Debt-Proof Living , livre ebook









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Your fool-proof guide to paying off debt, planning for the future, and breaking free of our debt-loving culture.The consumer credit industry wants us to believe that debt is necessary to bridge the gap between our pitiful incomes and the lifestyles we desire. But the problem is not that we don't have enough money. It's that we don't know how to manage the money we already have. And until we learn that, more money will never be enough.In this life-changing book, Mary Hunt shows you how to live a rich, fulfilling life without any consumer debt. By applying her simple principles and specific methods, you will learn how to effectively manage and maximize the money you have. No more guessing, wondering, or worrying. Just peace and a more abundant life. What have you got to lose?
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Date de parution

29 juillet 2014

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© 1999, 2014 by Mary Hunt
Published by Revell
a division of Baker Publishing Group
P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287
www . revellbooks .com
Ebook edition created 2014
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
ISBN 978-1-4412-4515-1
Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
This book is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information on the subject of personal money management. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services by publishing this book. As each individual situation is unique, questions relevant to personal finances and specific to the individual should be addressed to an appropriate professional to ensure that the situation has been evaluated carefully and appropriately. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any liability, loss, or risk that is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this work.
“The market is flooded with books on personal finance. However, it’s rare to come across a resource that deals with all the major issues in this area. Whether you’re single, married with young kids, or at mid-life or retirement age, the principles Mary Hunt shares in Debt -Proof Living will absolutely put you on solid financial ground.”
Kent S .
“I found Mary Hunt when I was staying at home with my two young children. I bought her book and read it in two days. It changed my family’s future. I have raised two daughters, now 30 and 32, and my husband retired early. Due to Mary’s advice and my freedom account we are right on target for me to retire in August 2014. Our house is paid off and I feel in control of our future and finances. THANK YOU, Mary, your book was the best thing I ever picked up.”
Mary A .
“I am happy to say that reading Debt - Proof Living several years ago made it po ssible for me to decide to get rid of any debt and stay out of it. Learning to buy when I had cash rather than depending on plastic has made all the difference in the world. If I do have to use plastic for any reason, that is paid in full the next month. I think this is the most sensible plan for anyone to live with and it makes it so much easier to live within your means.”
Doris H .
“It has been four years since I really took to heart all of the information in Debt - Proof Living . I am happy to report today that we have paid back over $35,000 of ‘toxic debt’ and are currently saving like crazy for a house. I would have had no idea where to start if I had not read this book.”
Denise J .
“ Debt - Proof Living was our salvation and now it is our daily living reference. We had a lot of toxic debt (over $40,000) about three years ago. We have now paid off each and every credit-card account. What a weight was lifted from our shoulders. We used this book every step of the way. I hope many people will read this book it’s wonderful. We are living proof that it works.”
Kathy W .
“When I bought your book I did not know how it would change my life in so many ways. Thank you.”
Joan B .
For Harold and all the joys that money cannot buy
Cover 1
Title Page 2
Copyright Page 3
Endorsements 4
Dedication 5
Acknowledgments 9
Introduction 11
1. Debt-Proof Living 17
What It Means, What to Expect
2. Two Kinds of Debt 35
Intelligent Borrowing, Toxic Debt
3. Caught in the Debt Trap 47
Red Flags and Warning Signs
4. A Plan to Debt-Proof Your Life 57
The Only Plan You Will Ever Need
5. Where Does All the Money Go? 69
Tracking Is the Way to Find Out
6. Step Away from the Edge 83
The Contingency Fund
7. Break Out of the Debt Trap 95
The Rapid Debt-Repayment Plan
8. Expect the Unexpected 115
The Freedom Account
9. Create Your Spending Plan 139
It’s Not a Budget
10. Debt-Proof Your Attitude 155
Your Most Powerful Tool
11. You Deserve Some Credit 171
Credit Reports, Credit Scores, Credit Repair, and Credit Counseling
12. You Are Worth What You Saved 181
Discover Your Net Worth
13. The Proper Handling of Hazardous Materials 189
Credit Cards, Charge Cards, and Debit Cards
14. Don’t Jump from the Frying Pan into the Fire 217
Debt-Consolidation Loans
15. A Home of Your Own 225
Mortgages and Home Equity Loans
