Making the Nonprofit Sector in the United States , livre ebook









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The classic documents and scholarly interpretations of the history of American nonprofits.

"It is a delight to seen an anthology on nonprofit history done so well."—Barry Karl, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

"This is a volume that everyone concerned about nonprofits—scholar, practitioner, and citizen—will find useful and illuminating."—Peter Dobkin Hall, Program on Non-Profit Organizations
Yale Divinity School

"A remarkable book."—Robert Putnam, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

[One to come from John Simon, School of Law, Yale University by Jan. 13th and others are being solicited.]

Unique among nations, America conducts almost all of its formally organized religious activity, and many cultural, arts, human service, educational, and research activities through private nonprofit organizations. Though partially funded by government, as well as by fees and donations, American nonprofits have pursued their missions with considerable independence. Many have amassed remarkable resources and acquired some of the most impressive hospital, university, performing arts, and museum facilities in the world. While some have amassed large endowments, many that surpass one billion dollars, there are also hundreds of thousands of small nonprofits, most with no tangible resources at all.

How did the United States come to rely so heavily on nonprofits? Why has it continued to do so? What purposes do Americans seek to advance through nonprofits? How have Americans sought to control them? How have nonprofits been effected by the growth of government in the twentieth century? These questions suggest the complexity of the history of nonprofits in the United States. To help explore that history, this reader presents some of the classic documents in the development of the nonprofit sector along with important interpretations by recent scholars. The selections can be considered a representative part of a single extended conversation by the men and women who have taken part in the effort to define America and the American dream, even as they shaped what we now call the nonprofit sector. The statements by participants in the growth and development of the nonprofit sector are accompanied by essays written by historians and social scientists that provide concise surveys of important issues and periods. The essays give voice to those whose contributions to the American debate about voluntary associations and private institutions would otherwise be difficult to find or comprehend.

The selections can be considered a representative part of a single extended conversation by the men and women who have taken part in the effort to define America and the American dream, even as they shaped what we now call the nonprofit sector. The statements by participants in the growth and development of the nonprofit sector are accompanied by essays written by historians and social scientists that provide concise surveys of important issues and periods. The essays give voice to those whose contributions to the American debate about voluntary associations and private institutions would otherwise be difficult to find or comprehend.

Each selection has been chosen to define or illuminate important questions in the development of the nonprofit sector in the United States. Many include criticisms of particular nonprofit efforts, or of nonprofit activity in general. The intention is to provoke thought, not to establish an official list of readings. Though not every point of view could be included, the reader does reflect a general understanding of the nature of the nonprofit sector and its significance in the development of the United States.

Philanthropic Studies—Dwight F. Burlingame and David C. Hammack, general editors

Introduction: Growth of the Nonprofit Sector in the United States

I. British and Colonial Patterns

One. Colonial Theory: Established Churches
1. Statute of Charitable Uses
2. Elizabethan Poor Law
3. Brother Juan deEscalona, Report to the Viceroy of Mexico on Conditions at Santa Fe, 1601
4. John Winthrop, Model of Christian Charity
5. Virginia General Assembly, Laws Regulating Conduct and Religion
6. Hugh Peter and Thomas Weld, New England's First Fruits
7. Claude Jean Allouz, S.J., Account of the Ceremony Proclaiming New France

Two. Colonial Reality: Religious Diversity
8. Inhabitants of Flushing, Long Island, Remonstrance against the Law against Quakers
9. Roger Greene, Virginia's Cure
10. William Penn, Great Case of Liberty of Conscience
11. Cotton Mather, Bonifacius: Essays to Do Good
12. William Livingston, Argument against Anglican Control of King's College
13. Charles Woodmason, Journal of the Carolina Backcountry
14. Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography: Recollections of Institution-Building

II. American Revolution: Sources of the Nonprofit Sector

Three. To the Constitution: Limited Government and Disestablishment
15. John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon, Cato's Letters: Arguments against a Strong Central Government
16. Isaac Backus, Argument against Taxes for Religious Purposes in Massachusetts
17. Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Act Establishing Religious Freedom
18. James Madison, Federalist, No. 10
19. Constitution of the United States, excerpts, and The First and Tenth Amendments

Four. Voluntarism under the Constitution
20. Lyman Beecher, Autobiographical Statement on the 1818 Disestablishment of the "Standing Order" in Connecticut
21. The Dartmouth College Case: Daniel Webster, Argument before the U.S. Supreme Court; Chief Justice John Marshall, Decision, and Joseph Story, Concurring Opinion
22. Alexis de Tocqueville, Political Associations in the United States, and Of the Use Which Americans Make of Public Associations in Civil Society

III. Uses of Nonprofit Organizations

Five. Varieties of Religious Nonprofits
23. Organized Activity among Slaves: Henry Bibb, Suppression of Religion among Slaves, and Daniel A. Payne, Account of Slave Preachers
24. Robert Baird, Voluntary Principle in American Christianity
25. Peter Dobkin Hall, Institutions, Autonomy, and National Networks
26. Jay P. Dolan, Social Catholicism
27. Arthur A. Goren, Jewish Tradition of Community

