Responsibility, Chastisement and Restoration , livre ebook









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Many Old Testament scholars have focused their studies of justice on the eighth-century BC prophets Isaiah, Amos and Micah, giving little or no attention to Hosea. Neglect of Hosea in relation to justice arises from the common notion that he was a prophet of love, and although some studies concede that parts of the book deal with justice, it is often overlooked or given secondary importance to other concerns and themes.
In this publication Ronald Laldinsuah addresses this misconception by demonstrating that Hosea was indeed a prophet of justice. Through careful analysis of the text as well as observing both the biblical concept and the secular notions of justice it is observed that justice must perpetuate right and true relationships. In ‘relational justice’ we see the inseparable relationship among humans, and between humans and God – emphasising Hosea’s message of responsibility, chastisement and restoration.
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Date de parution

11 juillet 2018





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1 Mo

hîs îs a Ine, caeuy ague bôôk tat estôes Hôsea tô a centa pace în scôasîp ôn te eîgt-centuy pôpets. Rôna aînsua as se new îgt ôn te eatîôna aspects ô justîce an sô sôwn tat te teme ô eatîôna justîce pevaes a pats ô te bôôk. ït côntaîns a etaîe stuy ô te text ô Hôsea, but îts centa tesîs abôut eatîôna justîce aws ôut te cônnectîôns wît te ôte pôpets ô îs tîme. Justîce îs nôt absent ôm Hôsea – e sîmpy eas wît justîce în a es way. he scôasîp îs tôôug an côntempôay, an aînsua îs caeu nôt tô ôve-ague îs case. he esut îs a sustaîne, cômpeîng agument abôut Hôsea’s passîônate côncen ô eatîônsîps tô be ôee an estôe în a Gô-ônôuîng way. ït wî sît te ebate în Hôsea stuîes by te ôce ô te autô’s îeas. Lîndsay Wîlson Acaemîc Dean, Senîô ectue în O Testament, Rîey Côege, Mebôune, Austaîa
Rôna aînsua as wîtten a caeu an tôôug anaysîs, cônvîncîngy aguîng tat Hôsea îs a pôpet ô eatîôna justîce. He emônstates tat te key temes an stuctue ô Hôsea eLects te categôîes ô espônsîbîîty, castîsement an estôatîôn. He sôws tat Hôsea aesses unamenta îssues ô justîce în ïsae beôe îts a tô Assyîa. ïn tîs, aînsua côects te cômmôny e vîew tat Hôsea îs a pôpet ô ôve. hîs bôôk îs îgy ecômmene ô a stuents ô Hôsea, as we as tôse înteeste în eîgt centuy ïsae an te peîô ô îts estuctîôn. Paul A. Barker Vîsîtîng ectue în O Testament, Sôut Asîa ïnstîtute ô Avance Cîstîan Stuîes, ïnîa angam Peacîng Côôînatô, Asîa
Responsibility, Castisement and Restoration
Relational Justice in te Book of Hosea
Ronald Laldinsua
© 05 by Rôna aînsua
Pubîse 05 by angam Mônôgaps an împrînt o Langam Creatîve Projects
angam Patnesîp PO Bôx 96, Caîse, Cumbîa CA3 9WZ, UK www.angam.ôg
ïSBNs: 978--78368-90-6 Pînt 978--78368-88-4 Môbî 978--78368-88- ePub 978--78368-880-7 PDF
Rôna aînsua as assete îs îgt une te Côpyîgt, Desîgns an Patents Act, 988 tô be îentîIe as te Autô ô tîs wôk.
A îgts eseve. Nô pat ô tîs pubîcatîôn may be epôuce, stôe în a etîeva system ô tansmîtte, în any ôm ô by any means, eectônîc, mecanîca, pôtôcôpyîng, ecôîng ô ôtewîse, wîtôut te pîô wîtten pemîssîôn ô te pubîse ô te Côpyîgt îcensîng Agency.
