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The academy is often described as an ivory tower, isolated from the community surrounding it. Presenting the theory, vision, and implementation of a socially engaged program for the Department of Human and Organizational Development (HOD) in Peabody's College of Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt University, Academics in Action! describes a more integrated model wherein students and faculty work with communities, learn from them, and bring to bear findings from theory and research to generate solutions to community problems.Offering examples of community-engaged theory, scholarship, teaching, and action, Academics in Action! describes the nuanced structures that foster and support their development within a research university. Theory and action span multiple ecological levels from individuals and small groups to organizations and social structures. The communities of engagement range from local neighborhoods and schools to arenas of national policy and international development.Reflecting the unique perspectives of research faculty, practitioners, and graduate students, Academics in Action! documents a specific philosophy of education that fosters and supports engagement; the potentially transformative nature of academic work for students, faculty, and the broader society; and some of the implications and challenges of action-oriented efforts in light of dynamics such as income inequality, racism, and global capitalism. This edited volume chronicles teaching, research, and community action that influences both inside and outside the classroom as well as presents dimensions of a participatory model that set such efforts into action.
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Date de parution

04 janvier 2016

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Poids de l'ouvrage

3 Mo

Academîcs în Actîon!
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Academîcs în Actîon! a m o d el f o r co mmuni t y- en g a ged r e se a r c h , t e a c hin g , a nd ser v i c e
Sandra L. Barnes, Lauren Brînkley-Rubînsteîn, Bernadette Doykos, Nîna C. Martîn, and Allîson McGuîre Edîtors
f or dh a m u n i v e r s i t y p r e s s New York 
Copyrîght ©  Fordham Unîversîty Press
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Lîbrary o Congress Cataogîng-în-Pubîcatîon Data
Names: Barnes, Sandra L., edîtor. Tîte: Academîcs în actîon! : a mode or communîty-engaged research,  teachîng, and servîce / edîted by Sandra L. Barnes, Lauren  Brînkey-Rubînsteîn, Bernadette Doykos, Nîna C. Martîn, and  Aîson McGuîre. Descrîptîon: Fîrst edîtîon. | New York : Fordham Unîversîty Press,  [] |  Incudes bîbîographîca reerences and îndex. Identîfiers: LCCN | ISBN   (coth : ak. paper) | ISBN  (pbk. : ak. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Actîon research în educatîon. | Communîty and  schoo. |  Dewey, John, –. Cassîficatîon: LCC LB. .A  | DDC .—dc LC record avaîabe at http://ccn.
Prînted în the Unîted States o Amerîca
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Fîrst edîtîon
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 Introductîon Sandra L. Barnes, Lauren Brînkley-Rubînsteîn, Bernadette Doykos, Nîna C. Martîn, and Allîson McGuîre
par t i: theories, fr ame works, and t went y-firs t century de we yism   John Dewey, Partîcîpatory Democracy, and Unîversîty-Communîty Partnershîps Robert Innes, Leîgh Gîlchrîst, Susan Frîedman, and Krîsten Tompkîns   The Ethîca Foundatîons o Human and Organîzatîona Deveopment Programs: The Ethîcs o Human Deveopment and Communîty Across the Currîcuum Paul R. Dokeckî, Mark McCormack, Hasîna Mohyuddîn, and Lînda Isaacs
