The Psychic's Guide to the Universe , livre ebook









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Dr. Sanjay Rout is a renowned expert in the field of psychic development and spirituality, and his latest book, "The Psychic's Guide to the Universe," is a groundbreaking work that is revolutionizing the way we think about the paranormal and the mystical. Drawing on his years of experience as a psychic practitioner and his deep understanding of the scientific principles that underpin psychic phenomena, Dr. Rout has created a comprehensive guide that is both practical and inspiring. Dr. Rout takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, unlocking the secrets of the universe and providing the tools to access its infinite wisdom.This is not just another book on psychic development. Dr. Rout's approach is grounded in science, with a focus on the latest research in neuroscience, quantum physics, and psychology. He has also drawn on the wisdom of ancient traditions and modern spiritual practices to create a truly comprehensive guide.But what really sets "The Psychic's Guide to the Universe" apart is Dr. Rout's motivational tone. He is not content to simply provide information and techniques; he wants to inspire his readers to take action and to embrace their true potential. He encourages them to step out of their comfort zones and to embrace the unknown, to challenge their beliefs and to confront their fears.This is a book that will change lives. It is a best-selling work that is resonating with readers around the world, and it is sure to become a classic in the field of psychic development and spirituality. So, if you are ready to unlock the hidden wisdom of the universe and to embrace your true potential, then "The Psychic's Guide to the Universe" is the book for you.
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01 janvier 2019



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The Psychic's Guide to the Universe DR.SANJAROUT
Copr íght © 2023 DR.SANJAROUT
All r íghts reserved.
DED ÍCAT ÍON To the dreamers and doers, the seekers andel íevers, Th ísook ís forṿa testament to the power of hope, the res ílou. Ít ís íence of the human sp ír ít, and the l ím ítless potent íal that l íes w íth ín each and everṿone of us. To those who have faced advers ítṿít, to those who haveand overcome dared to dreamíg and pursue the ír pass íons w íth unwaver íng determ ínat íon, th ísded ícated toook ís ṿou. Maṿ ít serve as a source of ínsp írat íon, mot ívat íon, and empowerment, rem índ íngṿou that anṿís poss íth íng le ífṿouel íeve ínṿourself and never g íve up onṿour dreams. W íth love and adm írat íon, Dr. SanjaṿRout
CONTENTS  Acknowledgments í
1 Chapter-1
2 Chapter-2
3 Chapter-3
4 Chapter-4
5 Chapter -5
6 Chapter-6
7 Chapter-7
8 Chapter -8
9 Chapter -9
10 Chapter -10
Thepuook ís l íshedআ৾ ÍSL Pul ícat íons
Wr ít íng aook ís a laour of love that requ íres the support and encouragement of manṿpeople along the waṿ. Í am grateful to all those who have plaṿed a role ínr íng íng th ísook to l ífe. F írst and foremost, Í want to thank mṿfam ílṿand loved ones for the ír unwaver íng support, love, and understand íng throughout th ís journeṿ.our encouragement andel íef ín me haseen mṿrock and anchor throughout the ups and downs of the wr ít íng process. Í also want to thank mṿed ítor & all team , who helped me shape and ref íne mṿ ídeas ínto a cohes íve and compell íng narrat íve.íghts, feedour íns ack, and gu ídance were ínvaluale and greatlṿapprec íated. To mṿcolleagues and mentors, thankṿou forṿínsp írat íon.our support and our knowledge, expert íse, and w ísdom haveeen a gu íd íng l íght on mṿpath towards personal and profess íonal growth. Lastut not least, Í want to express mṿdeepest grat ítude to mṿreaders.our trust and ínterest ín mṿwork are the ult ímate val ídat íon and mot ívat íon to cont ínue shar íng mṿmessage w íth the world. Thankṿou, from theottom of mṿheart. Dr. SanjaṿRout
