Marius Barbeau’s Vitalist Ethnology , livre ebook









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This book examines Marius Barbeau’s career at Canada’s National Museum (now the Canadian Museum of History), in light of his education at Oxford and in Paris (1907–1911).

Based on archival research in England, France and Canada, Marius Barbeau’s Vitalist Ethnology presents Barbeau’s anthropological training at Oxford through his meticulous course notes, as well as archival photographs at the Pitt Rivers Museum and the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec. It also draws upon Barbeau’s professional correspondence at Library and Archives Canada, the BC Archives, and, above all, the National Museum, where he worked for over four decades.

The author, Frances M. Slaney, sheds light on the professional life of this founder of Canadian anthropology, exploring his difficult working relationships with Edward Sapir, his collaborations with Franz Boas, and his outstanding fieldwork in rural Quebec and with Indigenous communities on British Columbia’s Northwest Coast.

Barbeau penned over 1,000 books and articles, in addition to curating innovative museum exhibitions and art shows. He invited Group of Seven artists into his field sites, convinced that their works could better capture the “vitality” of Quebec’s rural culture than his own abundant photographs.

For these—and many other—contributions, the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada recognized him as a “person of national historic importance” in 1985.

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28 mars 2023

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10 Mo

Marius Barbeau’s Vitalist Ethnology
Marius Barbeau’s Vitalist Ethnology
Frances M. Slaney
© 2023 Canadian Museum o History All rîghts reserved. No part o thîs book may be reproduced or transmîtted în any orm or by any means electronîc or mechanîcal, încludîng photocopyîng, recordîng, or any retrîeval system, wîthout the wrîtten permîssîon o the publîsher. Co-published by theCanadian Museum o History and theUniversity o Ottawa Press The Unîversîty o Ottawa Press grateully acknowledges the support etended to îts publîshîng lîst by the Government o Canada, the Canada Councîl or the Arts, the Ontarîo Councîl or the Arts, the ederatîon or the Humanîtîes and Socîal Scîences through the Awards to Scholarly Publîcatîons Program, and the Unîversîty o Ottawa.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Tîtle:Marîus Barbeau’s vîtalîst ethnology / rances M.Slaney. Other tîtles:Vîtalîst ethnology Names: Slaney, rances M., 1953- author. Serîes: Mercury serîes. Hîstory paper ; 63. Descrîptîon: Serîes statement: Mercury serîes. Hîstory paper ; 63 | Includes bîblîographîcal reerences and înde. Identîîers: Canadîana (prînt) 2022027259X | Canadîana (ebook) 2022027262X | ISBN 9780776637129 (sotcover) | ISBN 9780776637143 (PD) | ISBN 9780776633183 (EPUB) Subjects: LCSH: Barbeau, Marîus, 1883-1969. | LCSH: Ethnologîsts—Canada—Bîography. | LCSH: Ethnology—îeldwork. | LCGT: Bîographîes. Classîîcatîon: LCC GN21.B37 S63 2022 | DDC 301.092—dc23
How to Order All trade orders must be dîrected to the Unîversîty o Ottawa Press: Phone:613-562-5246 All other orders may be dîrected to eîther the Unîversîty o Ottawa Press (as above) or to the Canadîan Museum o Hîstory: Web:www.hî Email:publîcatîons@hî Phone:1-800-555-5621 (toll-ree) or 819-776-8387 (Natîonal Capîtal Regîon) Mail:Maîl Order Servîces Canadîan Museum o Hîstory 100 Laurîer Street Gatîneau, QC, K1A 0M8
Copy edîtîng Prooreadîng Typesettîng Cover desîgn
Robbîe McCaw Tanîna Drvar, Mîchael Waldîn Nord Compo Genevîève Rîcher
Legal Deposît: îrst Quarter 2023 Lîbrary and Archîves Canada Prînted în Canada
The Mercury Series The best resource on the hîstory, archaeology, and culture o Canada îs proudly publîshed by the Canadîan Museum o Hîstory and the Unîversîty o Ottawa Press. La Collection Mercure Le Musée canadîen de l’hîstoîre et les Presses de l’Unîversîté d’Ottawa publîent avec îerté la meîlleure ressource en ce quî a traît à l’hîstoîre, à l’archéologîe et à la culture canadîennes. For this book/Pour ce livre Serîes Edîtor/Dîrectîon de la collectîon Pîerre M. Desrosîers Edîtorîal Commîttee/Comîté édîtorîal Laura Sanchînî, JanetYoung, Benoït Thérîault, Kaîtlîn McCormîck Managîng Edîtor/Responsable de l’édîtîon Robyn Jerey Coordînatîon Pascal Scallon-Chouînard, Lee Wyndham
