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South Africa is characterised by a youthful population, and the challenges and possibilities that characterise the young generation are both warning signs and beacons of hope for a nation founded on social justice. Youth in South Africa: Agency, (in)visibility and national development takes stock of the nation's development as it affects young people.

Authors offer both personal and professional insights into the ways in which the youth navigate their own pathways to adulthood. These include formal and informal engagements with politics, as well as protest, (un)employment, entrepreneurship, education, religion, experiences with sexuality and violence and a multitude of other life experiences.

Contributors paint a picture of the initiative, agency and resilience of the youth, as well as the challenges before them. Authors also identify the state of "waithood" faced by those unable to make the transition out of youth into full adulthood as a result of their socio-economic circumstances and political context.

By engaging these experiences and insights, and primarily informed by the inputs of young people, the authors highlight the limitations of existing youth policies and frameworks. The case is made for policy instruments to be informed by the lived experiences of the youth as they navigate a complex macrosocial environment, and by the messages the youth communicate about the limitations of current approaches.





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Date de parution

05 mai 2021

Nombre de lectures






Poids de l'ouvrage

6 Mo

Fîrst pubîshed by the Mapungubwe Instîtute for Strategîc Relectîon (MISTRA) în 2021
142 Western Servîce Road Woodmead Johannesburg ISBN 978-1-920690-29-8
© MISTRA, 2021
Productîon and desîgn by Jacana Medîa, 2021 Text edîtor: Terry Shakînovsky Copy edîtor: Megan Mance Proofreader: Lara Jacob Desîgner: Sam van Straaten
Set în Stempe Garamond 10.5/15pt
Pease cîte thîs pubîcatîon as foows: MISTRA. 2021.Youth in South Africa: Agency, (in)visibility and national development. Arîane De Lannoy, Maose Langa and Heîdî Brooks (eds.) Johannesburg: Mapungubwe Instîtute for Strategîc Relectîon.
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Youth în South Afrîca: Agency:(în)vîsîbîîty and natîona deveopment
E D I T E D B Y Arîane De Lannoy, Maose Langa and Heîdî Brooks
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vîî Acknowedgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Contrîbutors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xîî Acronyms and abbrevîatîons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxîv A note on deinîtîons of youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxvîî
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
IntroductîonWaîthood,ambîguousagencyandyoung peope în South Afrîca: Relectîons on poîcîes and reaîtîes – Arîane De Lannoy and Maose Langa1. . . . . . . . . . . .
P A R T 1 Y O U T H E N G A G E M E N T W I T H ( U N D E R - ) D E V E L O P M E N T
Youthanddeveopment:Thesîgnîicanceof‘youth moments’ RufaroMudîmuandSkhumbuzoMoodaeyMpîsane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Perpetuatîngînvîsîbîîty:Organîsedpoîtîcsandaternatîve spaces în post-1994 youth poîtîcs HeîdîBrooksandNjabuoZwane57. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 6:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 7:
SouthAfrîcashîghyouthunempoyment:Structurafeatures and current responses LaurenGrahamandCecîMatshenî. . . . . . . . . . .131 Youthentrepreneurshîp:Areaîstîcstrategyforaevîatîng youth unempoyment? EîYîannakarîs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157
GîbsonMudîrîza,ArîaneDeLannoyandYouthCapîta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187 Workîngforwork:UsîngpartnershîpstosoveSouthAfrîca’s youth unempoyment HarambeeYouthEmpoymentAcceerator221. . . . . .
Supportîngpathwaysîntohîghereducatîonforow-încome youth: Lessons from a youth-ed non-proit organîsatîon MîkatekoMathebuaandMukovheMasutha. . . . 233
Chapter 8:
Youthînthetîmeofagobapandemîc:Ananaysîsof recent data on young peope’s experîences durîng COVID-19
Case study:
Youth în South Afr îca : Agenc y, (în) vîsîbîîty and natîona deveopment
#FeesMustFaandîtsunfortunatereturntoasîentrevoutîon RekgotsofetseChîkane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Post-1994 youth poîcy: A crîtîque of poîcy trajectory TumîMakgetaandLaurenGraham95. . . . . . . . . . . .
Case study:
Chapter 4:
P A R T 3 R E I M A G I N I N G Y O U T H I N D E V E L O P M E N T : S O C I O - E C O N O M I C P A R T I C I P A T I O N , A G E N C Y A N D R E S I L I E N C E
P A R T 2 Y O U N G P E O P L E A N D T H E S T A T E : P O L I C Y C O N T E X T A N D S T R U C T U R A L C H A L L E N G E S
Chapter 12:
P A R T 4 Y O U N G P E O P L E ’ S I D E N T I T Y F O R M A T I O N I N P O S T - A P A R T H E I D S O U T H A F R I C A
Case study:
