Partition complète, pour Musical Olio. Containing, , A Concise Introduction to pour Art of Singing by Note. , A variety of Psalm Tunes, hymnes et Set-pièces, selected principally from European Authors, viz. Dr. Croft, Dr. Green, Handel, Purcel, Dr. Wainwright, Dr. Randal, Dr. Burney, Dr. Alcock, Is. Smith, Milgrove, Dr. Madan, Holdroyd, Williams, Baildon, Oswald, Jennings, Harrison, Grigg, Coombs, Tucker, Walker, Breillat, Husband, Dr. Worgan, Cuzens, Marsh, Boxwel, Dr. Arne, Lockhart, et Heptinstall; - together avec a number of Original pièces, never before published. Compiled et Composed by T. Olmsted.








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Jouez les partitions de pour Musical Olio. Containing, , A Concise Introduction to pour Art of Singing by Note. , A variety of Psalm Tunes, hymnes et Set-pièces, selected principally from European Authors, viz. Dr. Croft, Dr. Green, Handel, Purcel, Dr. Wainwright, Dr. Randal, Dr. Burney, Dr. Alcock, Is. Smith, Milgrove, Dr. Madan, Holdroyd, Williams, Baildon, Oswald, Jennings, Harrison, Grigg, Coombs, Tucker, Walker, Breillat, Husband, Dr. Worgan, Cuzens, Marsh, Boxwel, Dr. Arne, Lockhart, et Heptinstall; - together avec a number of Original pièces, never before published. Compiled et Composed by T. Olmsted. partition complète, psaumes, composition de Olmsted, Timothy. La partition classique célèbre écrite pour les instruments suivants: 3 voix, 4 voix
Cette partition aborde plusieurs mouvements et est classifiée dans les genres
  • psaumes
  • religieux travaux
  • sacré hymnes
  • hymnes
  • hymnes
  • pour 3 voix
  • pour voix non accompagnées
  • partitions pour voix
  • pour 4 voix
  • langue anglaise
  • Compilations

Retrouvez dans le même temps tout une collection de musique pour 3 voix, 4 voix sur YouScribe, dans la rubrique Partitions de musique classique.
Rédacteur: Timothy Olmsted
Edition: Northampton, MA: Andrew Wright, 1805.
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Poids de l'ouvrage

