Social work and multi-agency working , livre ebook









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Multi-agency working is a dominant characteristic of emerging policy and practice across the range of social care settings. While this challenging activity places considerable demands at both practice and policy levels, when done well, service users agree it offers enhanced service provision. When delivered ineffectively, it can be frustrating and disempowering. This stimulating introductory text explores the challenges and opportunities for social-work education and practice within the context of multi-agency working. It brings together leading experts from across a range of disciplines, including criminology, mental health, child protection, drugs and alcohol, and education, to give the reader insights into different social care settings. It includes perspectives of those using services as well as describing the relevant legal and policy context and offering an overview of key research findings and contains trigger questions and a recommended resources section within each chapter. With an emphasis on identifying learning that can inform future practice, this text will be an essential text for both qualifying and post qualifying social workers who will go on to practice in diverse and assorted settings.
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Date de parution

07 mai 2008





Poids de l'ouvrage

3 Mo

Social work and multiagency working Making a difference
i Social work and multiagency working Making a difference
Fîrst publîshed în Great Brîtaîn în 2008 by
Policy Press University of Bristol 1-9 Old Park Hill Bristol BS2 8BB UK t: +44 (0)117 954 5940 e:
© The Polîcy Press 2008
Brîtîsh Lîbrary Cataloguîng în Publîcatîon Data A catalogue record for thîs book îs avaîlable from the Brîtîsh Lîbrary.
Lîbrary of Congress Catalogîng-în-Publîcatîon Data A catalog record for thîs book has been requested.
ISBN 978 14473 4264 9 EPDF
The rîght of Kate Morrîs to be îdentîied as edîtor of thîs work has been asserted by her în accordance wîth the 1988 Copyrîght, Desîgns and Patents Act.
All rîghts reserved: no part of thîs publîcatîon may be reproduced, stored în a retrîeval system, or transmîtted în any form or by any means, electronîc, mechanîcal, photocopyîng, recordîng, or otherwîse wîthout the prîor permîssîon of The Polîcy Press.
The statements and opînîons contaîned wîthîn thîs publîcatîon are solely those of the edîtors and contrîbutors and not of The Unîversîty of Brîstol,The Polîcy Press or The Brîtîsh Assocîatîon of Socîal Workers. The Unîversîty of Brîstol,The Polîcy Press and The Brîtîsh Assocîatîon of Socîal Workers dîsclaîm responsîbîlîty for any înjury to persons or property resultîng from any materîal publîshed în thîs publîcatîon.
The Polîcy Press works to counter dîscrîmînatîon on grounds of gender, race, dîsabîlîty, age and sexualîty.
Cover desîgn by The Polîcy Press. Front cover: îmage kîndly supplîed by www.JohnBî
For my Dad – Selwyn Morrîs
threeBRNgNg TOgEThER ChLd hEàLTh àNd sOCàL CàRE pROvsON: ChàLLENgEs àNd OppORTuNTEs fOR muLT-àgENCY wORKNg Jane Coad
sevenWORKNg TOgEThER: REspONdNg TO pEOpLE wTh àLCOhOL àNd dRug pRObLEms Sarah Galvani
eightMuLT-àgENCY wORKNg àNd pàRTNERshp N sERvCEs fOR àduLTs wTh LEàRNNg dsàbLTEs Nicki Ward
v v
WORKNg wTh EXTENdEd sChOOLs TO pREvENT sOCàL EXCLusON Anne Edwards, Apostol Apostolov, Irene Dooher and Anna Popova
DELvERNg YOuTh jusTCE ThROugh pàRTNERshp wORKNg Nathan Hughes and David Prior
MàKNg sENsE Of sOCàL wORK pRàCTCE N muLT-àgENCY mENTàL hEàLTh sERvCEs Ann Davis, Alex Davis and Tony Glynn
SETTNg ThE sCENE Kate Morris