NontsîkeeoDuanîandChwayîtaWenana,EquaEducatîon259. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘I am bessed and hîghy favoured’: Neo-Pentecostaîsîng mîddecassness AmuzwenîNgoma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 YouthempoymentînterventîonsandICT4D:Lessonsfrom a work-seeker support patform servîng South Afrîca’s most vunerabe young work seekers JobStarter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Chapter 10:
Chapter 13:
Case study:
Chapter 9:
Re-îmagînîngyouthînactîvîsm:AnEquaEducatîoncase study on practîca essons for agency, organîsîng and resîîence
Identîtyformatîonandchaengîngstereotypes:Gender, sexuaîty and poîtîca îdentîtîes JamîF.Khan,PeaceKîguwaandMaoseLanga. 329 Hîstorîcatraumaandstructureînvîoenceagaînstandby young men KopanoRatee,ShahnaazSufla,Lu-AnneSwartand Nîck Maherbe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .353 Workîngforgenderjustîceacrossaspectrumofchange:A descrîptîon of the work of Sonke Gender Justîce WessevandenBerg,SonkeGenderJustîce. . . . . 381 Navîgatîngschooîngînpost-apartheîdSouthAfrîca:Learnîng for poîcy praxîs KhosîKubeka,OcéaneGonthîer,AthînîMabandaand Ncebakazî Mtombenî391. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ConcusîonReîmagînîngyouthîndeveopment:Chaengîng învîsîbîîty, broadenîng agency HeîdîBrooksandArîaneDeLannoy. . . . . . . . . . .417
Chapter 11:
South Afrîca îs characterîsed by a youthfu popuatîon and, în many ways, the socîo-economîc dynamîcs among îts young peope are relectîve of those payîng out în broader socîety. The varîed and contradîctory experîences of success and faîure whîch underpîn feeîngs of hope and despaîr across socîety – as South Afrîca approaches three decades of democracy – aso ind expressîon among the youth. But they pay out în a more întense fashîon wîthîn thîs cohort, gîven that young peope are în a state of transîtîon to aduthood. In thîs context, the macrosocîa envîronment îs a strong determînant of the youth’s roe în natîona deveopment and theîr future as aduts. The chaenges and possîbîîtîes that characterîse the young generatîon are both warnîng sîgns and beacons of hope as to what îs possîbe for buîdîng a natîon founded on socîa justîce. The democratîc government has întroduced numerous poîcîes and înîtîatîves to facîîtate the partîcîpatîon of young peope în socîety’s deveopment. However, ît has often done so în ways that do not address the totaîty of young peope’s needs and aspîratîons, or the contexts and compexîtîes of theîr îves, consîderîng that youth îdentîtîes and agency are shaped by înterconnected chaenges and structura condîtîons. Thîs voume,în South Afrîca: Agency, (în)vîsîbîîty and Youth natîona deveopmentstock of the natîon’s deveopment as ît takes affects young peope, and the ways în whîch the youth navîgate theîr own pathways to aduthood. Thîs îs manîfested în forma and înforma
engagement wîth poîtîcs, as we as protest, entrepreneurshîp, educatîon, reîgîon, experîences wîth sexuaîty and vîoence, and a mutîtude of other îfe experîences. The book seeks to extend the understandîng of a these factors, and the great possîbîîtîes and enormous chaenges facîng the young generatîon. It proceeds from the understandîng that young peope are actîve agents în the deveopment process, în as much as they were împortant cataysts durîng varîous turnîng poînts în the country’s hîstory. It hîghîghts some of the socîa cîrcumstances and ceavages that arîse from South Afrîca’s hîstorîca and current experîences. The contrîbutors to thîs book offer both persona and professîona însîghts înto the înîtîatîves, agency and resîîence of the youth, as we as the mutîpe chaenges they face. Drawîng from these factors and the actîvîsm of young peope themseves, the authors îdentîfy înterventîons that woud împact on the youth în an întegrated and meanîngfu way, wîth theîr a-round învovement. By engagîng these experîences and însîghts, and prîmarîy înformed by înputs from young peope, thîs voume hîghîghts the îmîtatîons of exîstîng youth poîcîes and frameworks. In îne wîth MISTRA’s transdîscîpînary approach, the contrîbutîons extend from anayses of socîo-economîc cîrcumstances and structura condîtîons to broader engagement wîth human deveopment needs and a cross-sectora dîscussîon of how young peope experîence thîs excîtîng and yet chaengîng îfe-cyce perîod of ‘waîthood’. The book examînes the ways în whîch young peope engage wîth theîr socîa and poîtîca contexts and deveopment chaenges; the poîcy and structura envîronment în whîch they navîgate the transîtîon from educatîon or jobessness to empoyment; the înîtîatîves, agency and setbacks they undergo as cîtîzens în a transformîng socîety; and the terraîn of young peope’s îdentîty formatîon and sense of beongîng în a democratîc South Afrîca. As thîs book goes to prînt, South Afrîca and humanîty at arge are stî grappîng wîth the socîo-economîc împact of the COVID-19 pandemîc. At the same tîme, parts of the country are struggîng to recover from a perîod of severe socîa unrest. Both these deveopments underîne the pace and roe of youth as actors în, and objects of,
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