The Modern Men's Torah Commentary , livre ebook









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Reconnect with the power and promise of engagement with Torah—from a modern men's perspective.

This major contribution to modern biblical commentary addresses the most important concerns of modern men—issues like relationships, sexuality, ambition, work and career, body image, aging, and life passages—by opening them up to the messages of the Torah. It includes commentaries by some of the most creative and influential rabbis, cantors, journalists, media figures, educators, professors, authors, communal leaders, and musicians in contemporary Jewish life, and represents all denominations in Judaism. Featuring poignant and probing reflections on the weekly Torah portions, this collection shows men how the messages of the Torah intersect with their own lives by focusing on modern men’s issues.

Ideal for anyone wanting a new, exciting view of Torah, this rich resource offers perspectives to inspire all of us to gain deeper meaning from the Torah as well as a heightened appreciation of Judaism and its relevance to our lives.

Contributors: Rabbi Howard A. Addison • Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson • Doug Barden • Rabbi Tony Bayfield, DD • Ariel Beery • Rabbi Joseph Black • Rabbi Mitchell Chefitz • Dr. Norman J. Cohen • Rabbi Mike Comins • Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff, PhD • Rabbi Dan Ehrenkrantz • Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins • Rabbi Edward Feinstein • Rabbi Mordecai Finley, PhD • Wayne L. Firestone • Rabbi David J. Gelfand • Dr. Sander L. Gilman • Ari L. Goldman • Rabbi Daniel Gordis, PhD • Rabbi Arthur Green • Rabbi Steven Greenberg • Joel Lurie Grishaver • Rabbi Donniel Hartman, PhD • Rabbi Hayim Herring, PhD • Peter Himmelman • Rabbi Walter Homolka, PhD • Rabbi Reuven Kimelman • Rabbi Elliott Kleinman • Cantor Jeff Klepper • Rabbi Peter S. Knobel • Rabbi Harold S. Kushner • Rabbi Daniel Landes • Rabbi Steven Z. Leder • Prof. Julius Lester • Rabbi Robert N. Levine, DD • Rabbi Joseph B. Meszler • Rabbi John Moscowitz • Rabbi Perry Netter • Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky • Rabbi Stephen S. Pearce, PhD • Rabbi Daniel F. Polish • Dennis Prager • Rabbi Jack Riemer • Rabbi Stephen B. Roberts • Rabbi David B. Rosen • Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin • Rabbi Sidney Schwarz, PhD • Rabbi Rami Shapiro • Rabbi Charles Simon • Rabbi Elie Kaplan Spitz • Craig Taubman • Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman • Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub • Rabbi Avraham (Avi) Weiss • Dr. Ron Wolfson • Rabbi David J. Wolpe • Rabbi David Woznica • Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman • Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel

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Date de parution

02 août 2011

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Also by Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin from Jewish Lights
A Dream of Zion
American Jews Reflect on Why Israel Matters to Them
Righteous Gentiles in the Hebrew Bible
Ancient Role Models for Sacred Relationships
Being God s Partner
How to Find the Hidden Link between Spirituality and Your Work
Putting God on the Guest List, 3rd Ed .
How to Reclaim the Spiritual Meaning of Your Child s Bar or Bat Mitzvah
For Kids-Putting God on Your Guest List, 2nd Ed .
How to Claim the Spiritual Meaning of Your Bar or Bat Mitzvah
The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Memory Book, 2nd Ed .
An Album for Treasuring the Spiritual Celebration

The Modern Men s Torah Commentary:
New Insights from Jewish Men on the 54 Weekly Torah Portions
2009 Hardcover, First Printing
2009 by Jeffrey K. Salkin
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or reprinted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
For information regarding permission to reprint material from this book, please write or fax your request to Jewish Lights Publishing, Permissions Department, at the address / fax number listed below, or e-mail your request to .
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The modern men s Torah commentary : new insights from Jewish men on the 54 weekly Torah portions / edited by Jeffrey K. Salkin.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-58023-395-8 (hardcover)
ISBN-10: 1-58023-395-3 (hardcover)
1. Bible. O.T. Pentateuch-Commentaries. 2. Judaism-20th century. 3. Jewish way of life. I. Salkin, Jeffrey K., 1954-
BS1225.52.M63 2009
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Manufactured in the United States of America
Jacket Design: Tim Holtz
Jacket Art: Heritage III by Shraga Weil, signed and numbered serigraph published by Safrai Gallery, 19 King David St., Jerusalem, Israel;
For People of All Faiths, All Backgrounds
Published by Jewish Lights Publishing
A Division of LongHill Partners, Inc.
Sunset Farm Offices, Route 4, P.O. Box 237
Woodstock, VT 05091
Tel: (802) 457-4000 Fax: (802) 457-4004
To my sons, Samuel Asher Salkin and Gabriel Adin Salkin
Be strong and show yourself a man.
(1 Kings 2:2)
Index by Contributor
How to Use This Book
Bereshit / Genesis