aCCEssNg àNd usNg muLT-àgENCY sERvCEs: ThE EXpERENCE 67 Of fàmLEs Leonie Jordan
SOCàL wORK pRàCTCE wTh OLdER pEOpLE: wORKNg N pàRTNERshp Rosemary Littlechild
cONCLusON Kate Morris
Thanks go to the late Jo Camplîng or all her support – her advîce and robust guîdance îs sorely mîssed. ï would also lîke to thank all the contrîbutors to thîs text; they provîded me wîth chapters that made the task o edîtîng remarkably straîghtorward. Specîal mentîon should be made o Tony Glynn, one o the co-authors o the chapter lookîng at mental health. Tony dîed beore thîs text was publîshed – hîs contrîbutîon to socîal work learnîng was învaluable and he îs greatly mîssed.The serîes edîtors provîded me wîth useul advîce and eedback, and helped wîth the task o edîtîng.Thanks also to staf at The Polîcy Press, and to Sara Kînahan or her unscramblîng o the drats! Fînally thanks go to my amîly or theîr tolerance, support and patîence.
Notes on contributors
Apostol Apostolovîs a Research Fellow în the Department o Educatîon at the Unîversîty o Oxord. Hîs areas o research înclude înter-agency work, înnovatîons în the thîrd sector, and multîcultural educatîon. He also has strong lînks wîth înternatîonal practîtîoner communîtîes.
Jane Coad îs a Senîor Research Fellow în the Centre or Chîld and Adolescent Health at the Unîversîty o the West o England, Brîstol, and îs an Honorary Senîor Research Fellow at the Unîversîty o Bîrmîngham. Usîng her background în art and nursîng, Jane undertakes partîcîpatory research în chîld health and across a range o health and socîal care settîngs. Jane works on projects în both Brîstol and the West Mîdlands, and at a natîonal level currently thîs încludes work or ‘Actîon or Sîck Chîldren’ and the Department o Health.
Alex Davisîs a regîstered socîal worker who has had 25 years’ experîence o workîng în mental health servîces. He îs a member o Suresearch, a network o mental health servîce users and theîr allîes învolved în teachîng and research. He îs a co-author o ‘Claîmîng DLA; an înormatîon pack or adults up to age 65 usîng mental health servîces, theîr carers and advocates’.
Ann Davis îs Work and Dîrector o the CentreProessor o Socîal o Excellence în ïnterdîscîplînary Mental Health at the Unîversîty o Bîrmîngham. Ann’s research înterests înclude user experîences o servîces, poverty and mental health. Her most recent publîcatîon îsSocîalWork:Voîces rom the ïnsîdeAnn îs a member oshe wrote wîth Vîvîene Cree. , whîch Suresearch, a network o mental health servîce users and theîr allîes învolved în teachîng and research.
Irene DooherqualîIed as a socîal worker în 1969 and has extensîve experîence as a local authorîty socîal worker. She has also had plannîng roles în relatîon to adult mental health/learnîng dîicultîes and chîldren’s servîces. She helped to establîsh the Leîcester Chîldren’s Fund and the local chîldren’s trust arrangements. Her current specîalîsm îs în Chîld and Adult Mental Health Servîce (CAMHS) developments, încludîng commîssîonîng and perormance managîng these servîces.
Anne Edwardsîs Proessor o Educatîon în the Department o Educatîon at the Unîversîty o Oxord. She was Dîrector o the Natîonal Evaluatîon o the Chîldren’s Fund (NECF) and îs Co-Dîrector o two Economîc and Socîal Research Councîl (ESRC) studîes that are lookîng at the împact o
Social Work anD MUlti-aGency WorkinG
înterproessîonal work în preventîng the socîal exclusîon o chîldren în the practîces o the workers învolved. She has wrîtten extensîvely on learnîng în the proessîons and how practîtîoners work wîth dîsadvantaged groups.
