Africa: Beyond Recovery , livre ebook









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Professor Thandika Mkandawire, the first to hold the Chair in African Development at the London School of Economics, delivered the thirty-second in the Aggrey-Fraser-Guggisberg Memorial Lecture series at the University of Ghana in 2013. In these lectures, combining with and imagination with down-to-earth political economy, he traces Africa�s attempts at growth and development since the independence era, her attempts at recovery from a string of serious socio-political set-backs, and advocates for the role of universities as essential agents in the drive to sustained development.
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Date de parution

26 avril 2015

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Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

by THANDIKA MKANDAWIRE London Scoo o Economîcs and Poîtîca Scîence
he Aggrey-Fraser-Guggîsberg Memorîa Lectures, Serîes 32
Fîrst pubîsed în 2015 or UNïVERSïTY OF GHANA by Sub-Saaran Pubîsers P.O.Box 358 Legon-Accra Gana Emaî: saaranp@arîcaonî Websîte: www.sub-sa
©Unîversîty o Gana 2015 P.O.Box LG 25 Legon-Accra Gana Te: +233-302-500381 Websîte:ttp//
ïSBN: 9789988860202
Copyrîgt Notîce A rîgts reserved. No part o tîs pubîcatîon may be reproduced, stored în a retrîeva system or transmîtted în any orm or by any means eectronîc, mecanîca, potocopy-îng, recordîng, or oterwîse wîtout te prîor permîssîon o te pubîsers.
by andika Mkandawire London Scoo o Economîcs and Poîtîca Scîence
he Aggrey-Fraser-Guggîsberg Memorîa Lectures, Serîes 32 Deîvered on 17, 18, 19 Aprî 2013 at te Unîversîty o Gana, Legon
Africa Beyond Recovery
he Aggrey-Fraser-Guggisberg Memorial Lectures were instituted in 1957 to commemorate te contribution made by te tree persons me-morialized to te founding of Acimota College, now Acimota Scool, and more generally to te advancement of education and particularly iger education in Gana. he tree persons onoured by te lectures are:
James Kwegyir Aggrey A native of Anomabu in Gana, Aggrey was a great African visionary and spokesman for racial armony and equality. He was te first Vice-Princi-pal of Acimota Scool. His outstanding contributions are symbolized in te sield of te scool, te black and wite piano keys wic stand for armony among te black and wite races.
Alexander G. Fraser he first Principal of Acimota College, Fraser was a umane, coura-geous and far-sigted Scottis educationist wo brilliantly advocated for education in wat was ten te Gold Coast in te days of scepticism about te educational potential of te African.
Gordon Guggisberg Guggisberg was peraps te best administrator tat Britain ever sent to govern a West African colony. Far in advance of te official colonial tink-ing of is day, e gave concrete expression to te ideals wic formed te basis of Gana’s present progress. Under is vigorous sponsorsip Acimota Scool grew to become one of te most distinguised educa-tional institutions in Africa. Railways, major roads and a major ospital were also constructed during is tenure.
he Aggrey-Fraser-Guggisberg Lectures, given semi-annually, are a major event in te life of te University of Gana and indeed of te country. Coice of teme and te topics to be treated are entirely up to te dis-gression of te lecturer, wo is invariably very distinguised in is or er field of endeavour. he lectures presented ere constituted te tirty-sec-ond in te series.
he Vice-Cancellor’s Preface
LECTURE 1 FROM RECOVERY TO DEVELOPMENT ïntroductîon Poîcy Makers’ Caîms Factors Beînd te Recovery Mea Culpaand te Consequences New Caenges and Opportunîtîes Concusîon
LECTURE 2 SOCIAL EQUALITY AND DEVELOPMENT ïntroductîon he Adjustment Years Post Wasîngton Consensus
LECTURE 3 BRINGING THE UNIVERSITIES BACK IN Some Consequences o Maadjustment Wat îs to be Done?
Proessor handîka Mkandawîre: a Proie
Africa Beyond Recovery
Tabe 1.1: Arîca’s Economîc Perormance, 1965-2011 Tabe 1.2: Growt and “Catcîng Up” Tabe 1.3: Average Yeary ïncreases în Mercandîse export vaues, voumes, and prîces, 1995-2006
Tabe 1.4: Comparatîve export concentratîon îndîces by regîon, 1995 and 2011
Tabe 1.5: Foreîgn învestment commîtments în te înrastructure îndustrîes în Arîca
Tabe 1.6: ïncome eastîcîty o te manuacturîng îndustry Tabe 2.1: GïNï coeIcîents în te 1990s
LIST OF FIGURES Fîgure 1.1: GDP per capîta
Fîgure 1. 2: Terms o Trade and Growt în Sub-Saaran Arîca
Fîgure 1. 3: ïnvestment as Sare o GDP
Fîgure 1. 4: Food Productîon per Capîta
3 5 12
23 42
he Aggrey-Fraser-Guggisberg Memorial Lectures mark te ig point of te University of Gana’s calendar eac year. he lecture series was establised in 1957 to celebrate tree men wo inspired te development of iger education in Gana. hey were James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey, a Gold Coast educationist wo ad spent time in te United States; Alex-ander Gordon Fraser, te Scottis missionary; and Gordon Guggisberg, a colonial Governor of te Gold Coast, all of wom were associated wit te founding of Acimota Scool, a symbol of public interest in ig quality secondary education. he lectures in teir onour ave always attracted distinguised men and women as speakers. Incidentally, Artur Lewis, te Economics Nobel Laureate, was one of te early speakers. In 2013, te University of Gana was fortunate to ave Professor handika Mkandawire, te first Cair in African Development at te London Scool of Economics, as te distinguised Aggrey-Fraser-Gug-gisberg Memorial Lecturer. Professor Mkandawire spoke on te teme ”Beyond Recovery” were e traced Africa’s beleaguered attempts at growt and development since te independence era, te attempts at recovery and te road to sustained development. hese lectures were very well received by a very entusiastic audi-ence. his was largely a result of te relevance of te teme, te delivery of te lectures and te stature of te lecturer. On te relevance of te teme, it was obvious tat te predicament tat African countries found temselves in, as slowly developing economies wit no clear indication of te best ways out of teir socio-economic difficulties, made te audience anxious to know if tere were new approaces to be pused for. he ba-sic message of te lecturer, tat nations needed to look beyond recovery and tink about long term structural transformation, was one to be wel-comed by an audience tat ad become sceptical about ‘fire-figting’ in te management of African economies. he delivery was very well done, and wit a lot of umour. he stature of Professor handika Mkandawire as a very well-known analyst of African development made te 2013 lectures very special. Pro-fessor Mkandawire as a reputation of being onest and frank in is well-researced views about Africa’s political economy story. He as spent many years studying in detail te way economic decisions ave been made by several countries, and as made very objective assessments
vîîî Africa Beyond Recovery
of resulting policies in tese economies. He as gained a great deal of respect worldwide for being fortrigt in debates on te political econo-my of African development. It was tese qualities of Professor handika Mkandawire tat prompted te University of Gana to invite im to deliver te 2013 lectures, and te event turned out to be a great success. his publication of te lectures delivered over tree days is our way of saring a great lecture series wit te larger world tat missed te oppor-tunity to listen to tem personally in 2013.
Ernest Aryeetey Vîce Canceor, Unîversîty o Gana.
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