Pour commander Les lîbraîres et les autres détaîllants doîvent adresser leurs commandes au Presses de l’Unîversîté d’Ottawa : Web Courriel Téléphone :613-562-5246 Les partîculîers doîvent adresser leurs commandes soît au Presses de l’Unîversîté d’Ottawa (voîr plus haut), soît au Musée canadîen de l’hîstoîre : Web :www.museedelhîstoîîner Courriel :publîcatîons@museedelhîstoî Téléphone :1-800-555-5621 (numéro sans raîs) ou 819-776-8387 (régîon de la capîtale natîonale) Poste :Servîce des commandes postales Musée canadîen de l’hîstoîre 100, rue Laurîer Gatîneau (Québec) K1A 0M8
Land Acknowledgement Reconnaissance territoriale
The Canadîan Museum o Hîstory and the Unîversîty o Ottawa Press are located on the tradîtîonal, unceded terrîtory o the Algonquîn Anîshînabeg. Thîs land has held, and contînues to hold, great hîstorîcal, spîrîtual, and sacred sîgnîîcance.We recognîze and honour the endurîng presence o the Algonquîn people. We also know that you, our readers, are joînîng us rom many places near and ar, and we acknowledge the tradîtîonal owners and caretakers o those lands.
Le Musée canadîen de l’hîstoîre et les Presses de l’Unîversîté d’Ottawa sont sîtués sur le terrîtoîre tradîtîonnel non cédé des Anîshînabeg (Algonquîns). Ce terrîtoîre a eu, et contînue d’avoîr, une grande împortance hîstorîque, spîrîtuelle et sacrée. Nous reconnaîssons et honorons la présence pérenne du peuple algon-quîn. Nous avons aussî conscîence que notre lectorat provîent de nombreu endroîts, proches et loîntaîns, et nous reconnaîssons les gens quî sont les pro-prîétaîres et les gardîens tradîtîonnels de ces terres.
Thîs book eamînes Marîus Barbeau’s career at Canada’s Natîonal Museum (now the Canadîan Museum o Hîstory), în lîght o hîs educatîon at Oord and în Parîs rom 1907 to 1911. Based on archîval research în England, rance and Canada,Marius Barbeau’s Vitalist Ethnologypresents hîs anthropologîcal traînîng at Oord through hîs metîculous course notes, as well as archîval photographs at the Pîtt Rîvers Museum and the Bîblîothèque et Archîves natîonales du Québec. It also draws upon Barbeau’s proessîonal correspondence at Lîbrary and Archîves Canada, the BC Archîves, and, above all, the Natîonal Museum, where he worked or over our decades. The author, rances M. Slaney, sheds lîght on the proessîonal lîe o thîs ounder o Canadîan anthropology, eplorîng hîs dîîcult workîng relatîonshîp wîth Edward Sapîr, hîs collaboratîons wîth ranz Boas, and hîs outstandîng îeldwork în rural Quebec and wîth Indîgenous communîtîes on Brîtîsh Columbîa’s Northwest Coast. Barbeau penned over 1,000 books and artîcles, în addîtîon to curatîng înnovatîve museum ehîbîtîons and art shows. He învîted Group o Seven artîsts înto hîs îeld sîtes, convînced that theîr works could better capture the “vîtalîty” o Quebec’s rural culture than hîs own abundant photographs.What îs more, he întroduced Emîly Carr to the Group o Seven paînters by curatîng a 1927 ehîbîtîon at the Natîonal Museum în Ottawa that combîned theîr landscape paîntîngs wîth the Museum’s Northwest Coast Indîgenous artîacts, alongsîde many o Carr’s paîntîngs o Northwest Coast Indîgenous communîtîes and totem poles. or these and hîs many other contrîbutîons, the Hîstorîc Sîtes and Monuments Board o Canada recognîzed hîm as a “person o natîonal hîstorîc împortance” în 1985.
Ce lîvre porte sur la carrîère de Marîus Barbeau au Musée natîonal du Canada (aujourd’huî le Musée canadîen de l’hîstoîre), à la lumîère de la ormatîon qu’îl a reçue à Oord et à Parîs de 1907 à 1911. S’appuyant sur des recherches archîvîstîques menées en Angleterre, en rance et au Canada,Marius Barbeau’s Vitalist Ethnologyeplore la ormatîon anthropologîque de Marîus Barbeau à travers ses notes de cours, prîses métîcu-leusement, aînsî que par l’entremîse de photographîes d’époques provenant du Pîtt Rîvers Museum et de Bîblîothèque et Archîves natîonales du Québec. L’ouvrage s’appuîe également sur la correspondance proessîonnelle de Marîus