Sarah Galvaniîs an Assocîate Proessor în the School o Health and Socîal Studîes at the Unîversîty o Warwîck. Her practîce background pre- and post-qualîyîng spans work wîth people wîth mental îll-health, homelessness, alcohol and drug problems, HïV and domestîc abuse. Her maîn research înterests are the lînks between substance use and domestîc abuse and how socîal workers are prepared or and address substance use among theîr servîce users. She îs currently a trustee o Aquarîus, a Mîdlands-based alcohol and drug charîty.
Tony Glynna User ïnvolvement Co-ordînator at the Centre o was Excellence în ïnterdîscîplînary Mental Health, Unîversîty o Bîrmîngham. He had over 20 years’ experîence o usîng mental health servîces and was a member o Suresearch, a network o mental health servîce users and theîr allîes învolved în teachîng and research. Hîs most recent publîcatîon,Two Decades o Change: Celebratîng User ïnvolvement,co-authored wîth Marîon Clark, was publîshed în 2007.
Nathan Hughesîs Lecturer în Socîal Polîcy and SocîalWork în the ïnstîtute o Applîed Socîal Studîes at the Unîversîty o Bîrmîngham. Hîs teachîng and research înterests înclude socîal and polîtîcal dîscourses regardîng young people, and assocîated polîcy and practîce, partîcularly în relatîon to crîme and antî-socîal behavîour.
Leonie Jordan îs a solîcîtor who has worked wîth amîlîes and chîld welare proessîonals în statutory agencîes, prîvate practîce and the voluntary sector. She has undertaken polîcy and research work and îs înterested în developîng socîo-legal knowledge and skîlls în partnershîp wîth the socîal care workorce.
Rosemary LittlechildWork în the ïnstîtuteîs a Senîor Lecturer în Socîal o Applîed Socîal Studîes at the Unîversîty o Bîrmîngham. Her research and publîcatîon înterests are în work wîth older people, communîty care, partnershîp workîng between socîal care and health servîces and servîce user and carer învolvement.
Kate MorrisWork at the Unîversîty oîs currently Head o Socîal Bîrmîngham. She prevîously managed the Natîonal Evaluatîon o the Chîldren’s Fund,a large-scale multîdîscîplînary research project commîssîoned by the Department or Educatîon and Skîlls. She îs a qualîIed socîal worker
noteS on contriBUtorS
and her research and teachîng înterests are în partîcîpatîon, preventîon, amîly învolvement în chîld welare and the evaluatîon o înnovatîve chîld welare practîces.
Anna Popovaworkîng or the Learnîng în and orîs a Research Oicer, ïnter-agency Work project at the Unîversîty o Bath. Her major înterests înclude personal and proessîonal development, teacher educatîon and traînîng, specîal needs educatîon and înternatîonal educatîon. Her doctoral thesîs îs about transormatîons în pedagogîc practîces în Russîa wîth a partîcular ocus on cultural and hîstorîcal exploratîon o actîvîtîes.
David Priorîs a Senîor Research Fellow în the ïnstîtute or Applîed Socîal Studîes at the Unîversîty o Bîrmîngham. Hîs maîn research înterests are în communîty saety and antî-socîal behavîour and theîr lînks to cîtîzenshîp and governance. Beore joînîng the ïnstîtute he had over 20 years’ experîence o partnershîp workîng în local government, în contexts încludîng health and socîal care, crîme and dîsorder reductîon, urban regeneratîon and neîghbourhood renewal.
Nicki WardWork în the ïnstîtute o Applîed Socîalîs a Lecturer în Socîal Studîes at the Unîversîty o Bîrmîngham. Her teachîng and research înterests înclude socîal work values and ethîcs; equalîty, dîversîty and socîal îdentîty; advocacy and empowerment; and qualîtatîve research methodology. Beore becomîng a lecturer Nîckî worked or 25 years wîth people wîth learnîng dîicultîes în a varîety o statutory, voluntary and not-or-proIt organîsatîons.
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