Six. Nonprofit Organizations as Alternative Power Structures
28. Suzanne Lebsock, Women Together: Organizations in Antebellum Petersburg, Va.
29. Kathleen D. McCarthy, Parallel Power Structures: Women and the Voluntary Sphere
30. W.E.B. DuBois, Cooperation Among Negro Americans

IV. Nonprofit Structures for the Twentieth Century

Seven. Science, Professionalism, Foundations, Federations
31. Debate over Government Subsidies: Amos G. Warner, Argument against Public Subsidies to American Charities, and Everett P. Wheeler, Unofficial Government of Cities
32. David Rosner, Business at the Bedside: Health Care in Brooklyn, 1890-1915
33. Frederick T. Gates, Address on the Tenth Anniversary of the Rockefeller Institute
34. David C. Hammack, Community Foundations: The Delicate Question of Purpose
35. John R. Seeley et al., Community Chest
36. David L. Sills, March of Dimes: Origins and Prospects

Eight. Federal Regulation and Federal Funds
37. Pierce v. Society of the Sisters: William D. Guthrie and Bernard Hershkopf, Brief for Private Schools, and Justice McReynolds, Decision of the U.S. Supreme Court
38. Debate over a Nonprofit Organization in Mississippi: Senator John Stennis and Attorney Marian Wright, Testimony on the Child Development Group of Mississippi and the Head Start Program
39. Filer Commission, The Third Sector
40. Steven Rathgeb Smith and Michael Lipsky, Political Economy of Nonprofit Revenues
41. Rust v. Sullivan: Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Decision of the U.S. Supreme Court

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Date de parution

22 décembre 1998

Nombre de lectures






MAKING the Nonprofit Sector in the United States
Philanthropic Studies

Albert B. Anderson. Ethics for Fundraisers
Karen J. Blair. The Torchbearers: Women and Their Amateur Arts Associations in America
Dwight F. Burlingame, editor. The Responsibilities of Wealth
Dwight F. Burlingame and Dennis Young, editors. Corporate Philanthropy at the Crossroads
Marcos Cueto, editor. Missionaries of Science: The Rockefeller Foundation and Latin America
Gregory Eiselein. Literature and Humanitarian Reform in the Civil War Era
David C. Hammack. Making the Nonprofit Sector in the United States: A Reader
Jerome L. Himmelstein. Looking Good and Doing Good: Corporate Philanthropy and Corporate Power
Warren F. Ilchman, Stanley N. Katz, and Edward L. Queen, II, editors. Philanthropy in the World’s Traditions
Thomas H. Jeavons. When the Bottom Line Is Faithfulness: Management of Christian Service Organizations
Ellen Condlith Lagemann. Philanthropic Foundations: New Scholarship, New Possibilities
Mike W. Martin. Virtuous Giving: Philanthropy, Voluntary Service, and Caring
Mary J. Oates. The Catholic Philanthropic Tradition in America
J. B. Schneewind, editor. Giving: Western Ideas of Philanthropy
David H. Smith. Entrusted: The Moral Responsibilities of Trusteeship
Bradford Smith, Sylvia Shue, Jennifer Lisa Vest, and Joseph Villarreal. Philanthropy in Communities of Color
MAKING the Nonprofit Sector in the United States

