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! ——; N 1 — V —— —
The Poetry by George P. Morris ; the Music by Austia Phillips.—Published by Davidson.
-wo-ven the spell that hath bound me Through all dark changesThou hast the of years,
that I wore when I found thee Have faded and meltedAnd the smiles in tears. Like the
poor wounded fawn from the mountain, Who seeks out the clear -sil tide, I have
lin-<'er'd in vain at the foun - taia Of hope—with shaft in i •ide. Thou hast
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wo-ven the spell that hath allbound me Through th? sad changes of vears, And the
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smiles that I wore when I found thee Have fa - ded nn<! melt -ed in tears.
Thou hast taught me that love's rosy fetters Like the ione bird that flutters her pinion,
A pang from the thorns may impart, And warbles in bondage her strain,
That tlie coinage of vows and of letters have struggled1 to fly thy dominion,
Comes not from the mint of the heart. But find that the effort is vain.
byComposed Thomas Bridgewater.
M u- AUegrctto ^
shmes the - merOl sweet -ly sum sun When Heav'n from clouds is free. And
right -ly gleams the moon-light On field, rock, and fo -rest tree But, to the pen-sive
S— V V-.— ,^-.-—— !^-R
heart of love—O ! sweeter than these, by far. It is with de -vious steps to rove Be-
neath the ev'-ning star; But, the pen-siveto heart of love— O! sweet -er than
these, by far. It is with devious steps - -to rove Be neath the ev' ning star.
For all the future cannot give To others give the festive hall,
What timespaceless hath reft Where wine-cups shine in light,—
And, Jessy, since thou ceas'd to live, The music of the crowded ball,
;A vacant world is left. With beauty's lustre bright
1 turn me to my days of love, But give to me the lonely dell
The sweetest on earth by far, Sweeter than these by far,
And oft, in thought, witli thee I rove Where pine-trees wave, and waters swell.
Beneath the ev'uing star Beneath the ev'ning star
No. 4 7; ; ^ ; ^ —
The Music by Mozart.
Con Spirito.
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-bright sun beam of gold lights the moun-tain, Soon will he gild both theSee the
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- Now the wild boar drinksfrom nature's clear fountain, Soon will the ja-ve-linmo rass and flood ;
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the horn calls a-way, and starts the wild boar Then -reek in his blood. Hark ! ; bold ly we
- - o'ermoor. While our dogs s baybay loud,loud, andand ourour hoihor - ses neigh, Thro'i@\ low thro' for est,
and a-way ' While ourbrush-wood and dan-ger;—Hark! on js bay loud, and our
• -neigh, Thro' te\ish-wood and dan-eer —Hark 1 on and a way ! To hunt thehor ses
—==.^ » s=^ —g r-F-»a — — RT~4 1 _ »-;—
- rude trum - pet, a burst - ingboar, whose roar's as loud As na ture's cloud.
Thunder he's roaring ! like light'ning we're flyingTogether and loud as Jove cracking thunder, I
and swim througi The dogs again grapple, again he's at bay :We dash through the thicket,
The jav'lins fix him ; but, though he is dying,flood
throws fromStrange animals rush from coverts in wonder Dogs he him, till lifeless they lay.
their young brood. Hark! the horn sounds his knell, and gathers theBirds to the air call away
!blast —the boar's in sight '.« bandHark ! the yager's
gather round him 1 he turns to th j With jav'lins rais'd, round the carcasswe standOur dogs ;
Then, mounting our steeds, right homewardfight! we
from his tusk at bay, stray.But our dogs fall back
chase hark on and away. Till next morning's sunbeam shall call us away.Then again to the
To hunt the boar, &c. To hunt the boar, &c.
The Music by John Whitaker.
:zt=ti=t=f z=?£^:=?=it::-t:=t=:z= i-^=tr==f—^dzf=f?^B=?=f ^-t-t^—c=:d__trp=rp—'
1 b^r I" r^^^F--| II
di-vine. To my suit in - cline thee; Gen- tie vir- gm.Offspring fair of love
twine thee ; Watch - ful o'er thywert thou mine, Round my heart I'd
„ 1?
thee sigh thee smileslum - bers lie, See thee smile, see thee smile, or hear ; See or
- with
; E - ver glad to cheer thee. Ga zing still,hear thee sigh— — —; ; —— — —: ; ———
=1 1—
-I L^5^
-Yield plea sures-Jng
till I die, For the love
love bear thee, the love I bear thee. For the love I bear thee.
