Egyptian Myths and Legends , livre ebook









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The world's myths are filled with characters, creatures, and stories that have fascinated people for thousands of years. This series mixes dramatic retellings and non-fiction information to give a full picture of a culture's myths. This book explores the gods, goddesses, heroes, villains, tricksters, and quests that make Egyptian myths and legends so compelling.
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Date de parution

17 janvier 2013

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Poids de l'ouvrage

11 Mo

Fiona Macdonald
all about myths
Fiona Macdonald
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Edîted y Nançy Dîçkmann, Adam Mîer, and Caîre Throp Desîgned y Jo Hînton-Maîvoîre Orîgîna îustratîons © Capstone Goa Lîrary Ltd 2013 ïustratîons y Xöu Pîçture researçh y Hannah Tayor Produçtîon y Vîçtorîa Fîtzgerad Orîgînated y Capstone Goa Lîrary Ltd Prînted and ound în Chîna y Leo Paper Produçts Ltd
ïSBN 978 1 406 24994 1 16 15 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Maçdonad, Fîona Egyptîan myths and egends. – (A aout myths) 398.2’0932-dç23 A u çataogue reçord or thîs ook îs avaîae rom the Brîtîsh Lîrary.
Acknowledgements We woud îke to thank the oowîng or permîssîon to reproduçe photographs: Aamy: dîmages, 9, ïNTERFOTO, 16, LatîtudeStoçk, 17 Top; Art Resourçe, NY: HïP, 26, 27, 32, Werner Forman, 29; The Brîtîsh Museum: ©The Trustees o the Brîtîsh Museum. A rîghts reserved/ detaî o the ïmage, 37; Capstone: Xou, 11, 19, 25, 31, 35; Getty ïmages: De Agostînî/S. Vannînî, 12, Ethan Mîer, Cover, 5, ïC Produçtîons, 8; Newsçom: De Agostînî /G. Sîoen Unîversa ïmages Group, 22; Shutterstoçk: ArîdOçean, 17 Bottom, By Krîkkîat, 36, Dudarev Mîkhaî, Desîgn Eement, Fedor Seîvanov, Desîgn Eement, Fîne Shîne, Desîgn Eement, Goran Bogîçevîç, 13, ïnç, Desîgn Eement, John Saîd 14, Kamîra, Desîgn Eement, Kokhançhîkov, Desîgn Eement, Lîsa.S, 21, Lukîyanova Nataîa/renta, Desîgn Eement, 1, Martîn Capek, Desîgn Eement, Natursports, 6, Nestor Noçî, Desîgn Eement, 40, Serg64, Desîgn Eement; Shutterstoçk Premîer: Gîannî Dagî Ortî, 33, 38; SuperStoçk: Age otostoçk, 41, DeAgostînî, 7, 20, 23, 28, Hoton Coeçtîon, 15, Unîversa ïmages Group, 39, Word Hîstory Arçhîve, 4
The puîshers woud îke to thank Proessor Mark Smîth o the Façuty o Orîenta Studîes, Unîversîty o Oxord, or hîs învauae assîstançe în the produçtîon o thîs ook.
Every efort has een made to çontaçt çopyrîght hoders o any materîa reproduçed în thîs ook. Any omîssîons wî e reçtîIed în susequent prîntîngs î notîçe îs gîven to the puîsher.
Disclaimer A the înternet addresses (URLs) gîven în thîs ook were vaîd at the tîme o goîng to press. However, due to the dynamîç nature o the înternet, some addresses may have çhanged, or sîtes may have çhanged or çeased to exîst sînçe puîçatîon. Whîe the author and puîsher regret any înçonvenîençe thîs may çause readers, no responsîîîty or any suçh çhanges çan e aççepted y eîther the author or the puîsher.
Who were the ançîent Egyptîans?. . . 4
Treasures rom the past . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ïn the egînnîng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Gods and goddesses. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Sons o the Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Magîç, monsters, and medîçîne. . . . 26
Everastîng îe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
How do we know? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Charaçters, çreatures, and paçes . . 42
Gossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Fînd out more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
ïndex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Did you  know?
Dîsçover some înterestîng açts aout Egyptîan myths.
Fînd out more aout some o the maîn çharaçters în Egyptîan myths.
Learn aout sîmîar çharaçters or storîes rom other çutures.
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