- Co-op available
- Galleys available to sales reps, trade publications, long-lead media, and Ingram Premium Picks
- Digital galleys on Edelweiss
- National advertising in Green America, Utne Reader, Today's Parent, Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, Mother Earth News
- National radio campaign
- National print campaign: Yes! Magazine, Sierra, Treehugger, Grist, Today's Parent, Huffington Post, Daily Good, New York Times, Globe & Mail, Sojourners, EcoWatch
- Online/social media outreach: ClimateMama blog, Climate Reality Project, 350.org, Women Eco Warriors, Mamavation, Moms Clear Air Force, BadAss Climate Women, parents.com, parenting blogs
- Promotion through author's highly active social media channels
- Promotion on New Society Publishers social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, our blog, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube
- General eBook marketing plan
- eBook will be available simultaneously as print publication to maximize sales
- eBook ISBN will be included on all press materials, author and publisher websites, and whenever print ISBN is listed
- publisher and author will be promoting both e and p through social media
- Excerpts target for first serial rights: Yes! Magazine, Utne Reader, Sierra, Today's Parent, Ecowatch, 350.org, Climate Reality
- Promotion through the author's website: www.climatemama.com
- Bookseller/library promotions: Baker & Taylor Super Annotation, giveaways at ALA*, inclusion at ASSA, ASEH, and ASA academic conferences
- Author is internationally recognized influencer, connector, and trusted messenger on climate crisis through her blog, ClimateMama, and social media platforms
- Nationally recognized voice on climate crisis
- One of the first 1,000 people certified by Al Gore and Climate Reality Project Green Ring Award Recipient
- Regularly featured on national media: New York Times, MSNBC, Christian Science Monitor, USA Today, Huffington Post
- First person in the US to create an online organization in this space
- Timing coincides with lead-up to presidential election
- Author will use media attention to focus on the book as a clear and non-partisan resource to help define the necessary questions to ask elected officials
- Plan to use primary and presidential debates to promote the book and conversations around it
- Student climate strikes result in a call to action for parents. Plan to use these moments to highlight the book as a resource
- A response to the increase in anxiety, depression, and anger plaguing children in the face of the climate emergency
- Learn concrete ways to speak with children
- Moves the conversation forward for parents
- Helps formulate answers for children, friends, and family
- Practical solutions to build hope and find positive paths forward
- Understand feelings of anger, sadness, and frustration in children
- Formulates a plan for making climate action part of everyday family life
- Practical actions that families can take
- Helps children and parents find multiple paths to building a critical mass directed toward change
- Guided Discussions
- Differs from other books on this topic because:
- The author has a national platform and extensive connections
- Extensive social media presence: Over 10,000 Twitter followers, 7,800 Facebook followers, 1,300 LinkedIn, 700 Instagram, hundreds of thousands of followers of blog
- Provides a wider explanation of how we got here, what is already being done, and what can be done to tackle the climate crisis
- Includes discussion of how industry is trying to refocus the onus onto the individual to take action and is trying to walk away from their culpability
- Endorsements from Al Gore, Ken Berlin, Climate Reality Project; Congresswoman Donna Bullock; Katharine Hayhoe, climate scientist; Christiana Figueres, UNFCCC (COP 21), Vanessa Rule, Mothers Out Front
- New Society Publishers are committed to the highest environmental practices in the industry, including: printing all their books in North America, on 100% post-consumer recycled FSC-certified paper, using vegetable-based, low-VOC inks; and offsetting their emissions to make all of their business operations carbon neutral and is proudly B Corp certified. Their books are so Green you could eat them!
Audience: Parents, particularly urban and suburban; teachers, organizations working with children, educators
Regional: New York/New Jersey – author's home, affiliated with many environmental and climate groups
Washington, DC – national headquarters for many of these groups are there
Utah – author's previous home
California – relatives and work colleagues
International: ClimateMama reaches 110 countries
Canada: author born and raised in Edmonton, relatives in Calgary, attended UBC, grad school, Toronto: author's family and friends
Preface: This Book Is for You
What This Book Does
Timing Is Everything
1. Introduction: Awakening to Our Climate Emergency
Dropping the Climate Change Bomb
Why We Should Be Concerned
The Solutions Puzzle
Climate Awakening: Climate Reality
ClimateMama Beginnings
Memorable Blog Posts
2. Thanks for the Ride, Dinosaurs: Science, Politics, Growth, and Justice
3. Coming to Grips with Climate Change As a Parent: From Grief to Hope to Resolve to Action
Coming to Terms with Reality
Trusted Messengers
4. Leading by Example
Find Your Superpower
Name What You Are Working to Save and Why
Climate Curriculum
Parent Climate Activists
5. Transitioning from Angst to Action: Preschool through Middle School
The Climate Conversation: Preschool through Middle School
Engaging Your Child on Climate Action: Preschool through Middle School
Keeping Children Involved at All Ages
6. Pursuing Passions through the Lens of Climate Action: High School, College, and Beyond
How to Share the Reality of Our Climate Crisis with Our Grown Children
Supporting Climate Activism
7. Creating a Million Ripples: From Me to We
Thinking in Systems and Channeling Systemic Change
Scaling Solutions
Being the Change We Wish to See
Vote, Vote, Vote
Follow Up: Preparing for Our Climate Emergency
Plant Seeds: Literally and Figuratively
From Me to We
Youth-Led or Youth-Focused Organizations
Parent-Focused Organizations
Climate Action and Education Websites
Climate News Websites
Climate Justice
Notable Books
Climate Science
Climate Action Organizing and Book Club Guide Guide
About the Author
About New Society Publishers