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It's been ten years since open data first broke onto the global stage. Over the past decade, thousands of programmes and projects around the world have worked to open data and use it to address a myriad of social and economic challenges. Meanwhile, issues related to data rights and privacy have moved to the centre of public and political discourse. As the open data movement enters a new phase in its evolution, shifting to target real-world problems and embed open data thinking into other existing or emerging communities of practice, big questions still remain. How will open data initiatives respond to new concerns about privacy, inclusion, and artificial intelligence? And what can we learn from the last decade in order to deliver impact where it is most needed? The State of Open Data brings together over 60 authors from around the world to address these questions and to take stock of the real progress made to date across sectors and around the world, uncovering the issues that will shape the future of open data in the years to come.
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22 mai 2019

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The State of Open Data Histories and Horizons
Edited by Tim Davies, Stephen B. Walker, Mor Rubinstein, and Fernando Perini
The State of Open Data H i s t o r i e s a n d H o r i z o n s
The State of Open Data
H i s t o r i e s a n d H o r i z o n s
African Minds Cape Town
Internaîonal Development Research Centre Oawa • Amman • Montevîdeo • Naîrobî • New Delhî
Open Data for Development (OD4D) Network
Davies, T., Walker, S., Rubinstein, M., & Perini, F. (Eds.). (2019).The State of Open Data: Hîstorîes and Horîzons. Cape Town and Ottawa: African Minds and International Development Research Centre.
First published in 2019 by African Minds and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
African Minds 4 Eccleston Place Somerset West, 7130 Cape Town, South Africa
A copublication with International Development Research Centre PO Box 8500, Ottawa, ON, K1G 3H9, Canada /
© Contributors 2019. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (
The research presented in this publication was carried out with the aid of the Open Data for Development (OD4D) Network and a grant from the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of IDRC or its Board of Governors.
ISBNs: Print edition 9781928331957 eBook edition (IDRC): 9781552506127 ePub edition: 9781928331964
Orders: African Minds 4 Eccleston Place, Somerset West, 7130, Cape Town, South Africa
For orders outside Africa: African Books Collective PO Box 721, Oxford OX1 9EN, UK
Acknowedgemens Aou he edîors Foreword y Beh Sîmone Noveck
SECTION 1: OPEN DATA SECTORS AND COMMUNITIES ïnroducîon Chaper 1. Accounaîîy and anî-corrupîon Jorge Florez and Johannes Tonn Chaper 2. Agrîcuure Ruhîe Musker, Ben Schaap, Marîn Parr, and André Laperrîere Chaper 3. Corporae ownershîp Jack Lord Chaper 4. Crîme and jusîce Sandra Elena Chaper 5. Deveopmen assîsance and humanîarîan acîon Caherîne Weaver, Josh Powell, and Heaher Leson Chaper 6. Educaîon Javîera Aenas and Leo Havemann Chaper 7. Envîronmen Selwyn Wîlloughby Chaper 8. Exracîves Anders Pedersen Chaper 9. Geospaîa Renée Sîeber Chaper 10. Governmen Inances Cécîle Le Guen Chaper 11. Heah Mark ïrura Chaper 12. and ownershîp Tîm Davîes and Sumandro Chaapadhyay Chaper 13. Naîona saîsîcs Shaîda Badîee, Caleb Rudow, and Erîc SwansonChaper 14. Teecommunîcaîons Sephen Song Chaper 15. Transpor Pîeer Colpaer and Julîán Andrés Rojas Meléndez Chaper 16. Uran deveopmen Jean-Noé Landry
vîîî x
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The State of Open Data
SECTION 2: ISSUES IN OPEN DATA ïnroducîon Chaper 17. Agorîhms and arîIcîa îneîgence Tîm Davîes Chaper 18. Daa înrasrucure Leîgh Dodds and Peer WellsChaper 19. Daa îeracy Marîel Garcîa Mones and Dîrk SlaerChaper 20. Gender equîy Ana Brandusescu and Nnenna Nwakanma Chaper 21. ïndîgenous daa sovereîgny Sephanîe Carroll Raînîe, Tahu Kukuaî, Maggîe Waler, Oscar Luîs  Fîgueroa-Rodríguez, Jennîer Walker, and Per Axelsson Chaper 22. Measuremen Danny Lämmerhîr and Ana Brandusescu Chaper 23. Prîvacy Teresa Scassa