Mary, lay thy heart at rest. Think I'd ne'er deceive thee.
Safely on my bosom Angry kings might then contend,
Fear not danger, lovely guest, Adverse povir'rs their rights defend
Nature's choicest blossom. Peace with thee, my charming friend,
Ere this heart would injure thee. Would be mine, believe me.
shouldIt break and cease to be
Come, all you chaunt-ing vo -ca-lists, That war-bles high an<i low, Sirs,—A yard and
- -half of mu-sic buy Of Ca ta la- ni Joe, Sirs. Here's love songs, and com-ic
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t-:-<=tZkZZ?! -i^—i-:^=>:
songs. And songs of ev'-ry na-tion ; But if you'll wait a hin - stant, You shall
« — J« 1 1 — 1 a — —-fi- — e 9 s —
have 'em in ro - ta - tion. Come, all you chaunting vo - ca-lists. That war- bles high and
low, Sirs,— A yard and half of rau - sic buy Of Ca - ta - la - ni Joe, Sirs.
PrettyMy wife she is a wonder quite little Sally When the southern breezes blow.
I cannot love another My Helen is the fairest flower,— Hurra, I'm off sea, love;to
That's the ticket ; take a sight; She lives In our alley. Such a beauty I did grow
areRoger, how's your mother? Why you wandering here. I pray ? Do you ever think of me, love?
think of thing, On the banks the beautiful Rhine,I couldn't such a of Why did I love? Ax my eye;
While thestorniywindsdol)!ow,sirs sir, Lasses love the sailors
; ;
V\ hat's a house witho\)t a woman? We met the queen in a one-horse shay. Tom Bowling, what's a woman like?
his brow. sirs. Wearing a four-andnine, sir.With a lielmeton The devil among the tailors.
Come, all ye, &c. Come, all ye. See. Come, all ye, &.c.
When litiefarm keepa we The light of other days shall shine
Love was once a little petOn the banks of Allan Water
; Upon the blighted flower;
a tossingNever go ;We met the moralizing sweep Bid me discourse, with those we love.
I'm over young to marry yetWith Lord UUin's daughter. At the midnight hour.
sweeps the crossing.The man wotTliump, thump, scold, scold
; Here's John Anderson my Joe;
me at the garden gate,— MeetThe washerwoman's wrangle; We met 'twas near the mile end :
A fig for pride or riches;my prettyMy dearest Jane, Jane, And here's Kate Kearney jumping Jim
moderatePray Goody please toHas your mother sold her mangle? Crow
leather breeches.Hodge'sCome, all ye, &c. WiththeKingoftheCannibal Islands.
Come, all ye, &&
> Come, all ye, &c.Maggj' Lauder, who are you
The sun is o'er the.mountain
; In infancy our hopes and fears Bill Jones, she never told her love,
lohn White, to-day I'm sixty two Begone dull care, O ! Going out a fishing
Let's wander by the fonnlain. The flag that brav'd a your boy a buss,thousand years Mother, give
Sweet eyes, deep in a forest dell, At a countiy fair, O ! A chapter upon kissing.
canDoctors they ease ills ; Par from me my lover flies You gentlemen of England,
Father thankee's pretty well. Sound the trumpet boldly lived and loved togetherWe've ;
Mother's got the measles. Drink to me only with thine eyes. God bless our Queen Victoria,
Come, all ye, &c. reign for ever.In a fashionable coaley. And may she
Come, all ve. &*Now's the day and oow's the hour. Come, all ye &c.—; — —— ;—; ; ; — ! ; ;—
Ballad. TheScottish — Poem by Allan Ramsay ; the Music by Robert Bremner.
son,Gill Moricewasan Earl's His name it wax-edwide It was nae for his great rich-
es, Nor yet his mic-kle pride ; But it was for a la-dy gay, That liv'd on Carron side.
' 'Where will I get 8 bonny boy, And there it is, a silken s&rk And there she saw Gill Morice'
That and Your ain hand sew'd the sleevewill win hose shoon, j head
That will gae to Lord Barnard's ha'. Ye maun come speak to Gill Morlce Come trailing to the town.
And bid his lady cum ? Speir nae bauld baron's leave.'
' Far mair I lo'e that bloodyhead,stamped wi' her foot.Ye maun rin this errand, Willie, The lady
hair,Bot' and that yellowAnd ye may rin 4vi' pride And winked wi' her eye
; ; Than Lord Barnard, and a' his
When other boys gae on their feet. But a' that she could s