Devil Couldn't Break Me , livre ebook









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Je m'inscris








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Laura was just eighteen years of age when she fled her family home on the Serbian Kosovo border at the height of the former Yugoslavian conflict. Her father felt she would be safer in Kosovo, free from the rape camps, massacres and ethnic cleansing that took place on their doorstep, the streets of the capital patrolled by US peacekeeping forces. Reluctantly she made the long journey through the mountains and eventually arrived in Pristina. Neither Laura or her father were aware she had entered a city one US delegate described, "as one vast crime scene." She had no idea what terrors lay ahead, as she crossed the path of 'The Chief', a self professed freedom fighter in the Kosovan Liberation Army. On the face of it The Chief' claimed to be fighting a noble cause. Behind closed doors he was the mastermind of a huge operation dealing in organ harvesting, people trafficking and prostitution and his evil gang raped tortured and killed at will. Laura had stumbled through the gates of hell. Follow her quite unbelievable true story of kidnap, murder, brutality and abuse set against the backdrop of one of Europe's most recent and bloody conflicts and how she encountered some of the most evil men on the planet.This is Laura's story of courage and hope and how some of the most evil men on the planet did not break her spirit.
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Date de parution

10 novembre 2015

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1 Mo

îe Page                        î Pubîser ïnormaîon                îî Dedîcaîon                      îîî Acknowedgemens                 îv Synopsîs                        v
Proogue                        1 Eary Memorîes o ConLîc             6 Sîcks and Sones o Break Your Bones       20 A Massacre Avered                 24 Dea o a ero                    36 Forced o Fee                     44 God Bess Amerîca                  54 aken                         64 He Den o ïnîquîy                 81 Wînessîng Pure Evî Fîrs and          91 A Dea – Sod o e îges Bîdder       100 Dînîng wî e Devîs               107 Azem Kupî – A Cange o Dîrecîon       111 Organs or Sae o e îges Bîdder      120 A Cance o Escape                132 Reunîed wî Frîends               140 Back ome o Veîkî rnovac          147 A Prîsoner Once Agaîn              154 He Sar o a New Nîgmare          162 Ras, Mîce and Cockroaces          167 o Dîe or No o Dîe; Ha îs e Quesîon   171 Wy Do Hey No Come or Me?        181 Vîoaed                       187 Ready o Mee My Maker             191 Rescued a as                   198 News ï Sîmpy Coud No Compreend     206 Epîogue                       211
Aso Avaîabe                    216
A True Story
aura Asan
Pubiser Information
he Devi Coudn’t Break Me Pubîsed în 2015 by Andrews UK îmîed wwwandrewsukcom
He rîg o aura Asan o be îdenîIed as auor o îs book as been assered în accordance wî secîon 77 and 78 o e Copyrîgs Desîgns and Paens Ac 1988
Copyrîg © 2015 aura Asan
Hîs book îs sod subjec o e condîîon a î sa no, by way o rade or oerwîse, be en, resod, îred ou or oerwîse cîrcuaed wîou e pubîser’s prîor wrîen consen în any orm o bîndîng or cover oer an a în wîc î îs pubîsed, and wîou a sîmîar condîîon beîng împosed on e subsequen purcaser
ï dedîcae îs book o my wo eroes, UN roops rom Amerîca, Brîan and Peer wo gave me ope and seer durîng e wors perîod o my îe Uîmaey ey resored my aî în mankînd
ï canno possîby ank my parens enoug or everyîng ey ave done or me, and în parîcuary or ow ey aced durîng e wors European conLîc sînce Word War ïï He decîsîons ey ook and eîr acîons were made wî e soe consîderaîon o eîr ony cîd and wîou any ougs or eîr own saey Hey are îndeed my wo rea îe super eroes ïn addîîon ï woud îke o ank a o e specîa peope wo suppored me în every way, durîng and aTer e conLîc bu or obvîous reasons ï canno menîon any names You know wo you are And Inay o mygos, Scoy Our journey as been an încredîbe one and opeuy our readers wî agree a we ave urned ou someîng o be proud o
Laura Asan
For e purpose o securîy and e saey o peope sî îvîng în e ormer Yugosavîa e names o a persons ave been canged Ony e names o e wo Amerîcan UN Peacekeepers remaîn e same Hey are bo appy o corroborae aura’s sory aura was jus eîgeen years od wen se was orced o Lee er amîy ome în Veîkî rnovac, în Serbîa, weny kîomeres rom e border wî Kosovo a e eîg o e ormer Yugosavîa conLîc aura’s amîy were Abanîan speakîng Musîms rom a sma vîage în e mounaîns and î seemed e Serb Army were deermîned o wîpe suc peope rom e ace o e ear He young Musîm gîrs and women eared a ae ar worse an dea, as î was common knowedge a Serb sodîers were enîcay ceansîng e peope roug sysemaîc rape o eîr women Some were even aken o rape camps were eîr pregnancîes were overseen and monîored and babîes deîvered by raîned docors and mîdwîves He cîdren were bapîsed as Crîsîan Serbs jusîyîng e acîons o e sodîers some nîne mons