SECTION 3: OPEN DATA STAKEHOLDERS ïnroducîon Chaper 24. Cîvî socîey Chrîsopher Wîlson Chaper 25. Donors and învesors Fernando Perînî and Mîchael Jarvîs Chaper 26. Governmens Barbara-Chîara Ubaldî Chaper 27. Journaîss and he medîa Alex Howard and Eva Consanaras Chaper 28. Muîaera organîsaîons Craîg Hammer Chaper 29. Prîvae secor Joel Gurîn, Carla Bonîna, and Seaan Verhuls Chaper 30. Researchers Françoîs van Schalkwyk
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SECTION 4: OPEN DATA AROUND THE WORLD ïnroducîon Chaper 31. Easern Europe and Cenra Asîa Lejla Sadîku and Yaera Chung Chaper 32. European Unîon Ruus Pollock and Danny Lämmerhîr Chaper 33. aîn Amerîca and he Carîean Sîlvana Fumega and Maurîce McNaughon Chaper 34. Mîdde Eas and Norh Arîca Nagla Rîzk, Nancy Salem, and Seanîe Felsberger Chaper 35. Norh Amerîca, Ausraîa, and New Zeaand Davîd Eaves, Ben McGuîre, and Audrey Carson Chaper 36. Souh, Eas, and Souheas Asîa Mîchael Canares Chaper 37. Su-Saharan Arîca Leonîda Muuku and Teg-wende ïdrîss (Tîno)
Concusîon and recommendaîons
The State of Open Data
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The State of Open Data
The edîors woud îke o hank he ïnernaîona Deveopmen Research Cenre (ïDRC) or îs suppor o he Sae o Open Daa projec rom începîon o concusîon, wîhou whîch hîs puîcaîon woud no have een possîe. We wîsh o aso acknowedge he ongoîng efors o he Open Daa or Deveopmen (OD4D) nework o hep creae open daa ecosysems around he word în order o spur socîa change, încrease governmen ransparency, suppor he Susaînae Deveopmen Goas (SDGs), and or îs ongoîng commîmen o promoîng and undersandîng he împac o open daa, resuîng în he puîcaîon o hîs voume. OD4D has receîved suppor rom ïDRC, he Word Bank, he Unîed Kîngdom’s Deparmen or ïnernaîona Deveopmen (DFïD), he Wîîam and Fora Hewe Foundaîon, and Goa Afaîrs Canada. The Sae o Open Daa projec îs he resu o a coaoraîon, drawîng on înpu rom over 200 îndîvîduas. Auhors have eneIed rom îndependen revîews y memers o he Edîorîa Board and învîed revîewers, as we as he înpu o many more conrîuors durîng he eary onîne “Envîronmen Scan” sage o he projec. We have endeavoured o credî a non-anonymous conrîuîons, u know here wî have een înpu and suggesîons ofered a workshops or în conversaîons ha are no recorded eow. ï you were a conrîuor o he Sae o Open Daa projec în any way, we hank you. The Sae o Open Daa projec owes îs greaes de o a o he auhors who have come ogeher o conrîue chapers o hîs voume, rîngîng o he projec an unprecedened eve o experîse and knowedge, as we as a dîversîy o învauae experîence. We have încuded more specîIc înormaîon on every auhor în each chaper. We woud îke o recognîse and hank a he memers o The Sae o Open Daa’s dedîcaed Edîorîa Board, our exremey knowedgeae eam o peer revîewers, and a hose who have provîded addîîona assîsance o he auhors hrough heîr conrîuîon o he envîronmena scans or o he deveopmen o he chapers în hîs voume.
Editoria Board
Anîa Caderon, Craîg Hammer, Fîona Smîh, Joe Gurîn, Kaeyn Rogers, eja Sadîku, Maurîce McNaughon, Muchîrî Nyaggah, Nancy Saem, Nnenna Nwakanma, Shaîda Badîee, Seaan Verhus, and Teg-wende ïdrîss (Tîno).
Peer reviewers
Aed Khooî, Aî Reaîe, Amanda Smîh, Amy Guy, Anca Maîoc, Anîa Caderon, Cae Rudow, Caîre Schouen, Caudîa Schwegmann, Davîd McNaîr, Erîc Swanson, Francesca De Chîara, Gîuseppe Soazzo, Haem Ben Yacou, Jacqueîne Kopp, Jean-Noé andry, Jenna Soîn, Joshua Powe, Juîan Taî, Keîha Booh, Krîshna Sapkoa, Krzyszo ïzdeskî, eîgh Dodds, Maya Forsaer, Moîe Haney, Omenogo Mejaî, Oscar Monîe, Pau Wash, Pauîna Busos Areano, Pyrou Chung, Raed M. Sharî, Raae García Aceves, Rîyadh A-Baushî, Ro Kîchîn, Rosarîo Pavese, Sayarupa Shekhar, Tom Orre, Wîow Brugh, and Yan Naung Oak.