Bereshit (1:1-6:8): Where Are Your Brothers?
Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman
The Curse of Solitude
Rabbi David J. Wolpe
Noach (6:9-11:32): What Kind of Father Was Lamech?
Rabbi John Moscowitz
Lech Lecha (12:1-17:27): More Than Bread and Wine
Rabbi Mordecai Finley, PhD
Vayera (18:1-22:24): The Joy of Waiting
Dr. Sander L. Gilman
Come On In!
Dr. Ron Wolfson
Chayei Sarah (23:1-25:18): The Grace of Mourning
Rabbi Robert N. Levine, DD
Toldot (25:19-28:9): Twin Sons, Twin Destinies
Rabbi Peter S. Knobel
Vayetzei (28:10-32:3): Night School
Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky
Vayishlach (32:4-36:43): A Time to Embrace
Dr. Norman J. Cohen
Vayeshev (37:1-40:23): Every Family Has a Joseph
Prof. Julius Lester
Miketz (41:1-44:17): (Re-)Dressing Up
Joel Lurie Grishaver
Vayigash (44:18-47:27): Mensching Up
Rabbi Daniel F. Polish
Vayechi (47:28-50:26): Owning All Our Feelings
Rabbi Hayim Herring, PhD
Shemot / Exodus

Shemot (1:1-6:1): The Making of Moses
Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin
Va era (6:2-9:35): My God Can Beat Up Your God!
Rabbi Rami Shapiro
Bo (10:1-13:16): The Inner Pharaoh
Rabbi Joseph Black
Beshalach (13:17-17:16): The Real Birth of a Nation
Cantor Jeff Klepper
Not Just for the Birds
Ari L. Goldman
Yitro (18:1-20:26): No Exodus from the Family!
Rabbi Dan Ehrenkrantz
Honor and Love
Rabbi David Woznica
Mishpatim (21:1-24:18): A Man in Public
Rabbi Donniel Hartman, PhD
Terumah (25:1-27:19): Gold for God?
Rabbi Perry Netter
Tetzaveh (27:20-30:10): The Audible Priest
Rabbi Avraham (Avi) Weiss
Ki Tisa (30:11-34:35): On Not Facing God
Rabbi Daniel Gordis, PhD
Vayakhel (35:1-38:20)- Pekudei (38:1-40:38): In Search of Bezalel
Rabbi Charles Simon
Vayikra / Leviticus

Vayikra (1:1-5:26): Sacrifice Play
Rabbi Joseph B. Meszler
Tzav (6:1-8:36): The Family Business
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
Shemini (9:1-11:47): How Could God ?
Rabbi Stephen S. Pearce, PhD
A Father s Silence
Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel
Tazria (12:1-13:59): Take Care of Yourself!
Rabbi Jack Riemer
Metzora (14:1-15:33): A Plague on All Our Houses
Rabbi Mitchell Chefitz
Acharei Mot (16:1-18:30): Our Bodies, Our Selves
Rabbi Steven Greenberg
Kedoshim (19:1-20:27): The Hardest Mitzvah?
Rabbi Reuven Kimelman
Holy Aware
Peter Himmelman
Emor (21:1-24:23): Baldness, Beards, Body-Bashing, and Bereavement: Guarding the (Masculine) Image of God
Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub, LCSW
Behar (25:10-26:2)- Bechukotai (26:3-27:34): Going to the Wild Places
Rabbi Mike Comins
Bemidbar / Numbers

Bemidbar (1:1-4:20): The Wilderness Speaks
Rabbi Edward Feinstein
Naso (4:21-7:89): His Own Unique Gift
Rabbi Elliot Kleinman
Behaalotecha (8:1-12:16): Can Moses Teach Us How Not to Burn Out?
Rabbi Elie Kaplan Spitz
Shelach-Lecha (13:1-15:41): Our Personal Minority Report
Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff, PhD
Korach (16:1-18:32): Can Egalitarianism Be Heretical?
Dennis Prager
Chukat (19:1-22:1): My Father s Vestments
Rabbi Steven Z. Leder
Balak (22:2-25:9): The Ass Sees What Man Cannot
Rabbi Walter Homolka, PhD, DHL
Pinchas (25:10-30:1): The Seduction of Zealotry
Rabbi Tony Bayfield, DD
Mattot (30:2-32:42): Jewish Warriors and Boundary Crossings
Doug Barden
Masei (33:1-36:13): Resting Places on the Journey
Rabbi Arthur Green
Devarim / Deuteronomy

