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Publié par
Date de parution
25 juin 2009
Nombre de lectures
This book contains abstracts of all contributions presented during the first Open Source Geospatial Research Symposium (OGRS) that was held in Nantes City, France, from July 8th to 10th, 2009.
Publié par
Date de parution
25 juin 2009
Nombre de lectures
OGRS 2009
Erwan Bocher - Olivier Ertz (Centrale Nantes Dir. Collec)
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75015 PARIS – France
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OGRS 2009
This symposium would not have been possible without the strong initial support, from IRSTV (Research Institute on Urban Sciences and Techniques), especially its Director Mr Hégron Gérard, from GeoPAL program, especially its headmaster Mr Rabu Dominique, and from IICT/SYSIN unit research, especially its headmaster Rappo Daniel (University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland). Moreover, we are particularly grateful to sponsors for their important support. A special thank is imperative for the organization committee, especially, Véronique Dom, Gwendall Petit, Laurie Rei, Annie Dubois, Jérome Freyre and Maxence Laurent, they did a great work !
We would like to express a strong word of appreciation to all review committee members for their active participation. Each contribution to OGRS2009 has been reviewed by three referees and revised at least once according their comments. Thus, we would like also to commend all authors for their high quality contributions that led the symposium to success. A success that has been strongly triggered by three great keynotes speakers, Mr Câmara Gilberto, Mr Neteler Markus, and Mr Steiniger Stefan, we would like to render many special thanks to them. Finally, authors would like to express thanks to Mr Chedmail Patrick, Director of the "Ecole Centrale de Nantes" who offered helpful facilities and support to host OGRS symposium.
Erwan Bocher
Olivier Ertz
July 2009
About authors
Erwan Bocher obtained a master degree in remote sensing and environmental planning in 2001. He worked then during 3 years in a French public authority on water resource management and protection. In 2005, he obtained a PhD in Geography at University of Rennes II. He is the leader of OrbisGIS project since 2006, an open source GIS, developed at IRSTV (Research Institute on Urban Sciences and Techniques). His research activities are focused on spatial analysis, geoknowledge sharing and simulation for sustainable development, especially in the urban context, based on Free Software GIS. He is teaching GIS in master degree's since 2001. He is founder member of the first French open source geospatial community (projet-sigle.org) and he has participated in several GIS communities like OpenJUMP and gvSIG.
Olivier Ertz holds two complementary professional master degrees which are required to become an expert in geoinformatics, one in computer science and one in Geographical Information Systems (GIS). He first gained experience by working for a French web agency when the Web evolved to dynamic content driven by Content Managment Systems (CMS). After which he joined the SYSIN team, a unit research from ICT institute at the University of Applied Sciences in Western Switzerland, within he has teaching and research activities in the field of what is today called the Geospatial Web. He co-leads the GeoSYSIN laboratory whose focus is the development of web-oriented technologies dedicated to the production and publication of cartographic content with compliance of W3C and OGC standards. He was an active member within the local committee for the organization of the first FOSS4G event that was held in Lausanne in 2006.
Software and tools in the geospatial field have strongly been growing for 20 years. They are pushed, at one side by the spreading of standards inside exchange platforms, and at the other side by territorial decision-makers having needs, especially towards sustainable development. Moreover, this situation has recently been reinforced thanks to the disposal of Geospatial Free and Open Source Software (GFOSS). History will most probably remember the first desktop GIS GRASS and its numerous scientific applications (landscape ecology, epidemiology, remote sensing, urban planning, 3D representations). In the middle of the 90s, the University of Minnesota has given birth to MapServer, the first Open Source platform for publishing geospatial data and interactive mapping applications to the web. With no doubt, GFOSS has created a new dynamic in the GIS field, largely promoted by FOSS4G events.
Many applications have there first bricks put together in the heart of research activities and surely this will be still the case in the future. In this context, the initial goal of the International Opensource Geospatial Research Symposium was to provide a large panel of the innovative works currently lead within research projects around the world. And, what makes such a symposium particular is the focus on open source works : a research and innovation symposium about free and open source geospatial methods and technologies. This symposium was held in Nantes City, France, from July 8th to 10th, 2009 and organized by IRTSV (Research Institute on Urban Sciences and Techniques), GeoPAL program and University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland.
Promoters of OGRS want to stand up for the idea that leading research project with open source in mind will help to better find solutions to manifold challenges our society is faced to, especially in the field of sustainable development. During the last few years, new communities including researchers, local authorities GIS administrators, companies and citizens have appeared. This evolution has given a new dynamic to the geomatic sphere towards finding solutions together by sharing knowledge and methods without starting with license constraints. Given this framework, OGRS represents a hub to network, share and develop ideas for future collaborative works between academic research activities and everyday operational activities (companies, local authorities ...). This book wants to be one revealer of what this platform provided in 2009.
IRSTV – Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la Ville
FR CNRS 2488
Ecole Centrale de Nantes
1 rue de la Nöe
44321 Nantes cedex 3
+33 (0)2 40 37 68 00
« Research Institute on Urban Sciences and Techniques », is a research federation founded by CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) and the Ministry of Research. IRSTV is located in Nantes (west coast of France) and gathers 16 laboratories of the Region of Pays-de-la-Loire. IRSTV develops interdisciplinary works on urban physical environments and investigates the interaction between environmental, social and economical dimensions in the framework of sustainable development. IRSTV leads researches on urban observation systems (urban remote sensing, multidisciplinary workshop site), environmental urban modelling (urban microclimatology, hydrology, urban soundscape, 4D urban GIS) and sustainable urban design and management.
The partners of the Institute are:
- Nantes School of Architecture;
- High schools of engineering: Ecole Centrale of Nantes, Ecole des Mines of Nantes;
- LCPC “Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées” (French Public Works Research Laboratory);
- Universities of Nantes, Rennes, Angers, Le Mans and La Rochelle ;
- CSTB “Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment” (State-owned industrial and commercial corporative).
Région des Pays de la Loire
Direction Environnement et Projets de Territoire
1, rue de la Loire
44 966 Nantes cedex 9
+33 (0)
GEOPAL: The regional geographic portal in Pays de la Loire (France)
The Regional council and the Prefecture of Pays-de-la-Loire have coped with the emergence of many initiatives for broadcasting and share of information. So, in order to come up to these issues, they decided to create a common portal for the individuals from the Pays-de-la-Loire private sector and to federate acts of the individuals from the public sector within the respect of everyone’s initiatives and the coherence with the national schemes.
GEOPAL contributes to the specification of a coherence framework which would be the same for the local initiatives. It targets all actors from the Pays-de-la-Loire public sector who want to work on the geographic information area – excluded commercial activities – as producer and/or spatial reference data user.
Avenue des Sports 20
CH-1401 Yverdon-les-Bains
+41 24 55 77570
The Institute for Information and Communication Technologies IICT is part of the School of Business and Engineering HEIG-VD which belongs to the Swiss University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HES-SO). The School of Business and Engineering Vaud HEIG-VD trains engineers and economists for theoretical as well as practical tasks, essential for technical professions and executive management. The Institute for Information and Communication Technologies has been given three missions: education at the Bachelor and Master levels, research and development with a strong emphasis on local industry support, and post-formation. The competences of the Institute span all over the area of communications, networking and computer sciences. Among them, SYSIN unit research is developing technologies for the production, processing, analysis, search, publication and diffusion of e-Content, especially for learning content, enterprise content and geographic content.
Ecole Centrale Nantes
1 rue de la Nöe
BP 92101
44321 Nantes cedex 3
+33 (0)2 40 37 16 00