prîor aura’s aer oug se woud be sae în Prîsîna, e capîa cîy o Kosovo, aTer NAO roops ad orcesraed a ceaseIre o sors and decared e cîy a UN sae area Over e course o severa mons ey ad drîven e Serb Army back o e borders Wa aura and er aer dîdn’ reaîse as se made er way over e mounaîns o e cîy, was a Kosovo, and în parîcuar Prîsîna was, accordîng o ouîse Arbour, e eadîng war crîme prosecuor - “One vas crîme scene” aura was kîdnapped by Azem Kupî, a se-proessed Kosovo îberaîon Army reedom Iger, a commander known as ‘He Cîe’ ïn reaîy e was noîng more an a gangser, more îneresed în înîng îs own pockes an any so caedcause e paraded beînd Kupî’s gang accused er o beîng îronîcay, a Serb spy, e very peope se ad rîed o escape rom aken în broad dayîg rom e busy srees o Prîsîna se was deîvered o Kupî
and sysemaîcay abused, pysîcay, menay and sexuay or many ours Wen Kupî reaîzed e answers o îs quesîons were aways e same e seemîngy îred o er and ordered îs guards o “Rape e Serb bîc” wîe e ooked on wî amusemen Durîng e aemped rape one o e guards caed aura aSerb woreo wîc se screamed – “ï’m nobody’s wore, ï’m a vîrgîn” Amos îmmedîaey Kupî ordered e aack o sop reaîzîng a e ad în ac sumbed upon a raer precîous cargo Drîven back o an aparmen bock în Prîsîna, Kupî woud dîscose în due course a aura woud be sod o an Arab Seîk or up o one undred ousand US Doars ï seemed a a beauîu eîgeen year od vîrgîn was a commodîy we wor payîng a premîum or aura ound erse conIned wîîn e gaes o e, kep prîsoner or some weeks and orced o wac Kupî’s sex games wî îs gîrrîend wîe îs guards broug back couness gîrs wo were bruay raped în ron o er Evenuay e dea wî e Seîk was Inaîsed and Kupî and îs gang drove aura o e border wî Abanîa Durîng e journey Kupî dîscosed a e Seîk ony waned aura or a maer o weeks and en se woud be reurned Kupî saîd a se woud en be kîed and er ear and îver woud be removed and sod on o a oreîgn buyer Hîs, î seemed, was Kupî’s maîn încome durîng e conLîc brîngîng îm up o $40,000 per organ makîng îm a very rîc and poweru man Forunaey or aura, a NAO roadbock a e Abanîa border prevened e ransacîon and ey were orced o reurn o Prîsîna ïncredîby, aura managed o escape and made î back o e saey o e Amerîcan roops în e cîy and once ere însîsed se soud be reparîaed back o Veîkî rnovac He UN roops escored er o e bus saîon în Prîsîna were se cîmbed aboard an armed and guarded bus o Veîkî rnovac and once ere waked e sor dîsance o er parens’ ome beîevîng er nîgmare o be over Wîîn mînues o arrîvîng ome, a car oad o Serb sodîers drove îno e garden and se was kîdnapped or e second îme,
accused o beîng a Kosovan spy and înerrogaed a over agaîn He abuse and orure (încudîng beîng branded wî a cae îron) was unîmagînabe and se apsed în and ou o conscîousness severa îmes ATer er înerrogaîon se was ranserred o a sma ce were se coud no uy sand and descrîbed î as someîng resembîng e movîe Mîdnîg Express Se woud be kep în a eoe or sîx mons er aer evenuay ound ou were se was beîng ed and persuaded er capors o e er ou or one nîg expaînîng er moer was gravey î and no expeced o as e nîg ATer agreeîng a $40,000 baî paymen aura was reeased bu er aer ad no înenîon o reurnîng er o er ormenors and însead ad arranged o smugge er roug o Engand Evenuay se made î o ondon as an asyum seeker and evenuay gaîned Brîîs Cîîzensîp aura îs one o e ew peope aîve wo managed o escape Azem Kupî’s cuces Every oer capîve se as come across or ound ou înormaîon abou îs dead, uned down and eîmînaed by Kupî’s encmen so a ey coud no gîve încrîmînaîng evîdence agaîns îm
Veiki Trnovac 1998
ï ound my parens în e basemen o our ouse ï was so reîeved ï was convînced ey were dead “Wa îs î?” ï saîd “Wy are you îvîng down ere?” ï never go a repy o my quesîon nor dîd ï receîve e sor o wecome ï expeced Were was e ‘Bîg Greek Weddîng’ kînd o ove and amos over e op drama and oupourîngs o afecîon a ï ad been used o? ï ad been ed capîve or many mons, ï ad no been abe o ge any orm o communîcaîon o em and ere ï was sae and sound and back ome bu ere were no ugs and no ears o joy rom my parens, no kîsses or smîes ïnsead my aer raned a me abou ow supîd ï was o come back and my moer begged me o run or e îs “Go aura,” my aer saîd “Run as as as you can, go back o were you came rom, go anywere bu ge ou o ere” My aer conînued e saîd e sodîers ad come ookîng or me many îmes and e’d od em ï’d gone Hey dîdn’ beîeve îm and ad beaen and orured îm and abused my moer Hey ad reurned agaîn and agaîn and e saîd e was ucky e ad no been rown în prîson or worse “Hey’ be back,” my moer wîmpered roug e ears er words were însany propeîc because as soon as se ad uered em ï eard e rumbe o a ruck rom e garden o our ome and jus a ew seconds aer e vîbraîon rom e eavy veîce reverberaed around e basemen area ï eard eîr eavy boos on e kîcen Loor above us as we sa udded ogeer rozen în error ï pu wo and wo ogeer – someone ad been wacîng e ouse He sodîers knew e ouse we and ey ound me wîîn mînues as ey kîcked and punced me up e sone seps a ed upsaîrs My aer was ryîng o
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