Devarim (1:1-3:22): Words Like Bees
Rabbi Stephen B. Roberts
Va etchanan (3:23-7:11): Teach Your Sons ?
Wayne L. Firestone
Ekev (7:12-11:25): Making a Living and Making a Life
Rabbi David B. Rosen
Re eh (11:26-16:17): Choosing Is a Blessing
Rabbi David J. Gelfand
Shoftim (16:18-21:9): Judging the Judges
Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins
Ki Tetzei (21:10-25:19): (Young) Men of War
Rabbi Daniel Landes
Ki Tavo (26:1-29:8): Until This Very Day
Rabbi Sidney Schwarz, PhD
Nitzavim (29:9-30:20): A Few Choice Gifts
Rabbi Howard Avruhm Addison
Vayelech (31:1-30): How to Succeed at Failure
Rabbi Harold S. Kushner
A Time to Go
Ariel Beery
Haazinu (32:1-52): Ask Your Father
Craig Taubman
Ve-zot Ha-brachah (33:1-34:12): A Farewell Kiss from God
Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman
Rabbinic Commentators, Literary Figures, and Texts Noted in the Book
Bibliography and Suggestions for Further Reading

About Jewish Lights
Index by Contributor Addison, Howard A. Nitzavim Artson, Bradley Shavit Tzav Barden, Doug Mattot Bayfield, Tony Pinchas Beery, Ariel Vayelech Black, Joseph Bo Chefitz, Mitchell Metzora Cohen, Norman J. Vayishlach Comins, Mike Behar Dorff, Elliot N. Shelach-Lecha Ehrenkrantz, Dan Yitro Elkins, Dov Peretz Shoftim Feinstein, Edward Bemidbar Finley, Mordecai Lech Lecha Firestone, Wayne L. Va etchanan Gelfand, David J. Re eh Gilman, Sander L. Vayera Goldman, Ari L. Beshalach Gordis, Daniel Ki Tisa Green, Arthur Masei Greenberg, Steven Acharei Mot Grishaver, Joel Lurie Miketz Hartman, Donniel Mishpatim Herring, Hayim Vayechi Himmelman, Peter Kedoshim Homolka, Walter Balak Kimelman, Reuven Kedoshim Kleinman, Elliot Naso Klepper, Jeffrey Beshalach Knobel, Peter S. Toldot Kushner, Harold S. Vayelech Landes, Daniel Ki Tetzei Leder, Steven Z. Chukat Lester, Julius Vayeshev Levine, Robert N. Chayei Sarah Meszler, Joseph B. Vayikra Moscowitz, John Noach Netter, Perry Terumah Olitzky, Kerry M. Vayetzei Pearce, Stephen S. Shemini Polish, Daniel F. Vayigash Prager, Dennis Korach Riemer, Jack Tazria Roberts, Stephen B. Devarim Rosen, David B. Ekev Salkin, Jeffrey K. Shemot Schwarz, Sidney Ki Tavo Shapiro, Rami Va era Simon, Charles Vayakhel Spitz, Elie Kaplan Behaalotecha Taubman, Craig Haazinu Weiman-Kelman, Levi Ve-zot Ha-brachah Weintraub, Simkha Y. Emor Weiss, Avi Tetzaveh Wolfson, Ron Vayera Wolpe, David J. Bereshit Woznica, David Yitro Zemel, Daniel G. Shemini Zimmerman, Sheldon Bereshit
When I mentioned the idea of a modern men s Torah commentary to a friend, he was more than slightly amused. A men s Torah commentary? he laughed. You mean that the ancient Rabbis, Rashi, Ramban, Ibn Ezra, Maimonides, Samson Raphael Hirsch [the founder of modern Orthodoxy and classic Torah commentator], and Rabbi Gunther Plaut [the author of the modern Reform Torah commentary] weren t men? Not to mention all those obscure sages who have written countless commentaries on every text imaginable-books that line the shelves of seminary libraries and Jewish bookstores? To paraphrase the rock group Devo, Are they not men?
True, those commentaries were all written by men. Up until the modern age, Judaism was mostly produced, taught, and learned by men. But it isn t true enough. Because the whole notion of gender consciousness is remarkably modern, those commentators and authors didn t deal with the issues with which many modern men struggle-issues like relationships, sexuality, ambition, work and career, body image, aging, and life passages. Or if they did, you had to try to pull those insights out of the texts-a difficult, though exhilarating task. In collaboration with Jewish Lights, I wanted to create a Torah commentary that would open men up to the life of Torah and teach them how the life of Torah intersects with their own lives. I wanted to get men back to the life of Torah, and I am hoping that this book will show them how they can do precisely that.
Whoa! said another friend. Think twice about this. There are many new Torah commentaries written from the perspective of women that have been pu

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