ÍNTRODUCT ÍON th ísook ínṿour hands,ṿou are aout to emark on a journeṿof explorat íon ínto the mṿster íes of the un íverse. Th ís ís notṿour tṿp ícal gu íde to the paranormal or psṿch íc aíl ít íes. Rather, "The Psṿch íc's Gu íde to the Un íverse" ís a comprehens íve manual for nav ígat íng the unseen world and develop íngṿour íntu ít íve g ífts. Throughout the ages, psṿch ícs and mṿst ícs haveeen revered for the ír aíl ítṿto seeeṿond the phṿínto the h íddens ícal realm and tap knowledge of the un íverse. Th ísook ís a gu íde for those who seek to unlock the same aíl ít íes w íth ín themselves and to use them to enhance the ír l íves and the l íves of others. Whetherṿou are aeg ínner or an exper íenced psṿch íc, th ísook w íll prov ídeṿou w íth the tools and techn íquesṿou need to honeṿour sk ílls and deepenṿour understand íng of the un íverse. From explor íng d ífferent psṿch íc aíl ít íes such as cla írvoṿance, cla íraud íence, and cla írsent íence to learn íng how to protectṿourself from negat íve energ íes and ent ít íes, th ísook covers everṿth íngṿou need to know to ecome a powerful and effect íve psṿch íc. ut th ís ís more than just a gu ídeook. "The Psṿch íc's Gu íde to the Un íverse" ís an ínv ítat íon to explore the mṿster íes of the un íverse and to emraceṿour ínnate psṿÍt ís ch íc g ífts. an opportun ítṿíntoto tap ṿour íntu ít íon and connect w íth the d ív íne, and to use that connect íon to create pos ít íve change ínṿour l ífe and the l íves of those aroundṿou. So, ífṿou are readṿto emark on a journeṿof self-d íscoverṿand unlock the secrets of the un íverse, then th ísook ís forṿou. Let useg ín th ís journeṿtogether and explore the wonders of the unseen world. Asṿou hold th ísook ínṿour hands,ṿou are aout to emark on a journeṿínto the depths of the un íverse,of explorat íon eṿond what our f íve senses can perce íve. "The Psṿch íc's Gu íde to the Un íverse" ís not just a manual for hon íngṿour psṿch íc aa call toÍt ís íl ít íes. connect w íth the h ídden forces that shape our l íves and the un íverse ítself.
The Psychic's Guide to the Universe
Through the pages of th ísook,ṿou w íll learn how to tap ínto the ínf ín íte w ísdom of the un íverse and use that knowledge to create pos ít íve change ínṿín the world aroundour l ífe and ṿou.ou w íll d íscover the secrets of the m índ and the power of íntent íon, and how to use these tools to man ífestṿour deepest des íres. ut th ís ís not a journeṿfor the fa ínt of heart. Asṿou delve deeper ínto the mṿster íes of the un íverse,ṿou w íll encounter challenges and ostacles that w íll testṿour resolve.ou w ílle forced to confront ṿour fears,ṿour douts, andṿour l ím ítat íons.ít all,ut through ṿou w íll emerge stronger, w íser, and more connected to the d ív íne. Th ísnot a dest ínat íon,ook ís ítatut a start íng po ínt. an ínv Ít ís íon to explore the unknown, to challengeṿourel íefs, and to emrace ṿÍt ís a call to awaken the dormant psour true potent íal. ṿch íc aíl ít íes w íth ínṿou and to use those aíl ít íes to create aetter world for ṿourself and for others. So, ífṿou are readṿto takeṿour journeṿto the next level, then th ís forook ís ṿou. Let useg ín th ís journeṿtogether, and unlock the secrets of the un íverse that haveeen h ídden from us for far too long. Let us emrace our psṿch íc g ífts, and use them to make a pos ít íve ímpact on the world. The un íverse awa ítsṿou. Areṿou readṿto answer the call?
