Barbara Hale-Seubert STRUGGLING WITH AND RESURFACING FROM A DAUGHTER’S EATING DISORDER Advance Praise forRiptide “I defy any therapist to read Barbara Hale-Seubert’s book and remain emotionally aloof. While written as a personal story,Riptidewill benefit anyone who is dealing with a mentally ill or addicted family member. It serves as a model for how to go through such an experience with honesty and presence, while showing others how to care for oneself throughout the process. In writing about such a loss, Barbara beautifully details the pains, frustrations, guilt, anger, and even joys of her journey. She writes with genuine authenticity, warmth, compassion, and forgiveness — certainly for her daughter, and finally, for herself.” —David Mandelbaum, Ph.D., family therapist “Barbara Hale-Seubert has captured something I’ve never seen someone do in writing: the rawness and genuine authenticity of a mother’s pain. In the course of her book, she unlocked that pain and gave mothers permission to acknowledge their own needs and reactions.” —Carolyn Hodges, CEO of the Nutrition Clinic and Sol Stone Center for Eating Disorders “Barbara Hale-Seubert takes us on a compelling, heart-wrenching journey into her family’s fatal ten-year odyssey. Miraculously, Barbara is able to tell her devastating story in a way that provides hope and guidance to others.