par t ii: implic ations and responses: ac ademics in ac tion!   Usîng Research to Guîde Eforts to Prevent and End Homeessness Marybeth Shînn, Lîndsay S. Mayberry, Andrew L. Greer, Benjamîn W. Fîsher, Jessîca Gîbbons-Benton, and Vera S. Chatman   Ecoogîca Research Promotîng Posîtîve Youth Deveopment Carol T. Nîxon, Bernadette Doykos, Velma McBrîde Murry, Maury Natîon, Nîna C. Martîn, Alley Pîckren, and Joseph Gardella   Puttîng Boyer’s Four Types o Schoarshîp înto Practîce: A Communîty Research and Actîon Perspectîve on Pubîc Heath Lauren Brînkley-Rubînsteîn, Vera S. Chatman, Laurel Lunn, Abbey Mann, and Craîg Anne Heflînger
vi contents
  Conductîng Research on Comprehensîve Communîty Deveopment Inîtîatîves: Baancîng Methodoogîca Rîgor and Communîty Responsîveness Kîmberly D. Bess, Bernadette Doykos, Joanna D. Geller, Krîsta L. Craven, and Maury Natîon
par t iii: ac ademic s truc tures that fos ter synergy, coll abor ation, and courses   The Fîed Schoo în Intercutura Educatîon as a Mode or Internatîona Servîce-Learnîng and Coaboratîve Actîon-Research Traînîng Holly L. Karakos, Benjamîn W. Fîsher, Joanna Geller, Laurel Lunn, Neal A. Palmer, Douglas D. Perkîns, Nîkolay Mîhaylov, Wîllîam L. Partrîdge, and Sharon Shîelds   Creatîng a Mosaîc o Reîgîous Vaues and Narratîves: Partîcîpant-Researcher Roes o an Interaîth Research Group Seekîng to Understand Interaîth Organîzatîons Hasîna Mohyuddîn, Mark McCormack, Paul R. Dokeckî, and Lînda Isaacs   Internshîp: Sîtuated Learnîng în the Department o Human and Organîzatîona Deveopment Heather L. Smîth, Vîctorîa J. Davîs, Marybeth Shînn, and Stephanîe Zuckerman  Can Synergy Across Theory, Pedagogy, and Practîce Guîde Proessîona Educatîon? The Communîty Deveopment and Actîon and Human Deveopment Counseîng Graduate Experîences Andrew Fînch, Oluchî Nwosu, Gîna Frîeden, Emîly Hennessey, Craîg Anne Heflînger, Allîson McGuîre, Sarah V. Suîter, Emîly Burchfield, Nîna C. Martîn, Lînda Isaacs, Lauren Brînkley-Rubensteîn, Paul Speer, Abbey Mann, Sharon Shîelds, Neal Palmer, Bethany Pîttman, and Sandra L. Barnes  Concusîon: Academîcs în Actîon—Brîdgîng Prîncîpes and Practîce! 
About the Edîtors Index
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Academîcs în Actîon!
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s a n dr a l . b a r n es, l au r e n br i n k l e y ru binst ein, ber na det t e d oy kos, n ina c. m a rt in, a n d a l l ison mcgu ir e
Ideas are worthess except as they pass înto actîons whîch rearrange and reconstruct în some way, be ît îtte or arge, the word în whîch we îve.
1 —John Dewey, 
Town versus gown—pubîsh or perîsh. The academy îs oten de-scrîbed as an îvory tower, îsoated rom the communîty around ît. Thîs 2 edîted voume descrîbes a more întegrated mode or the academy whereîn students and acuty work wîth communîtîes, earn rom them, and brîng to bear findîngs rom theory and research on generatîng sou-tîons or sovîng communîty probems. Because socîa probems are not the provenance o any one dîscîpîne, the mode îs înherenty înterdîscî-pînary, whereîn theory and actîon span mutîpe ecoogîca eves rom îndîvîduas and sma groups to organîzatîons and socîa structures. The communîtîes o engagement range rom oca neîghborhoods and schoos to arenas o natîona poîcy and înternatîona deveopment. These orms o engagement requîre careuy crated înstîtutîona structures and în-tentîonay monîtored processes or support. Thîs voume ofers exampes o communîty-engaged theory, schoarshîp, teachîng, and actîon and de-scrîbes the nuanced structures that oster and support theîr deveopment wîthîn a research unîversîty. Exampes are drawn rom the Department o Human and Organîzatîona Deveopment (HOD) at Vanderbît Unîversîty’s
. FromReason and Teachîngby Israe Scheler (). New York: Routedge Press, p. . . Thîs voume reflects the edîtorîa eforts o a first edîtor (Sandra L. Barnes) and a team o second edîtors. The our-person group o second edîtors (Aîson McGuîre, Nîna C. Martîn, Bernadette Doykos, and Lauren Brînkey-Rubînsteîn) made equa con-trîbutîons toward the competîon o thîs voume.
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