and Tsiaoayf a maid
frm ^^^^^^^
Dan-crn^ ia ihe clae-querd skadf
^'" =^
=r-%f ^
r ^'=f=f^=^^ [-^'=^f
TIL ike che__qii£id shade.
Wi/m-:^ /-/v^/ M-' M/^ M/n(\
Catch.^r3 you
.-03zifiT . j j--nf^r--T7Tt^
^'tlt thotL lend, me diy^ mas'c to ^o a mile.'
i F^=^5a^^i
a-Not sfee's lamld, leap-in^ o_.vtr,a Bur if ihostile.
^ J^^^-M-^NU.^UU J |
wdt ker lae motiejrto spate, thoti shalt lave ior d^
ccnare.. "Oh..' Oh! Money -will makess>f yoa so.' "di£
mate to ^o, monejr wilL Ttial^e th-c mare to ^o.Jiossinl.
jij^Dw slo^^ liaTii,tly sajids OldTime "beeaxva5iitLg , Absentfecjni
^ -.^
-xachijDtf Knd^Ao-xon suH foundme waxEuxcf; This lieart is
joj- li^ss.mdLaiigmsh_tea:r-__.iao, thns fEom.icsfL_b2es,thy!bria'be
-^13^^ —fra^ m