Edited with introductions by
David C. Hammack
Indiana University Press
Publication of this book is made possible in part with the assistance of a Challenge Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency that supports research, education, and public programming in the humanities.
This book is a publication of Indiana University Press 601 North Morton Street Bloomington, Indiana 47404-3797 USA
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© 1998 by David C. Hammack
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The Association of American University Presses’ Resolution on Permissions constitutes the only exception to this prohibition .
The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984.
Manufactured in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Making the nonprofit sector in the United States : a reader / edited with introductions by David C. Hammack. p. cm. — (Philanthropic studies) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-253-33489-6 (alk. paper) !. Nonprofit organizations—United States—History. 2. Endowments—United States—History. 3. Charities—United States—History I. Hammack, David C. II. Series.
HD2769.2.U6M35     1998          98–7117 ISBN 978-0-253-33489-3 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN 978-0-253-21410-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
7  8  9  10  14  13  12
For My Mother, Dorothy Morgan Hammack
Introduction: The Growth of the Nonprofit Sector in the United States
British and Colonial Patterns
ONE Colonial Theory: Established Churches
  1. The Statute of Charitable Uses , 1601
  2. The Elizabethan Poor Law , 1601
  3. Brother Juan de Escalona, Report to the Viceroy of Mexico on Conditions at Santa Fe , 1601
  4. John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity , 1630
  5. Virginia General Assembly, Laws Regulating Religion , 1642
  6. Hugh Peter and Thomas Weld, New England’s First Fruits , 1643
  7. Claude Jean Allouz, S.J., Account of the Ceremony Proclaiming New France , 1671
TWO Colonial Reality: Religious Diversity
  8. Inhabitants of Flushing, Long Island, Remonstrance against the Law against Quakers , 1657
  9. Roger Greene, Virginia’s Cure , 1662
10. William Penn, The Great Case of Liberty of Conscience , 1670
11. Cotton Mather, Bonifacius: Essays to Do Good , 1710
12. William Livingston, Argument against Anglican Control of King’s College (Columbia), 1753
13. Charles Woodmason, Journal of the Carolina Backcountry , 1767–68
14. Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography: Recollections of Institution-Building , 1771–84
The American Revolution: Sources of the Nonprofit Sector
THREE To the Constitution: Limited Government and Disestablishment
15. John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon, Cato’s Letters: Arguments against a Strong Central Government , 1720
16. Isaac Backus, Argument against Taxes for Religious Purposes in Massachusetts , 1774
17. Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Act Establishing Religious Freedom , 1786
18. James Madison, The Federalist, No. 10 , 1787
19. The Constitution of the United States , excerpts, 1789, and The First and Tenth Amendments , 1791
FOUR Voluntarism under the Constitution
20. Lyman Beecher, Autobiographical Statement on the 1818 Disestablishment of the “Standing Order” in Connecticut , 1864
21. The Dartmouth College Case : Daniel Webster, Argument before the U.S. Supreme Court , 1818; Chief Justice John Marshall, Decision , and Joseph Story, Concurring Opinion , 1819
22. Alexis de Tocqueville, Political Associations in the United States , 1835, and Of the Use Which Americans Make of Public Associations in Civil Society , 1840
Uses of Nonprofit Organizations
FIVE Varieties of Religious Nonprofits
23. Organized Activity among Slaves: Henry Bibb, The Suppression of Religion among Slaves , 1849, and Daniel A. Payne, Account of Slave Preachers , 1839
24. Robert Baird, The Voluntary Principle in American Christianity , 1844
25. Peter Dobkin Hall, Institutions, Autonomy, and National Networks , 1982
26. Jay P. Dolan, Social Catholicism , 1975
27. Arthur A. Goren, The Jewish Tradition of Community , 1970
SIX Nonprofit Organizations as Alternative Power Structures
28. Suzanne Lebsock, Women Together: Organizations in Antebellum Petersburg, Virginia , 1984
29. Kathleen D. McCarthy, Parallel Power Structures: Women and the Voluntary Sphere , 1990
30. W. E. B. Du Bois, Economic Cooperation among Negro Americans , 1907
Nonprofit Structures for the Twentieth Century
SEVEN Science, Professionalism, Foundations, Federations
31. Debate over Government Subsidies: Amos G. Warner, Argument against Public Subsidies to Private Charities , 1908; Everett P. Wheeler, The Unofficial Government of Cities , 1900
32. David Rosner, Business at the Bedside: Health Care in Brooklyn, 1890–1915 , 1979
33. Frederick T. Gates, Address on the Tenth Anniversary of the Rockefeller Institute , 1911
34. David C. Hammack, Community Foundations: The Delicate Question of Purpose , 1989
35. John R. Seeley et al., Community Chest , 1957
36. David L. Sills, The March of Dimes: Origins and Prospects , 1957
EIGHT Federal Regulation and Federal Funds
37. Pierce v. Society of the Sisters: William D. Guthrie and Bernard Hershkopf, Brief for Private Schools; Justice McReynolds, Decision of the U.S. Supreme Court , 1925
38. Debate over a Great Society Nonprofit Organization in Mississippi: Senator John Stennis and Attorney Marian Wright, Testimony on the Child Development Group of Mississippi and the Head Start Program , 1967
39. The Filer Commission, The Third Sector , 1974
40. Steven Rathgeb Smith and Michael Lipsky, The Political Economy of Nonprofit Revenues , 1993
41. Rust v. Sullivan: Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Decision of the U.S. Supreme Court , 1991
I must begin by acknowledging my debt to the Mandel Center for Nonprofit Organizations at Case Western Reserve University. As a member of the 1986 faculty committee that launched the Mandel Center’s master’s degree program, I agreed to offer the course, “Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector,” for which I have prepared these readings. Many of my faculty colleagues at the Mandel Center—especially Dennis R. Young, John Yankey, Paul Salipante, Laura Chisolm, Al Abramowitz, Pranab Chatterjee, Tom Bogart, Margaret Wyszomirski, James Strachan, Paul Feinberg, and most recently John Palmer Smith—have taught me a great deal about nonprofit organizations and their management. The nearly five hundred students, many of whom were already experienced senior managers, who have taken my Mandel Center course have taught me much about the realities that a contemporary nonprofit leader must face. Mandel Center students have also pushed me to edit these selections for clarity and brevity and to provide succinct introductions explaining how each reading, including several from the 1600s and 1700s, is relevant today. Thus this collection is designed for the practical nonprofit leader, even as it is edited in the light of the best current historical and policy scholarship.
Several students in Case Western Reserve University’s Social Policy History Ph.

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