Brîtîs Lîbrary Cataloguîng în Publîcatîon Data
aînsua, Rôna, autô.  Respônsîbîîty, castîsement, an estôatîôn : eatîôna  justîce în te Bôôk ô Hôsea.  . Bîbe. Hôsea--Cîtîcîsm, întepetatîôn, etc.  . Justîce--Bîbîca teacîng. 3. Recôncîîatîôn-- Reîgîôus aspects--Cîstîanîty. 4. Justîce. 5. Bîbe.  Pôpets--Cîtîcîsm, întepetatîôn, etc.  ï. Tîte  4.6’06-c3
 ïSBN-3: 97878368906
Côve & Bôôk Desîgn: pôjectuz.côm
angam Patnesîp actîvey suppôts teôôgîca îaôgue an a scôa’s îgt tô pubîs but ôes nôt necessaîy enôse te vîews an ôpînîôns set ôt, an wôks eeence wîtîn tîs pubîcatîôn ô guaantee îts tecnîca an gammatîca côectness. angam Patnesîp ôes nôt accept any espônsîbîîty ô îabîîty tô pesôns ô pôpety as a cônsequence ô te eaîng, use ô întepetatîôn ô îts pubîse côntent.
Dedîcated to
my ate ater Rev Buakama, wo ed me to Crîst, and
îs my ero wo saped me to be wat ï am today. he
competîon o my doctora work comes as a uIment o
one o îs dreams or me.
Abbevîatîôns ....................................................................................... xv Capte One .........................................................................................  ïntroductory ïssues Statement ô te Pôbem.................................................................... Eabôatîôn ô Pôbem ....................................................................... he Scôpe an Natue ô tîs Stuy ....................................................5 hesîs Statement .................................................................................9 Pôceue ô tîs Stuy .......................................................................9 Capte Twô ....................................................................................... 5 Researc on te Book o Hosea Ovevîew ô Reseac........................................................................5 Majô Cômmentaîes ôn Hôsea ........................................................7 Majô Stuîes ôn Hôsea ....................................................................6 Reactîôna, Syncônîc, Fîna Fôm an îteay Anaysîs........6 Femînîst Cîtîcîsm, Metapôîca Stuîes an Hôsea as Pat ô te Tweve...................................................................30 Summay Assessment.................................................................38 Justîce Stuîes în te Hebew Bîbe...................................................40 Summay Assessment.................................................................49 Capte hee ..................................................................................... 5 ïn Searc o Prîncîpes: Toward a Reatîona Justîce Justîce în te Wîtîngs ô Cassîca Pîôsôpy ..................................5 Summay Assessment.................................................................57 Côntempôay Fôms ô Justîce ........................................................57 Cômmutatîve Justîce .................................................................58 Sôcîa Justîce..............................................................................58 Dîstîbutîve Justîce ....................................................................59 Retîbutîve Justîce......................................................................6 Restôatîve Justîce......................................................................6 Summay Assessment.................................................................64 ïntegatîng Dîfeent Types ô Justîce în Bîbîca Côntexts.................65 Summay an Côncusîôn .........................................................7
Capte Fôu....................................................................................... 73 he Bîbîca Concept o Reatîona Justîce Justîce în Bîbîca Pespectîve ............................................................73 as Reatîôna Faîtuness ....................................................74 קדצ as an exta Dee ô ône Pesôn tô anôte ..........................80 דסח as Sustaînîng Reatîônsîp.......................................86 טפ/טפמ Summay an Côncusîôn.................................................................94 Capte Fîve........................................................................................ 95 Hosea: he Socîo-Poîtîca Background and Hîs Message he Sôcîô-pôîtîca Backgôun ô Hôsea..........................................95 Pôîtîca Acîevement: he Resugence ô ïsae’s ïmpeîaîsm....98 Fôm Stabîîty tô Caôs: te Atemat ô Jeôbôam ïï..............99 Ecônômîc Sîtuatîôn: te Zenît ô Pôspeîty ..........................0 Môa Sîckness: he ïmpact ô Pôîtîca Expansîôn an