Environment scan and chapter contributors
The State of Open Data
Caros ïgesîas, Enrîque Zapaa, Arjan E Fassed, Seanîe Feserger, Aan Hudson, Kshîîz Khana, Mîcha Kuáň, Cara Bonîna, Devangana Khokhar, James McKînney, Khaîrî Yuso, Pîerre Chrzanowskî, Adrîán Pîno, Ana Brandusescu, Andrea Borruso, Anne-Marîe Heemskerk, Bar Hanssens, Ben Parker, Chrîsîan Medîna-Ramîrez, Eduard Marîn-Borregon, Eîse DuIe, Eva Consanaras, Francoîs van Schakwyk, Joshua Tauerer, îndsay Read, Manue Acevedo, Marîna Godoy Croo, Marîn Noecour, Marín Szyszîcan, Maeo Brunaî, Paîge Kîry, Rache Rank, Ruper Sîmons, Aaron Wyze, Adam Karîv, Aannah Hî, Aa Morrîson, Andî Paweke, Andrea Ayres Dees, Andrew Nîckîn, Andrew Therrîau, Andrew Young, Anna Aers, Anna Femîng, Anna Powe-Smîh, Anon Ruehîng, Anonîo Jesús Sánchez Padîa, Aruro Muene-Kunîgamî, Audrey Arîss, Bîera Thacî, Caroe Exce, Chang îu, Chîpo Msengezî, Chrîs Taggar, Danîe Carranza, Darko Brkan, Davîd Moore, Davîd Rae, Davîd Sasakî, Davîd Seassîe Opoku, Davîd Wasycîw, Denîce Ross, Dhanaraj Thakur, Dheeraj Ravîndranah, Dîego Cuesy, Duncan Edwards, Edae Onerhîme, Edward Saperîa, Eîza Nîewîadomska, Farîzîo Scroînî, Feîpe Amaya Saazar, Feng Gao, Gae Sawhney, Garîe Mercado, Garîea Rodrîguez, Gaurav Godhwanî, Georges areche, German Saker, Gerry Tychon, Gwen Phîîps, Harî Suhash, Hosseîn Maeknejad, Jason ay, Jason M. Hare, Jay Daey, Jef Geîpe, Joe Naîvîdad, Jonahan van Geuns, Jorge Forez, Jorge Umaña, Jose M. Aonso, Joshua Powe, Juan Orîz Freuer, Juan Pao Marîn Dîaz, Kae Vang, Kaîe Cancy, Krysîna Shveda, Krzyszo Madejskî, Kye Copas, aura Meggîoaro, îsa Wamsey, îz Dodds, îz McGrah, Macîej Możejewskî, Madeeîne Ngeunga, Maggîe Waer, Manue Acevedo, Marnîe We, Marîn Bader, Marîn Noecour, Mahew McNaughon, Mîchae Schnuere, Mîke Davîes, Mîkhaî Parenîev, Mîes îvînof, Momî Peraa Ramos, Mor Ruînseîn, Nadîîa Baynsky Vîrna, Nancy Saem, Naaîa Mazoe, Nîkesh Baamî, Nîkhî VJ, Nîno Macharashvîî, Noémîe Gîrard, Nora eser Murad, Owen Boswarva, Pao Cruz Casas, Paoma Bayeman, Paoa Mosso, Pau Bradshaw, Pau Hîndrîks, Pau Sone, Pauîna Busos, Pedro Manrîque, Phîîp Horgan, Pınar Dağ, Rache Murray, Rua ïshak, Sco McQuarrîe, Seene Yang, Sîdî Zakarî ïrahîm, Seaan Verhus, Seven Ader, Sym Roe, Tara Susman-Peña, Thomas assourd, Tîna Appîah, Tyer Keykamp, Vaenîna Degado, Vîrgînîa Brussa, Waer Pameshoer, Wî Skora, Yacîne Kheadî, Yanîna Beînî Saîene, Yohanna oucheur, and Zukîswa Koa.
The edîors aso wîsh o hank and acknowedge Jean-Noé andry and he eam a OpenNorh or heîr învauae suppor o he projec’s admînîsraîve processes. Specîa hanks are due o he enîre Arîcan Mînds producîon eam:Sîmon Chîse, eîh Davîs, and Tessa Boha, as we as Arîcan Mînds Dîrecor, Françoîs van Schakwyk, or hîs parnershîp în he puîshîng process. Fînay, he projec aso owes a grea de o Noa Haddadîan, he Puîsher a ïDRC, or her îreess suppor and paîence hroughou he puîshîng and edîorîa revîew process wîhou whîch he projec woud no have een reaîsed.
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