Visions of Deliverance , livre ebook









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In Visions of Deliverance, Mayte Green-Mercado traces the circulation of Muslim and crypto-Muslim apocalyptic texts known as joferes through formal and informal networks of merchants, Sufis, and other channels of diffusion among Muslims and Christians across the Mediterranean from Constantinople and Venice to Morisco towns in eastern Spain. The movement of these prophecies from the eastern to the western edges of the Mediterranean illuminates strategies of Morisco cultural and political resistance, reconstructing both productive and oppositional interactions and exchanges between Muslims and Christians in the early modern Mediterranean.Challenging a historiography that has primarily understood Morisco apocalyptic thought as the expression of a defeated group that was conscious of the loss of their culture and identity, Green-Mercado depicts Moriscos not simply as helpless victims of Christian oppression but as political actors whose use of end-times discourse helped define and construct their society anew. Visions of Deliverance helps us understand the implications of confessionalization, forced conversion, and assimilation in the early modern period and the intellectual and theological networks that shaped politics and identity across the Mediterranean in this era.
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Date de parution

15 janvier 2020





Poids de l'ouvrage

8 Mo

M ay te G r e e n  M e r c a d o
CORNE UNïVERSïTY PRESS Ithaca and London
Copyrîght © 209 by Corne Unîversîty
A rîghts reserved. Except or brîe quotatîons în a revîew, thîs book, or parts thereo, must not be reproduced în any orm wîthout permîssîon în wrîtîng rom the pubîsher. For înormatîon, address Corne Unîversîty Press, Sage House, 52 East State Street, ïthaca, New York 4850. Vîsît our websîte at cornepress.corne.edu.
Fîrst pubîshed 209 by Corne Unîversîty Press
îbrary o Congress Cataogîng-în-Pubîcatîon Data
Names: Green-Mercado, Mayte, author. Tîte: Vîsîons o deîverance : Morîscos and the poîtîcs o  prophecy în the eary modern Medîterranean / Mayte  Green-Mercado. Descrîptîon: ïthaca, [New York] : Corne Unîversîty Press, 209. | ïncudes bîbîographîca reerences and îndex. ïdentîIers: CCN 20902096 (prînt) | CCN 209988  (ebook) | ïSBN 9785074463 (coth) |  ïSBN 9785074487 (epub) | ïSBN 9785074470 (pd ) Subjects: CSH: Cathoîc Church—Reatîons—ïsam. |  Morîscos—Prophecîes.| Morîscos—Medîterranean  Regîon—Hîstory—6th century. | Musîms—Spaîn—  Hîstory—6th century. | Prophecy—ïsam. |  Prophecy—Poîtîca aspects—Spaîn. | ïsam—Spaîn—  Hîstory—6th century. | ïsam—Reatîons—Cathoîc  Church. | Spaîn—Hîstory—Prophecîes. CassîIcatîon: CC DP04 .G74 209 (prînt) | CC DP04 (ebook) | DDC 305.6/9709460903—dc23 C record avaîabe at https://ccn.902096 C ebook record avaîabe at https://ccn.  /209988
Cover îmage: Vîcente Carducho,La expusîón de os morîscos(c. 627), detaî. Museo de Prado. Used by permîssîon.
The afaîrs o Spaîn were so conused, men were so perpexed, that ît seemed îke ît was a heaveny scourge, and that another destructîon and end woud come over these kîngdoms, worse than ît had been în the tîmes o the Kîng Don Rodrîgo. They beîeved în omens; they cast predîctîons and prognostîcatîons threatenîng great mîsortune. Some demons învented who knows what prophecîes, whîch some saîd were by St. ïsîdore, archbîshop o Sevîe, others by Fr. Juan de Rocacesa [John o Rupescîssa], and one o Merîn and other wîse men, and o St. John Damascene [John o Damascus], and weepîng or paînts that St. ïsîdore crîed over Spaîn. And în a o them [there were] so many bad sîgns o caamîtîes and destructîon or Spaîn that peopewereterrîIedandwentaboutdazed. Prudencîo de Sandova,Hîstorîa de a vîda y hechos de emperador Caros V(604), part , book 6, chapter 2
