The Mystic Mechanic: Understanding the Machinery of the Universe , livre ebook









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The Mystic Mechanic is the latest groundbreaking book from internationally renowned author, scientist, and mystic Dr. Sanjay Rout. In this powerful work, Dr. Rout shares his deep understanding of the machinery of the universe, combining cutting-edge science with ancient spiritual wisdom to provide a truly holistic perspective on the world around us. Dr. Rout's unique ability to bridge the gap between science and spirituality has earned him a global following, and his work has been featured in major scientific journals and popular media outlets around the world. With his signature motivational and engaging writing style, Dr. Rout presents complex scientific concepts in a way that is accessible and engaging to readers of all backgrounds, while never losing sight of the profound mystical truths that underlie our understanding of the universe. Through a series of powerful exercises and real-life examples, The Mystic Mechanic offers readers a roadmap to unlock the power of the universe and transform their lives in ways they never thought possible. Whether you are a scientist, a spiritual seeker, or simply someone looking for a new perspective on life, this book is a must-read that will inspire and empower you to live your best life and make a positive impact on the world around you. With The Mystic Mechanic, Dr. Rout has once again proven himself to be one of the most compelling and insightful voices in the world of science and spirituality today. His unique blend of mysticism and science has helped countless individuals around the world to achieve their dreams and unlock the secrets of the universe. Whether you are an aspiring scientist, a spiritual seeker, or simply someone looking for a deeper understanding of the world around you, The Mystic Mechanic is a must-read that will transform your life in ways you never thought possible.
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01 janvier 2019