6 Mo

DrtTkicr or Connecticut, ff.
BE it remembered, that on the twenty fixth day of
March, in the twenty ninth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Timothy
Olmsted, ot the faid Diftridt, hath depofited in this office, the title of a Book, the right whereof
claims viz.he as Author and Proprietor, in the words following,
" The MUSICAL OLIO, containing, i. A concife introduction to the art of
" finging by note. 2. A variety of Pfalm tunes, Hymns and fet pieces, felefted, principally, from
" European authors, viz. Dr. Croft, Dr. Green, Handel, Purcel, Dr. Wainwright, Dr. Randal,*.-
" Dr. Burney, Is. Smith, Milgrove, Dr. Madan, Holdroyd, Williams, Baildon, OtDr. Alcock,
" wald, Jennings, Harrifon, Grigg, Coombs, Tucker, Walker, Breillat, Hufband, Dr. Worgan,
:' Cuzens, o-Marih, Boxwell. Dr. Arne, Lockhart, and Hepftinftall ; together with a number of
" rig.nal pieces, never before publifhed. Compiled and compofed by T. OLMSTED."
"In conformity States, entitled an act forto an act of the Congrefs of the United
theencouragement oflearning, by fecuring the copies ofmaps, charts and books, to authors, and
proprietorsoffuch copies during the times therein mentioned."
CHARLES Conneakut.DENNISON, Clerk the Diftrlaof of
fut ff. Diftrift Clerk's office.
Endowed by theReverend
Benson, d.d
'K. zs
a--.— *
si MUSICAL OLIO. ^o»ui< m^.
s I. A Concife Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note.
s II. A variety of PSALM TUNES, HYMNS and SET-PIECES, feleaed principally from European Authors, viz. Dr.
Croft, Dr. Green, Randal, Dr.Handel, Purcel, Dr. Wainwright, Dr. Burney, Dr. Alcock, Is. Smith, Milgrove, Dr.
Madan, Holdroyd, Williams, Baildon, Ofwald, Harrifon, Grigg, Coombs, Tucker, Breillat, Hufband,Jennings, Walker,1
Dr. Worgan, Cuzens, Marfh, Boxwcl, Dr. Arne, Lockhart, and Hepftinflall ;—together with a number of Original Piec-
•X s
es, never before publifhed.
l.yCompiled and CompolH
s T. 'O L M S T E D.
According ojPublified to Aft Congrrfi.
PRIMED, Typographically, at NORTHAMPTON,
4f6-ANDREWBy W R I G H T,— —•««»»•
i8os.$ s
. *-*«^"%^*"^*—
C ^e r^«* ^^'C
book of Sacred Mufic, great care has been taken, to felecl fiich tunes as muft be ufeful tocompiling this all Cbrifiian focieties, thit
meafttre is fuiied to plalmsmake finging, a part of public wodhip—The ftyle and and hymns generaly made ufe of by worshiping af-
and may with facility be changed from one to another of the fame metre— the fources from whence they are derived,femblies ; By and
thofe great authorities, I am authorized to be fan^uine in the opinion, that what I have compiled, hath real merit,the fan&ion of andby
approved, by all who poffefs good tafte and judgment. The pieces given out in my name, ifwill be highly noticed, muft fpeak for there-
I have been importuned by many of my acquaintance, to iafert more of them than I intended but to the public I now fubmit{elves. ;
and fate.thtir trial
this book convenient for fchools, have laid down the rules plain and concife, and arranged the leffbns in fuch order asTo render I will
teacher give the the authorsit eafy for the to his pupils a jufl idea ol ufe of mufical characters.—As the modern European havemake
furnilhed us with many excellent pieces of mufic in three parts the air placed for the female voice and as that cuftom is prevailing, I; ;
to it in part. Some publifhers of Pfalmody have exploded the Alto, or counter-tenor, and in their ftead fubftituted fecondhare adhered
others-have publifhed in parts objections have been made to of thofe methods fingly. obviate which havetrebles three only each To I; ;
tunes three parts, with airs are placed forinfei ted fome in and fome in four fome counters, and fome with fecond trebles.- Part of the;
the tenor voice, and part ior the female voice—all of which I have thought belt to print in characters univerfally made ufe of having;
yet been made to percieve the utility of the Amplifications, and new inventions which are fo frequently prefented us for our im-not as ;
by many ofour modern mailers —Thele are not only old acquaintance, but that the whole mufical woild inprovement, ; characters our of ;
nations can and and find muficwhich all read, probably never will difcard. The inftrumental periormer may now join with the vocal,