Barbeau, conservée par Bîblîothèque et Archîves Canada, les BC Archîves et, plus partîculîèrement, le Musée natîonal, où îl a œuvré pendant plus de quatre décennîes. L’autrîce rances M. Slaney jette un nouvel éclaîrage sur la vîe proessîon-nelle de ce pîonnîer de l’anthropologîe canadîenne en eplorant aussî sa relatîon de travaîl tumultueuse avec Edward Sapîr, ses collaboratîons avec ranz Boas et son travaîl de terraîn mené dans le Québec rural et auprès de communautés autochtones de la côte nord-ouest de la Colombîe-Brîtannîque. Marîus Barbeau a rédîgé plus de 1 000 lîvres et artîcles, en plus d’organîser des eposîtîons muséales et des spectacles artîstîques novateurs. Il a învîté des artîstes du Groupe des Sept sur le terraîn, convaîncu que leurs œuvres arrîve-raîent à mîeu représenter la « vîtalîté » de la culture rurale du Québec que ses abondantes photographîes. Quî plus est, îl est celuî quî a présenté Emîly Carr au peîntres du Groupe des Sept en organîsant une eposîtîon au Musée natîonal d’Ottawa, en 1927, quî combînaît leurs tableau de paysages au artéacts des peuples autochtones de la côte du Nord-Ouest du Musée et au nombreuses toîles de Carr représentant ces communautés et leurs totems. Pour ces contrîbutîons et bîen d’autres encore, la Commîssîon des lîeu et monuments hîstorîques du Canada a reconnu Marîus Barbeau comme une « personne d’împortance hîstorîque natîonale » en 1985.
Table of Contents
Land Acknowledgement/Reconnaissance territoriale..................v Abstract..............................................................................................Résumé...............................................................................................vîî List o Illustrations............................................................................v A Note on Language/Une note sur le langage..............................î Foreword............................................................................................î Introduction.......................................................................................v Acknowledgements...........................................................................î
Section I Animism to Vitalism: Learning Anthropology at Oxord and Paris...................................................................... Evolutîonîsm: An Escape rom Quebec’s Catholîcîsm ......................
Chapter 1 Animism at Oxord, 197–191....................................................... Tylor’s Anîmîsm: A Theory o Interconnectîng Lîe orms .............. Tylor’s “Intellectualîsm” .................................................................. Classîcal Greece beore Ethnographîc Dîversîty at Oord .............. Anthropology, the Classîcs, and Tylor’s Eclîpse ................................. Barbeau’s Struggle to Grasp Anthropology ...................................... Oord’s Anthropologîcal Socîety ...................................................
Chapter  Social Anthropology in Paris........................................................... En Route ....................................................................................... Studyîng Relîgîon wîth Marcel Mauss ............................................ Barbeau’s Thesîs .............................................................................. Securîng a Job în Canada ............................................................... Tylor’s Anîmîsm versus James’s “Plurîverse” ..................................... Souls and Solîdarîty ........................................................................
Chapter  Technology: Museum Studies in France and England................. Museum Studîes at Saînt-Germaîn-en-Laye .................................... Museology at the Pîtt Rîvers .......................................................... rom Technology to Vîsual Arts....................................................... Technology as Art Apprecîatîon ...................................................... Durkheîmîan Technology as Socîal Creatîon ................................... Etracurrîcular Lessons în Art ........................................................
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