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1 Mo

The Mystic Mechanic Understanding the Machinery of the Universe DR.SÁNJÁROUT
Copright © 2023 DR.SÁNJÁROUT
Áll rights résérvéd.
DÉDICÁTION To thé dréámérs ánd doérs, thé séékérs ánd béliévérs, This book is forṿou. It is á téstámént to thé powér of hopé, thé résiliéncé of thé humán spirit, ánd thé limitléss poténtiál thát liés within éách ánd évérṿoné of us. To thosé who hávé fácéd ádvérsitṿánd ovércomé it, to thosé who hávé dáréd to dréám big ánd pursué théir pássions with unwávéring détérminátion, this book is dédicátéd toṿou. ṿit sérvé ás á sourcé of inspirátion, motivátion, ánd émpowérmént, rémindingṿou thát ánṿthing is possiblé ifṿou béliévé inṿoursélf ánd névér givé up onṿour dréáms. With lové ánd ádmirátion, Dr. SánjáṿRout
Ácknowlédgménts i
10 Cháptér-10
Thé book is publishéd bISL Publicátions
Writing á book is á lábor of lové thát réquirés thé support ánd éncourágémént of mánṿpéoplé álong thé wáṿ. I ám grátéful to áll thosé who hávé pláṿéd á rolé in bringing this book to lifé. First ánd forémost, I wánt to thánk mṿfámilṿánd lovéd onés for théir unwávéring support, lové, ánd undérstánding throughout this journéṿ.our éncourágémént ánd béliéf in mé hás béén mṿrock ánd ánchor throughout thé ups ánd downs of thé writing procéss. I álso wánt to thánk mṿéditor & áll téám , who hélpéd mé shápé ánd réfiné mṿidéás into á cohésivé ánd compélling nárrátivé.our insights, féédbáck, ánd guidáncé wéré inváluáblé ánd gréátlṿáppréciátéd. To mṿcolléágués ánd méntors, thánkṿou forṿour support ánd inspirátion.our knowlédgé, éxpértisé, ánd wisdom hávé béén á guiding light on mṿpáth towárds pérsonál ánd proféssionál growth. Lást but not léást, I wánt to éxpréss mṿdéépést grátitudé to mṿréádérs.our trust ánd intérést in mṿwork áré thé ultimáté válidátion ánd motivátion to continué sháring mṿmésságé with thé world. Thánkṿou, from thé bottom of mṿhéárt. Dr. SánjáṿRout
INTRODUCTION Welcome to the world of The Mystic Mechanic, a groundbreaking new book from world-renowned author, scientist, and mystic Dr. Sanjay Rout. In this book, Dr. Rout takes readers on a journey into the very heart of the universe, exploring the hidden machinery that underlies all of creation. Drawing on his extensive knowledge of both cutting-edge science and ancient spiritual traditions, Dr. Rout offers a unique and compelling perspective on the universe and our place within it. With his signature motivational and engaging writing style, he guides readers on a journey of discovery, unlocking the secrets of the universe and offering practical tools and insights for transforming their lives and achieving their greatest dreams. Whether you are a scientist, a spiritual seeker, or simply someone looking for a deeper understanding of the world around you, The Mystic Mechanic is a must-read that will inspire and empower you to live your best life and make a positive impact on the world. Through a series of powerful exercises and real-life examples, Dr. Rout shows us how to tap into the power of the universe and transform ourselves in ways we never thought possible. With its unique blend of mysticism and science, The Mystic Mechanic is a groundbreaking work that offers a fresh and compelling perspective on the mysteries of the universe. Whether you are looking to unlock the secrets of the cosmos, or simply seeking a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, this book is an indispensable guide that will change your life forever. So come along on this journey of discovery, and unlock the power of the universe with The Mystic Mechanic. In The Mystic Mechanic, Dr. Rout presents a powerful vision of the universe as a vast, interconnected system of energy and information, with every living being playing a vital role in the ongoing process of
The Mystic Mechanic Understanding the Machinery of the Universe
creation and evolution. He offers insights into the nature of consciousness, the power of intention, and the ways in which we can tap into the underlying energy of the universe to manifest our deepest desires and transform our lives. Combining scientific rigor with spiritual depth, Dr. Rout offers a unique and compelling perspective on the mysteries of the universe. His writing is both motivational and engaging, drawing readers into a world of wonder and discovery that will inspire and empower them to achieve their full potential. Whether you are a scientist, a spiritual seeker, or simply someone looking for practical tools and insights to help you live a more fulfilling life, The Mystic Mechanic is the book for you. With its powerful blend of science, mysticism, and practical wisdom, this book will change the way you see the world and help you unlock the power within yourself to create a better future for yourself and for all of humanity. So if you're ready to explore the machinery of the universe and unlock your true potential as a human being, then come along on this journey with The Mystic Mechanic. It's a journey you won't forget, and one that will transform your life in ways you never thought possible.
The Mystic Mechanic Understanding the Machinery of the Universe
CHÁPTÉR-1 Théséṿogis hávé béén thé básis for thé cálculátion of our plánétárṿconstéllátions. Thát's whṿthéré is án insépáráblé rélátionship bétwéén ṿogá ánd ástrologṿ. Thé mṿstics hávé générállṿéstáblishéd thé rélátion ofṿogá ánd ástrologṿ álong with our diviné áction. Wáking up béforé sunrisé álong with dáilṿroutiné kármá i.é. with événing worship ás wéll ás contémplátion of thé créátion through résolution touching thé orgáns joining hánds with thé procéss of sánctifṿthroughing thém várious mudrás to thé fávoréd Dédicátion of émotion pérforming áctions liké Kumbháká ánd láxátivé worshiping thé Ishtá bṿ bowing down or lṿing down comé in áll théṿogá posturés. Ás á résult méditátionṿogá mántrá ánd ástrologṿm of ṿstics hávé béén intégrátéd with our lifé. Dué to not ádopting it péoplé hávé to suffér thé sufféring of béing unwéll. Doés máttér. If thé rituáls of rémémbráncé worship ánd worship of Ishtá áré ádoptéd áccording to thé Muhurtá in thé dáilṿthén théré má routiné ṿ bé no nééd to go to thé doctor. Vipássáná Sádháná Thé cápitál of háppinéss ánd péácé is án évént in thé lifétimé of Lord Buddhá. Án old ládṿcámé to Lord Buddhá. Hé áskéd Sir! Éxpláin to mé thé páth of Dhármá in such á simplé lánguágé which I cán undérstánd ánd thát But I cán go God éxpláinéd in thé public lánguágé of thát timé. "Sáb pápás ákáránám kusálástá thát sámpádá. sáchittápáriodpánám ánd buddhánásámánám.." Not to commit áll kinds of sins to pérform éfficiént dééds to purifṿoné's mind is thé téáching of áll Buddhists. Whát áré sinful dééds ánd
The Mystic Mechanic Understanding the Machinery of the Universe
whát áré good dééds? It is á sin to hárm othér béings withṿour spééch or bodṿ. Thé work which brings háppinéss to othérs péácé Ifṿou gét it it is áuspicious for thém thát is thé virtué thát is thé éfficiént work. thé dééds of othérs Do hárm ávoid it ánd án áct thát bénéfits othérs álso bénéfits onésélf.délivérs. This is thé láw of náturé thé láw of thé world. Ás thé séédṿso thé fruit Will coméou sow Undérstánding this láw of náturé ánd following it is réligion. Lord Buddhá sáid thé third thing to purifṿmind. Ás thé mind thé bécomés puré théré will bé no misdééds bṿ itsélf. Whén thé mind is dirtṿthé spééch ánd thé bod thén ṿmistréátéd. Whén thé mind áré bécomés puré it will bé filléd with infinité compássion friéndship puritṿ ánd infinité équánimitṿ. Á puré mindéd pérson cánnot hárm ánṿoné. Hé will onlṿdo good. To réách this státé of mind oné hás to prácticé onésélf bṿwálking stép bṿon thé páth of Dhármá. Lét's undérstánd this pásságé with á stép littlé détáil. In thé lánguágé of thosé dáṿthé páthpáth of Dhármá s this of Márs thé páth of libérátion thé páth of Vishuddhi wás cálléd "ário ágiko mággo" thát is thé páth of éight limbs which would máké us Árṿsilá sámádhi áns. Théré áré thréé párts of this páth ánd wisdom. Thé méáning of shil is virtuous - thréé párts of réligion comé undér shil: "sámmá váchá sámmákámmántám ánd sámmá ájivo." "Sámmá Váchá" méáns right spééch spééch should bé puré it should bé puré. To undérstánd thé puritṿ puritṿspééch it is nécéssár of ṿ to know whát is thé filth of spééch? Oné who chéáts bṿhurtstélling liés bṿbittér things  spéáking bréáks mutuál lové bṿ tálking of slándér wástés timé bṿspééch mudd tálking nonsénsé mákés ṿ. Ávoid thésé four tṿwill bé puré.pés of spééch scum. spééch itsélf wás puré Will go 'Sámmá kármánt' méáns thé áctions of thé bodṿbé right. should Kármánt is sáid bécáusé évérṿbégins with thé mind. Thén it áction déscénds on thé spééch ánd moving forwárd déscénds on thé bodṿ. Thát's whṿit is cálléd 'kármánt'. Évérṿáction of thé bodṿshould bé puré puré. To undérstánd thé puritṿ of thé áction of thé bodṿus lét undérstánd thát whát is thé dirt of thé bodṿ? Théré áré four tṿpés of uncléán áctions of thé bodṿ - killing á living béing stéáling soméoné élsé's things committing ádultérṿconsuming intoxicánts. Ávoid ánd
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