16. The Overlooked Safety Net 243
Disability Insurance
17. Student Loans, Student Debt 251
Paying for a College Education
18. Building Wealth on an Ordinary Income 273
Basics of Responsible Investing
Afterword 287
Notes 289
Glossary 291
Index 309
About the Author 313
Books by Mary Hunt 314
Back Ads 315
Back Cover 316
I t is only right that I disclose my personal debts of gratitude, which are considerable.
First, my heartfelt thanks to the untold numbers of people who shared their hearts and their lives with me as a result of having read this book since its original release. Over the past two decades, I have received thousands of letters and messages from people whose lives have been changed. That connection has been my lifeline.
Debt-Proof Living staff: Thank you for keeping my office and professional life together against tremendous odds and for holding back the world so I could check myself into book jail from time to time. You are invaluable to the work we do. By taking care of all the technical stuff the website, the mail, fulfillment, shipping, and inventory you free my life considerably. You have no idea how much I depend on you.
Harold, my husband: Thank you for keeping everything balanced. Our boat would have capsized long ago had it not been for your steady ways, constant support, and unconditional love.
Jeremy, Tawny, Josh, and Wendy, my kids: You’re the air I breathe, my reason for living. I cannot imagine my life without you. You are the hope I have that DPL will go on after I’m gone.
Eli, my grandson: You are the light in my life that shines so brightly and lifts me higher than anything I could have ever imagined. You make Friday my favorite day of the week and the best reason I’ve ever had to get my work done so we can play.
Vicki Crumpton, my editor: Who would have ever predicted that we’d still be together after all these years? Thank you a million times over for using what I write to make me look so good. I never cease to be amazed by your organization, intelligence, and kindness. And punctuality. I aspire to your level of excellence. Your friendship means the world to me.
Dr. James Dobson: Our first broadcast in 1994 was a defining moment for me, the newsletter, and the books I would write. Thank you for knowing that my story would touch so many lives in a positive way and for your unwavering support and encouragement through the years.
The organizations, corporations, and churches that have hosted Debt-Proof Living seminars: Thank you. You may never know the full extent of the good you have done to help people learn to manage their resources effectively. It is immense.
My dear reader: Thank you for giving me the reason to write this book and the next one too.
W elcome to the updated, revised, and “even more all-new” edition of my book Debt - Proof Living . The first edition of this book rolled off the press in December 1999. It began . . .
The median income for a U.S. four-person household has just hit an all-time high of $62,228. Unemployment continues to decline while inflation is minuscule. And Americans are deeper in debt than ever before. What is wrong with this picture?
Since then the economy has gone through major upheavals as a result of the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the tsunami of 2004, Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, United States presidential elections, and on and on it goes. Gasoline prices have more than tripled, the cost of food has increased by more than 60 percent, and United States residential real estate values shot skyward then crashed.
In 2005, so many things had changed that I updated, revised, and expanded this book for an “all-new” edition and posed the question, So where are we six years later? The economy was on track, and the median income for a United States four-person household had climbed to $67,019. Unemployment was on the decline, while inflation remained low. But Americans were far more deeply in debt than ever before. Revolving unsecured, non-mortgage consumer debt totaled $735.3 billion, about 31 percent higher than it had been six years earlier.
So here we are in 2014. The economy plummeted in 2008 and has struggled ever since. Promises of a recovery have not materialized. The median income for a United States four-person household is $65,000, a decrease of 4.3 percent. 1 Unemployment has increased to 7.7 percent, and inflation is ticking higher. While consumer debt dropped significantly after the financial crash of 2008, it has taken a startling turn upward. As of January 2013, United States credit card debt stood at $851 billion on top of $1 trillion in student loan debt. 2
Again I ask, What is wrong with this picture? You could be wondering why, given such a dismal report, I would even think about revising, updating, and republishing this book. One might conclude that, with the overall picture becoming decidedly worse since this book’s first and second releases, this book was not successful. But that would be a very wrong conclusion.
While it is important to look at the big picture, it is too general,

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