Ecônômîc Gôwt................................................................03 Summay Assessment...............................................................06 Hôsea’s Message ..............................................................................07 Respônsîbîîty ..........................................................................07 Castîsement ...........................................................................4 Restôatîôn ..............................................................................8 Summay Assessment...............................................................0 Capte Sîx ....................................................................................... 3 Reatîona Justîce: Responsîbîîty, Castîsement and Restoratîon în Hosea A Stuctue ô Sîx Cyces..........................................................4 Excusus: Remaks ôn Metapô Stuîes an Femînîst Reaîngs ................................................................6 Hôsea an Hîs Famîy (:–3:5) .....................................................8 Stuctua Anaysîs ô Hôsea –3 .............................................8 Respônsîbîîty (:b–3; :4–7 [–5]; 3:–) ...................................3 Hôsea as Reatîônay Faîtu Fate/Husban........................33 Gôme as Reatîônay Faîtess Môte/Wîe ..........................36 Yawe as ïsae’s Côvenant Fate/Husban...........................43 Castîsements (:4–9 [–5]; :8–5 [6–3]; 3:3–4) .......................48 Embyônîc Names ô Castîsement (:4–9) ...........................49 Reactîôn ôm a Spune Husban (:8–5) ...........................50 Hôsea’s Stîctue tô îs Wîe (3:3–4) ........................................5 Restôatîôn (:–3 [:0–:]; :6–5 [4–3]; 3:5)....................53 Revesas ô ï-ômene Names (:–3)....................................53
ïmages ô Faîtu Reatîônsîp (:6–5) ...............................55 Castîse but Restôe (3:5)....................................................59 Summay Assessment ......................................................................6 Capte Seven ................................................................................... 63 Yawe and Hîs Peope (4:1–6:3) Stuctua Anaysîs ô Hôsea 4–...................................................63 Respônsîbîîty (4:–5:7)..................................................................67 Yawe’s Côntôvesy agaînst te Peôpe (4:–3) .....................68 he ïespônsîbe Pîests, Peôpe an Rues (4:4–9) ..............80 Castîsement (5:8–5)....................................................................86 An Ugent Wanîng ô Wa (5:8) .............................................88 he Cupabîîty ô Jua an Epaîm (5:0–)....................89 Yawe as ïness an Feôcîôus îôn (5:–5a).....................9 Restôatîôn (5:5b–6:3)..................................................................93 Exôtatîôn tô Retun tô Yawe (6:–)................................95 A Patway tô Retun (6:3) .......................................................96 Summay Assessment ......................................................................98 Capte Eîgt ................................................................................... 0 Yawe and Hîs Peope (6:4–11:11) Respônsîbîîty (6:4–8:4)................................................................0 he Feetîng Reatîôna Vîtues (6:4–6) ...................................0 Hôîbe Dees Encômpass te Entîe Hôuse ô ïsae (6:7–7:)..............................................................................04 Debaucey an PeIy wîtîn te Rôya Côut (7:3–7) .........07 Epaîm îs îke an Untune Cake, a Fôôe Dôve an a Fauty Bôw (7:8–6)..........................................................0 ïsae îs Rebeîôus, Rejectîng wat îs Reatîônay Gôô (8:–4)...............................................................................3 Castîsement (9:–0:5)...............................................................8 Fôm Days ô Ceebatîôns tô Days ô Dîspesîôn (9:–9) .......9 Fôm Gapes în te Deset tô Baenness (9:0–7) ................4 Fôm uxuîant Vînes tô Pôîsônôus Wees (0:–8) ...............7 A Taîne Heîe wô Pôugs ô Wîckeness (0:9–5) ........30 Restôatîôn (:–).....................................................................34 Yawe’s Cônsîstent Unîatea ôve (:–4)..........................36 Côectîve Measues ô Rebeîôus Epaîm (:5–7) .............39 A Cômpassîôn tat hwats Human ôgîc (:8–)..............4 Summay Assessment ......................................................................46
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