p .in familiar key and good ftyl
this fruall volume prove to ufeful the is the ardent wifh ofThat m«y be in the Church, and entertaining in Chamber,
i tjO^^^»^^<4»^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>^^<$» $*> tf)> -KJtHfr,
'| THE feven founds ifl Mnfic »r« reprefented by characters called Notes, named after the firft feven letters of the Alphabet, A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Thefe Notts being placed npon, and
A between, five alfopantile) lines, tailed a Stave, their p?rticulr.r names, as the founxU they reprelent, are determined by characters called Cliffs, which are placed at the beginning of
the lii:es. always on the fourthThe Cuth in prelent nfe, ate tic F, cr Bals Cliff, placed line of the i>tave, T-y 1 he G, Icing the Tenor and Treble Cliff, placed on the fecond
line, The C, Counter-tenor or A't) Cliff, placed on thethird line, The Cliff having — determined the"XT the name of one Note in the Stave, that Note becomes
fland 'e^'ard ef reckoning for ail the uotes in the fame Stave, as will appeal by the following fcheme
d Oftsve.2 p_I;PH^"«.iff Ocbve. A.
Trebleaid Tenor Stave, -^iiiiiiiiiiii^Scale of two Oflaves in each
Cliff, beginning with C in the
1. I. I, f. f. 1. m. f.
natural Major mode.
C, D, E, F, G, A. B, • C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, C, E. A, &c.
N. B. Thee are two femi-
tonsi in an Oflave. viz. be-
Counter or Alto SUve,tween £ & F, B & C.
D, G,A,B, E, F, G, A, B, C, C, B,A, A»«.C, E, T, D,
• i&t-J j£-rrI_m^IZZpIizppzp.pKpEafs Stave,
fa:;i.l $£=E±S
The notes in each Oftave ar« named hvr.Vthe ™, faw, /S^Tf
Jiw•li.w, faw, fol, law, faw, A, &c.*n ioioJ. lawlaw,faw,fol,law,mi, fel, law mi (aw, C, B,Jul, law, lei, > >>faw, law, rr.i, or rate, at follows,
it be oU.arv-d that fraa an to faw, and law £av, t»r«, ail tin Van fpefitions of B, :t» it I fjini, or half in—
1. f. f. 1. f. ra. i.t. f. 1. f. f. 1. f.
TrebU 2r« Tenor Jrave. !e?§Se3=iiP^
G, A,A, "B, C, D, E, F,
By the foregoing it will be perceived, thtl
1. m. f. f. 1. f. f. 1. I. f. f. 1. f. f. m. 1.
afcending from mi, the line* and (paces are
called, faw, fol, law, faw, fol. law, and in dc-
ia the '.Scale sf one Oftave. Stive.Counts, or Alto \ law, fol, faw, law, fol. faw ; mi a-
|— IHESEPEpEii(_ .,—Minoi U»i.-•atlval ing the leventh, the eighth the fame as the firft-
"g, The fame order mud btobfcrveb iu all trant-A, B, 'C, A,57£
. f. f. f. 1. f. f. 1. f. f m. 1. pofitions of mi., 1, 1. 1.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A,
law, mi,
i, faw. fel, law, faw,folj law,Uw,fol,(aw fol, faw, law.4
By Shai;ifpofitiott of Mi Ly Flats, b
----- -------- - B e fharp. mi it in Rhe natural place tor MI ii in -'J
E If F and he fharp, mi is in CII Bbc tbt. mi is io C
mi is i.i (>flat, mi is A If F, C and G be (harp,If B and E be in
'- be (harp, rut it DIf and A be fi:.t, is in r> 11 F, C, G and D inB, F. mi .... GIt B, E, A and D be flu, mi is in
2l contains 8 1624 3
Dcmifemiquavers.Minims. Crotchets. Quavers. SemiquaversSemibreve
Notes of found, ~Q~"~TCID~IKEfft~ZX£tCS£l?££"I
(-— [—, -Rifts, or notes of {— -j— --pj^Mi?<^WM—mt "-J -^
A Semibreve Reft fills a bar in all moods of time.
Staccato Mark. Figure; >tes,A Brace. Flat. Sharp. Natural. Slur. Single Bar. Double Bnr. The Dot. The Paufe. Repeat. Figur: 3. Direct. 1 & 2. Clofe. Choofing X<LESSON III,'
orthus^5 Haths femibreve for its meafure note, held two feconds, or feci.*,many together. Third,£ BfeACE, enclofet fo flaves as arc fung 2^J
' &-*• •** one down, one up in time as trie faift mood.
;Jlkt, Set before a note, finks it hair' a tone.
Sharp, let a note, raifes it hnif a tone.
flat or (harp to its primitive found.Natural, Reftores a note made 2E Contains one minim in 3 bar, which is held two teats, on» down, on »,FourthWh«n a flat, {harp or natural is prefixed to any note in the comic of a piece, it affects all Am in time as the fecond mood.
Inthe following notes of the iVirne nanse, contained in the fame bar, but no further. that
cafe they are called accidental.
Signs of Triple Time,
Slur, Is drawn over or under fo many notes as are fung to one fyllable.

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