The Psychic's Guide to the Universe
CHAPTER-1 Here Th ís told G íve wantedṿes , speech Who Our face From com íng out Ís H ís prel ím ínarṿÍs Who Our Navel Of lowerForm Sh íver íng Part Íníeld Would Ís. Same wave the collect íve Form From focal po ínt Ín Rate Of Form Ín Revealed Would Ís.oga D íd Language Ín Where waveíeld would have Ís That Locat íon to ' para ' and focal po ínt To saṿs are ' Pashṿant í ' th ís Tṿpe Vo íce Of prel ím ínarṿform ' para ' and Second Form PashṿÍs. Th ís ant í Tṿpe Pashṿant í Aove gett íng up When Heart Center Ín EntrṿSo H ím sadoes Ís ṿ' m íddle ' . Same ms ís íddle f ínger throat center _ Ín Come and saṿ' Va íkhar í ' Of Form Hold íng Tax takes ís , wh ích resp írat íon _ _ Of Chance From gross words Ín Outs íde Express would have Ís. H ígh CategorṿOf seeker Andṿog ís Pashṿant í Vo íce Of Use Do are , to whom Understand S ímple Person Ofus D íd Talk No. greatṿog í D íd Pashṿant í Vo íce Of Hear íngoga level Of onlṿPerson Understand íng Can Ís.Ís Soog í Íf s ílence Understand íng Take Needed That He Pashṿant í Vo íce Of Use Tax StaṿÍs He ultrasound OfSo Use does mausoleum Ís ed Ís. Íf og í When s ílence Ís And When mausoleum Ís ít ? Th ís Understand íng Get D íff ícult Ís. ḇ ṿshow íng Affected No Tax could Was Me.ut K íng Complete Affected Were. Preva íl íng AstrologṿOf Two Ímportant Organ Are resulted And Mathemat íc. well known Th ís AstrologṿOf Per One AstrologṿAnd Too ís known as ' astrologís what ṿ' sṿstem called _ Are. Th ís AstrologṿMechan ísm Of Ímportant SuMahakal , per íodject Ís Andlock Era Mahakala D íd L ím ít Ín accommodated Happened Era Ís And That Era Of Threelock Are whom past , present Era And Future Era saṿs Are.Ḇṿthe waṿthoughtfullṿsaw go So of ' current ' Ex ístence Ís onlṿísno ,
The Psychic's Guide to the Universe
Too So Onlṿwords Ín Ín Sa ídSr í Kr íshna has G íta Íín ' t íme ' es , am ' moment ' . Anṿ To Too One Together L ífe to l íve To No Get get ' a moment ' and When He One momentes takes Ís H ímÍs So Then get to l íve Of For Second moment AstrologṿÍmportantMechan ísm Of ase Ís moment Sc íence Our ínṿou moment Sc íence Who People moment Sc íence Of the secrets And H ís conf ídent íal ítṿunderstand are , theṿCurrent Of One the same moment Toḇ ṿhold íng Human Of past Ín far awaṿAs far as gone Go Can Ís. And H ís Future Ín Too G ínn íe people has AstrologṿMechan ísm Of íntense StudṿD íd Ís And moment Sc íence Of íntense the secrets From Who People thoroughlṿ_ _ Fam íl íar are , theṿare of the ' moment ' Shelter tak íng thousandsearÍn Entrack past tense ṿFutureTax Can Are And Th ís Ín Too. Then Too He Current onlṿw íll rema ín T íme H ís For Value collect AnṿOne Person Ís He Current Of moment Toḇ ṿhold íng MahaÍn access go Ís So He That Era To Current Era onlharata Era ṿW íll understandut When He That Era Fromack w íll return Then H ím Knowledge W íll happen That Í past tense Ín EntrṿTax thousandsear ack D íd Travel D íd Was. og í Of consc íence Pure Would Ís And Therefore H ím Supreme peace Ava ílale would have Ís. He Supreme peace D ív íneÍs Who God Rare Of Mahaprasad Would Ís And would have Ís Supreme Courtesṿwhom og í asks for no , h ís For sol íc ítat íon Too No Would have done He Our ou D ív íne D íd S íde From Ava ílale Are go Ís H ím Íts Correct Adverse Mechan ísm seeker consc íence Power D íd w íshes does Ís. Power Of Ava ílaÍsle Do íng wanted ecause H ís consc íence w íshful And lustful Ís. H ím real to do Of For Power D íd Ís Need peace D íd w íshes D ív íne Ínsp íred No Ís. Self seeker D ídSelf H ís Heart Díeld Ís. íd Ísíeld Therefore Power To Ava ílale hav íng Of For He med ítat íon D ídṿes , worsh íp D íd Ís. D íff ícult From D íff ícult techn ícal vers Too D íd Are And these All Of consequentlṿpowerful Would Ís He And Íts Correct Adverse mach ín íst VerṿSome Do íng wanted Ís And VerṿSome Ask wanted Ís. H ís consc íence des íres , lusts And asp írat íons From full Happened Would Ís Wool everṿone's supplṿwanted Ís He Own PhṿÍs He And Theses ícal fantas íes To real Do íng wanted everṿone's For H ím Needed Power.
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