Kwame Nkrumah and the Pan-African Ideal , livre ebook









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Kwame Nkrumah and the Pan-African Ideal draws on experiences in various decades on the ebbs and flows of African continental integration as a common African continental agenda. It attempts to contribute towards the grasp of critical theoretical position on international political economy and its application on the African socio-political, economic and ideological condition. This work critically engages with the works of Nkrumah, a leading African scholar on the African continental political unity in the political, economic and ideological fields of the struggle to achieve the continental socio-political, economic and ideological transformation in the strategic interests of Africa in its continental and international relations. As a means of demonstrating invaluable knowledge produced by Nkrumah for a critical engagement in the efforts to achieve African continental integration and transformation, this work provides a critical analysis of his position on the African continental integration and how the decisive majority of heads of state and government from the Organisation of African Unity to the African Union (AU) have waged the struggle against it.

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Date de parution

26 novembre 2021

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Poids de l'ouvrage

14 Mo

Sehlare Makgetlaneng
Kwame Nkrumah and the Pan-African Ideal: Debates and Contestations
Sehlare Makgetlaneng
Institute for Preservation and Development
Copyrîg©2021 Seare Makgeaneng
A rîgs reserved.
Kwame Nkruma and te Pan-African Ideal: Debates and Contestations
hîs book as been revîewed by îndependen peer revîewers.
No par o îs pubîcaîon may be reproduced, sored în a rerîeva sysem, or ransmîed în any orm or by any means - eecronîc, mecanîca, poocopyîng, recordîng or oerwîse - wîou wrîen permîssîon rom e pubîser, excep în accordance wî e provîsîons o e Copyrîg Ac 98 o 1978.
Book Pubîsîng Servîces by Semeo Pubîsers (Py) d
Pubîsed by ïnsîue or Preservaîon and Deveopmen PO Box 4154 he Reeds Preorîa 0158 Sou Arîca
hîs book îs dedîcaed o:
Mîrîam Makeba and Hug Masekea or promoîng Arîcan unîy roug musîc; Marcus Garvey or îs vîsîonary roe în deInîng e îdea o a Unîed Saes o Arîca; and Danî Wadada Nabudere or îs grea însîgs îno e dîaecîc o Arîcan and goba înegraîon.
Contents Abou e Auor ï Acknowedgemens ïïï ïnroducîon 1
Caper 1:
Caper 2:
Caper 3:
Caper 4:
Caper 5:
Caper 6:
Caper 7:
Caper 8:
Caper 9:
Caper 10:
Aemps o Dîsor and Dîscredî Kwame Nkruma’s Posîîon on e Arîcan Conînena ïnegraîon 13
Two Dîferen Approaces o Arîcan Conînena ïnegraîon 65
he Prîmacy o Poîîca Facors over Economîc Facors în e Srugge or Arîcan Conînena ïnegraîon 127
Towards e Arîcan Unîon Governmen and e Unîed Saes o Arîca 163
ïs NEPAD e Approprîae Programme or Arîcan Conînena ïnegraîon? 227
Mbîa Cîaa on e Roe o Arîcan Poîîca eaders în e Arîcan Conînena ïnegraîon Agenda 273
Caude Ake on e Sae o Democracy and Deveopmen în Arîca 297
Wy was e GaddaI Admînîsraîon Ended by NATO? Key Reasons 311
he Sraegîc ïmporance o e Naîona Facor în e Srugge or Arîcan Conînena ïnegraîon 339
Concusîon and Recommendaîons 381
Kwame Nkrumah and the Pan-African Ideal: Debates and Contestations
About te Autor
Seare Makgeaneng îs e Researc Assocîae a e Unîversîy o împopo, Sovenga, Sou Arîca. He served as a Cîe Researc Specîaîs and Head o Governance and Securîy Programme a e Arîca ïnsîue o Sou Arîca. He aso served as a Senîor Researcer a e ïnsîue or Arîcan Renaîssance Sudîes, Unîversîy o Sou Arîca, Preorîa, Sou Arîca. He ods PD în Poîîca Scîence wî Arîcan Poîîcs, Comparaîve Poîîcs, Poîîca Economy and ïnernaîona Reaîons as sub-Ieds, Maser o Pubîc Admînîsraîon rom Aana Unîversîy (curreny Cark Aana Unîversîy) and Baceor o Ars în Poîîca Scîence rom Cark Coege în Aana, Georgîa, e Unîed Saes. He worked or e Souern Cenre or ïnernaîona Sudîes as a researcer and depuy o e dîrecor o îs researc dîvîsîon, e Souern Crîsîan eadersîp Conerence as a researcer on Souern Arîca afaîrs and as e Admînîsraîve Secreary o e Oice o e Treasurer Genera o e Arîcan Naîona Congress (ANC) în Joannesburg. He ecured Poîîca Scîence a e Unîversîy o Venda, ïnernaîona Reaîons a e Nor-Wes Unîversîy were e esabîsed Maser o Ars, Maser o Pîosopy and PD degree programmes în ïnernaîona Reaîons. He aso ecured în e Sou Arîcan Poîîcs and Poîîca Economy Masers programme beîng responsîbe or e Sou Arîcan Poîîca Economy a e Neson Mandea Unîversîy. He served as a Vîsîîng Researc Feow a e Deparmen o Economîc Anaysîs and Goba Afaîrs o e Cener or Sraegîc Sudîes în Baku, Azerbaîjan rom January o Aprî 2014, were e researc sudy or îs book pubîsed în 2016,Azerbaîjan as a Regîona Economîc Drîver: Opporunîîes and Caenges,was underaken. Makgeaneng’s areas o researc îneress and pubîcaîons încude srucura cange o Arîcan socîeîes no ony a rearrangemen a eîr op, Sou Arîca-Arîca poîîca, economîc and rade reaîons, Arîcan conînena and Souern Arîcan regîona înegraîon, e roe o poîîca governance în Arîca’s deveopmen, e cenraîy o Arîca în Sou Arîca’s înernaîona reaîons and oreîgn poîcy, e Unîed Saes Arîca poîcy, e Unîed Saes naîona securîy sraegy or Souern Arîca sînce 1969, race-cass and înerna-exerna reaîons în Arîcan and goba afaîrs and poîîcs, and deveopmen as an îneecua process o creaîon o resources or saîsacîon o uman needs. He îs concerned wî key socîo-poîîca and economîc îssues în înernaîona afaîrs and ow ey afec Sou Arîca, Souern Arîca and Arîca. Upon e passîng away o Proessor Arcîbad
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