Co n t e n t s
Acknowedmentsîx Note on Transîteratîons and Cîtatîons
 ïntroductîon  . Chrîstîan Vîsîonary or Musîm Prophet? Re-Creatîng ïdentîtîes în ate Spanîsh ïsam 9  2. The Return o Musîm Granada: Prophecy and Martyrdom în the Apujarras Revot (568–570) 64  3. Ottoman Rome: Apocayptîc Prophecîes în the Medîterranean (570–580) 00  4. “The Grand Morîsco Conspîracy”: Prophecy and Rebeîon Pots în Vaencîa and Aragon (570–582) 30  5. Prophetîc Fabrîcatîons o a Morîsco ïnormant: Gî Pérez and the Morîscos o Vaencîa 65  6. Prophecy as Dîpomacy: The Morîscos and Henry ïV o France 24  Epîogue 237
Appendîx A: Fîrst Pronostîcatîon o the War o Granada249 Appendîx B: Second Pronostîcatîon o the War o Granada254
v i i i
Appendîx C: Thîrd Pronostîcatîon o the War o Granada258 Appendîx D: Prophecy o Fr. Juan de Rokasîya263 Appendîx E: Account o the Scandas That Wî Take Pace at the End o Tîmes în the Isand o Spaîn267 Appendîx F: Prophecy o St. Isîdore27 Appendîx G: Paînt o Spaîn274 Appendîx H: Muammad’s Prophecy about Spaîn277 Bîbîoraphy28 Index303
A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s
Over the years ï have amassed debt that wî never be repaîd. ï woud îke to thank peope who have been înstrumenta în the deveopment o thîs book. ï am grateu to my mentors at The Unîversîty o Chîcago who saw thîs project come to îe when ï was a graduate student. Corne H. Feîscher, Tamar Herzog, Fred Donner, John E. Woods, and the ate Farouk Mustaa taught me to thînk în deep, broad, and connected ways. Davîd Nîrenberg supported my work at a crucîa moment. Hîs work has served as an înspîratîon throughout the years, and ï am grateu or the oppor-tunîty to work wîth hîm. Therearerîendsandcoeagueswîthoutwhosehepïwoudnothavebeen abe to compete thîs book—peope who are true schoars în every sense o the word. Ryan Szpîech, a mode coeague and mentor, read an înîtîa u drat o the manuscrîpt and gave vauabe eedback. My conversatîons and coaboratîons wîth Evrîm Bînbaenrîched my work în countess ways, rom hepîng me acquîre sources to readîng every sînge chapter o thîs book. ï am deepy grateu or hîs rîendshîp and constant support. My husband Javîer Castro-ïbaseta’s sharp and crîtîca eedback on every aspect o my work has made me a better schoar. He saw thîs project în îts very begînnîng stages, and has been here to îts very end. ï am grateu to hîm or readîng and re-readîng and never growîng tîred o ît. Many coeagues heped me reIne many o the îdeas în thîs book. ï had the prîvîege and honor to have been part o the Medîterranean workîng group and the ïsamîc Studîes Program at the Unîversîty o Mîchîgan. Nu-merous rîends and coeagues dîscussed specîIc aspects o my book. Thanks to Kathryn Babayan, Paroma Chatterjee, Husseîn Fancy, Enrîque García Santo Tomás, Gottrîed Hagen, Mîchee Hannoosh, Kara Maette, Devî Mays, and Dîane Owen Hughes. Kara Maete and Mîchee Hannoosh pro-vîded împortant eedback on my transatîons rom ïtaîan and French. ï am grateu to a or makîng me ee îke ï was part o a strong înteectua amîy. Four brîîant schoars and dear rîends, María Doores Morîo, Eveyn Asutany,DeîrdreDeaCruz,andShobîtaParthasarathy,haveenrîchedme
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